The Facts about Mixed Martial Arts

Have you seen the Ultimate Fighting Championship? If you have, then you already know why this sport uses mixed martial arts. For those who have no idea, here are some facts you should know about.

Mixed martial arts made its introduction in early 1990’s. Its growth was very slow at first and it was always both brutal and violent. In the years that followed, rules were set up which helped gain its popularity among the audience which enabled television channels to broadcast it in the airwaves.

mixed martial arts

Despite the rules, matches between two fighters are still violent. Some leave the ring with a broken arm or leg while others have cuts or bruises. The only good news is that no one has died yet in the ring unlike boxing. Just to give you an idea, there are at least 11 boxers who die every year.

The reason why you call it mixed martial arts is because a fighter for instance in judo challenges another fighter in another martial art discipline. The key to winning depends on your technique and your conditioning.

Mixed martial arts are now more popular than boxing or wrestling. In one show, it made $30 million and the company owned by the Fertita brothers is now worth $700 million.

The athletes who also participate in these matches get paid very well. One example is Diego Sanchez who was given $7,000 for a fight. If he won the match, he gets an additional $7,000. You could earn more depending on your skill. Top rated fighters can get $200,000 or even more for just one fight.

If you saw the Contender which featured Sylvester Stallone, Sugar Ray Leonard and a few up and coming boxers, a mixed martial arts version came out soon after. Here, amateur fighters are trained by professionals and compete in elimination matches until the last two standing fight for the title of the Ultimate Fighter.

Mixed martial arts has spread throughout the globe. They are called by different names as well. In Japan, it is called PRIDE. The ring and the rules may be different but its essence remains the same.

What you see is what you get when two fighters enter the ring. This means there is no script and everything you see is real. If a fighter goes down, it is because one fighter was better skilled then than the other.

Mixed martial arts is growing despite the fact that it was once banned in television by Senator McCain. Experts believe that it will peak in the next 15 to 20 years and who knows; this sport may one day be part of the Olympics.

But despite what you see on television, mixed martial arts is a great form of exercise and it also teaches you about self defense. This is very useful regardless of your age or gender because criminals attack when they think you are vulnerable.

As a result, a lot of gyms offer classes to their members. Other benefits of learning mixed martial arts include building your self confidence and making you strong both mentally and physically. Children can also learn it so they can defend themselves if ever someone at school decides to pick on them which is something that no parent wants their child to experience.



Calcium and Eating Healthy

Did you understand the importance of calcium in your diet before the widespread news of the effects of too little calcium was published? Probably not. Chances are you still don’t fully understand the effect of calcium on your digestive processes and the functioning of your heart.

Calcium is one of the essential elements that must be present during the metabolism of our food, and during the beating of your heart. Calcium deficiencies in these two areas are what helps lead to heart disease and osteoporosis. When you don’t take enough calcium in through your daily intake of food and vitamins, your body will draw on the calcium reserves in your bones in order to have enough to maintain body processes. This is why women, who are older, often develop osteoporosis, and don’t even begin to realize they are at risk. When the amount of calcium in your blood drops to a low level, the body will draw calcium out of the bones. This causes your bones to become more porous and brittle. This explains the rise in broken hips in older people, especially women.


In order to absorb calcium into our bones, we need the presence of estrogen and exercise. Both of these are in short supply during our later years, chiefly because your body doesn’t produce estrogen after menopause, and as we age, we lose the ability to exercise. Vitamin D is a backup to the estrogen and exercise problem, however, because Vitamin D does continue to help our body absorb Calcium. Hence, we have the addition of Calcium to milk, naturally high in Vitamin D.

If you have determined that you need supplemental Calcium, there are certain forms of calcium that are more easily digested. The best absorbed form of calcium comes in a pill in the form of calcium salt like carbonate or phosphate.

There is a further warning to some forms of calcium that are available on the market today Both the bone meal calcium and dolomite calcium have been found to contain toxic metals such as arsenic, mercury, lead, and cadmium. One additional piece of advice, if you’ve heard that antacids contain calcium that you can use as a supplement instead of vitamins, the information is correct. However, you’d have to take a handful of antacids and quite often they contain substances that disrupt the digestive process. The best advice to date is to purchase a good calcium carbonate or phosphate as a vitamin supplement and establish a regular habit of taking them first thing in the morning with breakfast.

If you have heart, kidney, liver disease, or high blood pressure, you should consult a physician before taking calcium supplements as the medicine you’re already taking may contain a built in supplement, or may cause a reaction when combined with calcium.

The recommended daily dosage for children is 800 milligrams of calcium each day. This level is fairly accurate for women until they reach the post-menopausal age and the level of estrogen production is reduced or eliminated. At that point, calcium intake should reach a level of 1500 milligrams per day; almost double that of pre-menopausal women.

Your Property Can Keep You Fit

People in our society are suffering from obesity and ill-health related to lack of exercise like never before. Sometimes it’s the habit of idleness, or the perceived expense of exercise. However, I can tell you that you don’t need a gym membership to keep fit! Your own property can furnish ways for you to improve your health! Your house offers many opportunities to exercise, especially if you’re engaged in renovating, moving in or out, or landscaping. By making a few small changes to your routine, you can get more out of your property than just an attractive living space; it can be your fitness center as well.

Yard maintenance furnishes many opportunities for exercise. Instead of getting the latest gas-powered lawn gadgets, look into non gas-powered ones. For instance, use a push mower instead of a gas-powered one. A gas-powered mower can add as much pollution to the atmosphere as a car and doesn’t burn as many calories. A 150 lb person pushing a non gas-powered mower burns approximately 400 calories an hour.

Landscaping is a huge calorie-burner. If you do as much as possible yourself, you will burn phenomenal amounts of energy lifting, carrying, digging, and placing. Gardening is mild exercise that pays off with health benefits. Don’t spray weed killer on weeds; get down there and pull them out yourself! You’ll burn about 250 calories an hour while you preserve the health of your environment and get rid of unwanted plants.

Household chores can be workouts in disguise. For those who find it agonizing to go through chores, here’s a suggestion: treat it like a workout. Allot yourself an hour or a half-hour. Now RUSH to get the household chores done. Carry the garbage out, get the laundry to the laundry room and vacuum the floor with energy. Lifting things to clean under them is another weight bearing exercise and don’t forget running up and down the stairs when you need something. Once your allotted time is up – STOP. Your workout is over… unless you’ve gotten into the groove and want to keep straightening things up! You might want to catch your breath, though!

Little projects around the house can cost less if you learn how to do them yourself. They also provide hidden ways of exercising. If you’re the one climbing the ladder to clear the gutter (don’t forget proper safety measures!), you’re the one reaping the benefit of the exercise. The same goes for painting, small repairs and rearranging the furniture. Raking and bagging leaves is excellent, as is shoveling snow.

Just spending more of your time physically maintaining your house and property will pay off, not just in the pleasure and equity of having an attractive home in good repair, but also in your personal fitness. In our present society, labor-saving devices are often not as labor-saving as they seem. You need to exercise and stay fit. Your home is a great place to start.