Wonderfully Fit

Avoiding Negative Consequences of Vegan Eating

If you are considering a vegan diet you have no doubt heard about all of the benefits that the lifestyle offers. What is often overlooked is some of the potential consequences that can occur as well. While each family is likely to have a unique experience in their journey towards vegan happiness there are a few things that you can typically expect to occur. Learning what you can expect will allow you to properly plan ahead and ensure that your experience is positive.

Your first change is the lack of animal products. If you are not a major meat eater, this might not be huge for you. However, perhaps you are a huge fan of ice cream. This just became a serious no-no in your diet. Now you need to start looking for some alternative products that you can enjoy just as much. This might take some time but you should certainly look to specials and sales to help you save as much money as possible while still getting some new foods to try.


Additional complications are the lack of variety. Being able to choose among all of the foods in the world is a thrilling experience. However if you are eating vegan you are typically omitting a large number of dishes immediately from the choices available.

This is a rather frustrating experience for some people, but for others it can be a great chance to expand their taste for veggies. Look towards specific dishes that you know you like, or dishes that you are almost certain you will like in order to help smooth the transition. Once you have started expanding your tastes you can become a bit pickier but finding anything delicious possible to begin with is very helpful.

If you are used to having dairy products and do not think you can give them up you should begin looking for some suitable alternatives before you actually make the switch to vegan. This should include milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream and other dairy products that you might typically consume. Most dairy products offer a vegan appropriate option that you can choose, however not all versions taste the same. You should spend a bit of time trying several different brands until you find something that you really like.

Additional concerns should be working to decide what is most important to you as you begin making the transition to vegan. If you attempt to change everything at once you are just asking for trouble. Which aspect of veganism would you like to adopt first. Omitting meat? Perhaps choosing to eliminate all of the dairy products from your meals? Maybe you would even like to start searching for a healthy supply of fruits and vegetables. These are all suggestions of things you can do to start the process slowly so that you are able to successfully make the transition.

You should also come to terms with the fact that many people spend several months making the entire transition to vegan eating. This is quite common and is not something to be ashamed of at all. If you need additional time, you are not going to be considered a failure to vegan eating. You are working to build a new lifestyle, not simply drop a bit of weight so the slower you go the more likely you are to be truly successful.

Office Workout Tips | Wonderfully Fit

Easy Ways To Get Into A Healthy & Productive Work Mindset

You want to stay fit and live a healthier lifestyle. Since you spend a large chunk of your day at work, it’s important to make an effort to work in a way that’s both healthy and productive. There’s a lot you can do from packing your lunch, to hitting the gym on your lunch break and moving around more throughout your busy workday.

You start out with the best of intentions to change your work habits, but without the right motivation, it’s easy to slip back into old habits. That’s why working on mindset is just as important as proper diet and exercise. The good news is that everything you do to stay healthy and active throughout your workday will also help you stay more productive.


A healthy body and mind can work better, faster, and longer than one plagued by various aches and health issues. This is an important concept. When you take a few minutes out of your busy day to stretch, do some yoga, or go for a brisk walk in the fresh air, it’s not actually a waste of time. You’ll come back refreshed and ready to work with a clear mind. You’ll easily make up the time you spent taking care of yourself. Once you realize this, it becomes easier to allow yourself to take care of your body at work. That alone isn’t enough, though.

It’s easy to fall back into old habits and behavior patterns. Set yourself up for success with constant reminders. These could be email alerts that pop up on your phone reminding you to choose healthy food or go for a walk. Or it could be a vision board or inspirational picture that hangs over your desk. Post-it notes on your computer can also be helpful to remind you to move more. If you’re struggling with finding the time to workout during your busy day, set a few alarms throughout the day. Get up and do some sort of exercise anytime the alarm goes off.

Last but not least, build in some accountability and a way to track progress. This could be a co-worker becoming your workout buddy, or it could be as simple as keeping an activity and food journal. Knowing you have to tell someone about that donut or writing down that you didn’t go for a walk at lunch is often enough to help you make the right choice.