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5 Must-Have Foods to Aid Weight Loss

Choosing the right foods will help you lose weight faster and then keep it off. These foods help in a variety of ways to ensure that you will be able to lose weight. When put together along with an overall healthy diet, then these five foods will aid in weight loss.

Here are 5 must-have foods to aid weight loss:


1. Leafy Greens

There are a number of plants that fall under this category that all work the same way to help you lose weight. The best are spinach, kale, swiss chard, and collards. The first way they help you lose weight is by providing you with a number of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These work together to make sure your body is working the way it should.

The other way that these help you lose weight is because they are high in fiber. Fiber keeps your digestive system working the way it’s supposed to which helps you lose weight. It also makes you feel full for longer, which keeps you from eating too many snacks in between meals and can prevent you from eating too much as your next meal.

2. Whole Eggs

Contrary to what was believed for a while, the yolks of eggs are beneficial to people that want to lose weight. Recent studies have proven that whole eggs don’t increase cholesterol or increase your risk of heart attack. In fact, eating eggs will help you lose weight and are a vital part of low-carb diets since they are low in carbs but high in healthy fats and protein.

3. Cruciferous Vegetables

This family of vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. Like leafy greens, they are high in fiber but low in carbs. They also contain surprisingly high amounts of protein compared to other vegetables, making them an excellent choice for people who want to lose weight. Additionally, they have a number of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

4. Salmon

Salmon, along with other oily fish like trout, mackerel, herring, and sardines are excellent for losing weight. The first way they can help you lose weight is by providing you with a good amount of healthy fat. These will help keep you feeling full for longer, and also do a lot for different processes in your body, especially your brain.
Another way that salmon and other fatty fishes can help you lose weight is the amount of iodine they contain. Many people don’t get enough iodine from their diets which can lead to low thyroid function. Because the thyroid controls metabolism, it’s important to keep it running the way it’s supposed to if you’re going to lose weight.

5. Chicken

Along with other white and lean meats, chicken can help you lose weight. This is because of the amount of protein it contains. Protein is a vital part of weight loss because of how much a high-protein diet can contribute to weight loss. In fact, studies have shown that by getting between 25 and 30 percent of your calories from protein, you can lose up to a pound a week just by reducing cravings.

Why Losing Weight is Good

There is a great benefit acquired from losing weight. Though losing weight is not easy, the long term effects brought by it would probably be of help to anyone considering to shed those unwanted and unhealthy pounds.

The following are a few of the remarkable advantages from losing those excess weight..

Weight loss prevents high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke

That is a three in one benefit from losing weight. It is a fact that heart disease and stroke are one of the primary reasons for disability and death in both men and women in the US. People who are overweight have a higher risk to have high levels of cholesterol in their blood stream as well as triglycerides (also known as blood fat).

Angina, one type of heart disease, could cause chest pains as well as a decrease in the oxygen pumped to the heart.

Sudden death also occurs from heart disease and stroke, and usually this strikes with very little warning, signs and symptoms.

It is a fact that by decreasing your weight by a mere five to ten percent, this could positively decrease the chances of you having or developing heart disease or a stroke. Plus, how your heart functions would also improve as well as your blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride count will decrease.

Weight loss prevents type 2 diabetes

Diabetes puts in jeopardy one’s life as well as how one leads his or her life because of the complications that result from having it. Both types of diabetes, type one and type two are linked with being overweight. To those who already have diabetes, regular exercise and losing weight could help in controlling your blood sugar levels as well as the medication you may be currently taking. Increase your physical activity. You could simply walk, jog or dance. It helps get those blood streams moving as well as lose those unnecessary pounds.

Weight loss helps reduce your risk for cancer

Being overweight is linked with a number of kinds of cancer. Specially for women, the common types of cancer that is associated with being overweight include cancer of the uterus, gallbladder, ovary, breast, and colon. This is not meant to scare you, this is only to keep you informed. Men are at risk too from developing cancer if they are overweight. These include cancer of the colon, prostate and rectum. Extra weight, a diet high in fat and cholesterol should as much as possible be avoided.

Weight loss reduces sleep apnea

Or it could eliminate it all together. Sleep apnea is a condition wherein one could temporarily stop breathing for a brief period and then would continue to snore heavily. Sleep apnea could cause drowsiness or sleepiness during the day and – because of being overweight – could result in heart failure. Shedding those excess pounds could help in eliminating this problem.

Weight loss reduces the pain of osteoarthritis

When one weighs heavily, the joints of his or her knees, hips and lower back would have to exert double – if not triple – effort to carry him or her through out his / her waking, walking and moving life. This could cause tension and stress on these joints. Weight loss decreases the load these joints carry thus decreasing – if not eliminating – the pain of one who has osteoarthritis.

Amino Acid in Blood

Amino acids are known to be the building blocks of the body and play a vital role in the construction of proteins which is very essential for bodily functions. However, recent studies have shown that high amount of an amino acid called homocysteine in blood is a biomarker for cardiovascular diseases and age-macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness in senior citizens.

Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood which epidemiological studies have shown that too much homocystein amino acid in blood (plasma) is connected to a higher risk of strokes, peripheral vascular disease, and heart disease. Furthermore, evidence suggests that homocysteine may have an outcome on atherosclerosis through harming the inner lining of the arteries and promote blood clots.


High levels of homocysteine amino acid in blood are strongly manipulated by diet as well as genetic factors. Dietary components which have a big effect on lowering down homocysteine are vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid. Other B vitamins and folic acid helps in breaking down homocysteine in the body. Studies have shown that higher blood levels of B vitamins results partly to low concentrations of homocysteine. And low levels of folic acid are connected to higher risk of stroke and fatal coronary heart disease. Dietary foods that are high in folic acid include grain products fortified with folic acid and green leafy vegetables.

In the large study of the relationship of amino acids in blood and AMD researchers have measured the fasting plasma homocysteine levels of nine hundred thirty four individuals who participated in an ancillary study of Age-Related Eye Disease Study resulted to five hundred forty seven people with AMD.

This research which was conducted at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Devers Eye Institute in Portland, Ore, found that elevated homocysteine amino acid in blood may be another biomarker for the increased risk of AMD. Homocysteine amino acid in blood may be reduced by dietary intake of vitamins B12, B6, and folate; however further studies is needed between the relationship of this amino acid and AMD.

It was found out by researchers that middle values were higher among those people with advanced stages of AMD than those people without AMD, controlling for age, and other factors. More findings add that there may be overlapping disease mechanisms between AMD and cardiovascular diseases.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the principal cause of blindness and irreversible visual impairment among persons aged sixty years old and older. With the population of elderly people steadily growing, the number related to this loss of visual function will increase. The treatment for this still remains to be limited and prevention still remains to be the best approach for tackling this public health concern.

Tips for Designing a High Calorie Diet to Build Muscle

Adding weight that is all or mostly muscle can be a tricky thing if you aren’t too sure how to approach it. We’ll just assume that most people know that to add weight to your frame you are going to need to consume more calories and to lose weight you need to consume less calories, but the process of adding muscle weight is just a tiny bit more complex than that simple equation.

When people are trying to drop pounds, they often look to eliminate empty calorie foods that are high in fats – desserts, cookies, whole milk, fried foods, etc., so a simple assumption would be to gain weight by adding these things to your diet. Well you could gain all of the weight that you wanted by wolfing down bags of cookies and buckets of fried chicken, but it’s not going to be the type of weight gain that you are looking for.


It isn’t really as difficult as it sounds, but too many people stop listening after they hear “eat more food,” and end up eating too much of the wrong things.

So what do you do when you are attempting to pile on muscle mass?

If you’ve been on the standard diet consisting of three meals, it’s time to start stepping up your numbers. You want to consume anywhere from four to six moderately sized meals a day. Don’t get too excited, I’m not suggesting that you sit down to six steak dinners a day, there are some very simple ways to get the extra calories and protein that you’ll need to help your muscles grow.

Restructure your three normal meals so that each one contains a good lean source of protein if it hadn’t already – your breakfast could be built around eggs, lunch could be chicken breast and dinner could focus on fish – that will most likely add some of the necessary protein without having to do any extra work at all. For the three additional meals you can keep it super simple: a meal could consist of cottage cheese and some fruit, your favorite yogurt and a couple handfuls of trail mix or if you could even have a couple peanut butter sandwiches.

Protein drinks and meal replacement shakes are also excellent ways to tack on extra high quality calories. Many people don’t like to eat right before bed because it can disrupt their sleep pattern, which can also affect the rate of recovery – a great way to combat this is by drinking a protein shake shortly before you turn in. The shake shouldn’t overload your stomach or make you feel like you’ve just eaten a full meal before laying down, but it will provide just as many calories and, chances are, even more protein than a small meal. There are even some people that drink a shake before bed, then set their alarm clocks for about half way through the night to get up and have another shake before going back to sleep.

And just because you’ve upped your meal anti to five or six a day, that doesn’t mean that you should necessarily cut out the snacks. A glass of milk and a handful of mixed nuts will add even more protein, vitamins and essential fats as will carrot or celery sticks with peanut butter or a few hard boiled eggs.

The simple fact is, no matter what your body type, even if you see yourself as a so called “hard gainer” – If you approach your training intelligently, always using proper form and high intensity; allow your body plenty of time for recovery, and increase your calorie intake with good lean sources of protein while maintaining a well balanced diet, your muscles will grow.

5 Tips To Losing Weight While Keeping Your Sanity

Losing weight is the goal of many individuals worldwide however there is no simple way to drop the pounds like taking a pill or simply wishing them away. Unfortunately, losing weight takes determination and commitment to a healthy diet and exercise plan and even then it takes longer than we would like to drop those extra pounds.

So, what can you do to lose weight and keep your sanity? The following five tips should help you out.


Tip #1 Lower Your Expectations

If you begin an exercise or diet plan, or both, and have heard you will lose incredible amounts of weight in no time at all and then it doesn’t happen then you feel let down and won’t have the same dedication to carry on and your diet fails miserably. However, if you are more realistic to begin with and realize that most people lose 1-2 pounds per week on a healthy exercise and diet plan then you will be better informed and can expect these types of results ahead of time rather than being disappointed.

Tip #2 Don’t Tell Everyone You are Dieting

When people first start diets they tell everyone they are dieting and their great weight loss plans. However, this can frequently work against you because people will talk and judge your weight loss progress and make you feel uncomfortable, especially if you eat something others don’t believe is part of your diet plan. This will give you a complex, so simply start your diet, inform close family and friends for support, and keep your dieting to yourself and you won’t go crazy.

Tip #3 Don’t Eliminate a Food Group

Many times when you eliminate a complete food group from your diet you feel as if you are really sacrificing too much and you will simply lose your sanity and your diet will fail. On the other hand, if you eat a well balanced diet and allow yourself little treats along the way you will lose weight and keep your sanity as well.

Tip #4 Household Support

When you start a diet you need to make sure the entire household will support you in your efforts. If you are not eating sugar yet your spouse continues to come home with cookies, ice cream, and doughnuts then you will have a hard time sticking to the diet and you won’t feel much support, either, which will drive you crazy. So, make sure your entire family is ready to support you and if they choose to eat unhealthy to do it away from the home.

Tip #5 Work Out

Losing weight takes a lot of time, which can really test your sanity. However, if you include a work out routine with your diet then you will see a much quicker weight loss, have more energy, sleep better, and simply feel better about yourself. This will help you keep your sanity and stay true to your weight loss plan.
When you follow these five tips you will be able to keep your sanity while staying on your diet and exercise plan better than if you give it a try all on your own.

3 Biggest Benefits of Strength Training

Strength training is exercise that uses resistance to strengthen and condition the musculo-skeletal system, improving muscle tone and endurance. “Strength training” is used as a general term synonymous with other common terms: “weightlifting” and “resistance training.”

Physiologically, the benefits of consistent strength training include an increase in muscle size and tone, increased muscular strength, and increases in tendon, bone, and ligament strength. Lifting weights has also been shown to improve psychological health as well, by increasing self-esteem, confidence and self-worth.

strength training

Improved Physical Appearance and Performance

One important result of strength training is increased physical performance. Muscles quite literally utilize energy to produce movement, functioning as the engine or powerhouse of the body. Strength training increases the muscles’ size, strength, and endurance, which contribute to improvements in our work, favorite sports hobbies, and our general day-to-day activities.

Another benefit of a good strength-training program is its effect on our overall appearance and body composition. Which can directly influence self-esteem, self-worth, and level of confidence. Take, for example, a 170-pound man who has 20 percent body fat; 34 pounds of fat weight and 136 pounds of lean body weight (muscle, bones, organs, water, etc). By beginning an effective strength training program, he replaces five pounds of fat with five pounds of muscle. He still weighs 170 pounds, but he is now 17 percent fat with 29 pounds of fat weight and 141 pounds of lean body weight. Although his body weight remains the same, his strength, muscle tone, and metabolism have improved, giving him a fit appearance.

Both our physical appearance and our physical performance can be improved by muscle gain or hampered by muscle loss. Research indicates that unless we strength train regularly; we lose about one-half pound of muscle every year of our lives after age 30. Unless we implement a safe and effective weight lifting program, our muscles gradually decrease in size and strength in the process called “atrophy.”

Lifting weights is therefore important for preventing the muscle loss that normally accompanies the aging process. A common misconception is that as we reach the age of senior citizens, it is normal to stop being active and to start using ambulatory aides like canes and wheelchairs. Many people think we have no choice; they think this is normal.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth. There is absolutely no reason why all of us can’t be physically, mentally, socially, and sexually active, living a healthy vibrant life until our last day on Earth! The reason many elderly people rely on ambulatory aides and become slower and fatter is simply that over the years their muscles have been wasting away, so their physical performance and metabolism also decrease, becoming less efficient.

Increased Metabolic Efficiency (your ability to burn excess calories)

That one-half pound of muscle loss every year after age 30 produces a one-half percent reduction in basal metabolic rate (BMR) every year. A reduction in BMR means that our bodies are less able to use the food we consume as energy, thus more gets stored as body fat. “Basal metabolic rate” refers to the energy used by our body at rest to maintain normal body functions.

Our muscles have high-energy requirements. Even when we are sleeping, our muscles use more than 25% of our energy (calories). When you implement the principles of effective strength training and you are consistent in your program, you will achieve an increase in lean muscle mass throughout your body and increase your BMR. In other words, you can actually condition your metabolism to work better and more efficiently even when you are at rest.

An increase in muscle tissue causes an increase in metabolic rate, and a decrease in muscle tissue causes a decrease in metabolic rate. You can see that anyone interested in decreasing body fat percentage and their risk of disease as well as in increasing physical performance and appearance, should be strength training to help condition their metabolism (BMR).

One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting a weight-management program is not including a strength training routine with their cardiovascular exercise and low-fat eating regimen. This is unfortunate because when we cut calories without exercise, we can lose muscle as well as fat.

Decreased Risk of Sustaining an Injury

Our muscles also function as shock absorbers and serve as important balancing agents throughout our body. Well-conditioned muscles help to lessen the repetitive landing forces in weight-bearing activities such as jogging or playing basketball. Well-balanced muscles reduce the risk of injuries that result when a muscle is weaker than its opposing muscle group.

To reduce the risk of unbalanced muscle development, you should make sure that when you are training a specific muscle group, the opposing muscle groups are being trained as well (though not necessarily on the same day). For example, if you are doing bench-pressing exercises for your chest, you should include some rowing exercises for your back muscles as well.

By now you have probably realized that weightlifting should be an important part of your exercise routine. Weightlifting provides many important benefits that cannot be achieved by any other exercise or activity. When you begin achieving great results, the excitement and fun you experience will make the change well worth the effort. Good luck; I hope you enjoy all the wonderful benefits of an effective strength training program.

Simple Ways To Stay Fit

Some people imagine that exercising or staying fit has to be this complicated and elaborate routine. That is far from the truth because you can stay fit in many simple ways. The most important thing is to burn excess body
fat and exercise your muscles.

These are some of the simple ways in which you can keep yourself fit and healthy without spending too much time or resources.


Morning runs

This is an ideal way to burn body fat and keep yourself fit. Morning runs are very refreshing and help to
improve brain functions. At this time the weather is also very favorable which means that you’ll not
spend a lot of time burning in the sun. Human traffic is also at a minimum making it easier to navigate
the streets and sidewalks. Get your trainers on and run for some minutes very early in the morning
before you begin your day’s activities. You’ll find yourself very active for the rest of the day with your
mood greatly improved since running triggers the release of dopamine which is essential for happy


If you can’t run, jogging is a great alternative. You’ll still sweat and burn calories while improving the
functioning of your body organs such as the heart and brain. It improves the flow of blood to the rest of
the body and makes you fit and healthy. You can accomplish just as much as the person running through
jogging. This exercise is simple and not strenuous which means that even people who are advanced in
age can participate in it. Fitness trackers can monitor your progress by relaying information about your
heart rate and the distance covered. You can then use such data to evaluate yourself.

Nature walks

Walking helps you to burn calories and strengthen your leg muscles. You can trek or walk up a
mountainous region, or just follow a nature trail and admire the natural environment. This can help you
clear your mind, obtain better perspectives when it comes to making important decisions and keep your
body fit. Some people assume that walking is not really exercising but the fact remains that it is a great
way to burn calories. That’s the reason why people who use their cars quite often are more likely to be
overweight and unfit compared to those who walk every now and then.


Have you ever wondered why most dancers generally have a lean physique? The reason is that dancing
makes you sweat and burn calories, in the process you get rid of excess body fat and keep fit. You don’t
have to go to the gym to get a flat tummy, you can achieve that goal in a fun and exciting way through
dancing. In fact, this type of exercise is the most ideal for someone who doesn’t have much time to
engage in outdoor fitness programs like running or jogging.

How to Stay Motivated and Achieve your Fitness Goals

Success mostly comes through hard work and determination. A lot of people begin fitness programs and then fall off mid-way through the journey. Even with a fitness tracker that monitors your progress, it is difficult to realize your goals if your are not prepared to go the whole distance. How can you stay motivated and maintain a robust exercise routine?

This is the question that a lot of people grapple with when they start exercising and realize that it is not some walk in the park. Results will only come through consistent hard work. These are some of the ways in which you can stick to your fitness goals in order to achieve any meaningful results.


Set Fitness goals that mean something

Why do you want to keep fit? Do you want to have the ability to choose your clothes from a huge selection? Is it because you want to have the strength to play with your kids? Establish a fitness goal that actually means something to you and work towards achieving it. Some people simply want to stay healthy for their loved ones. What matters most is that you set goals that have great meaning in your life. This will help you push yourself even when the going gets tough.

Have a source of motivation

You can be motivated to exercise by the possible end results. Think of how much your life will change for the better when you stay fit. Use this to push yourself in order to achieve meaningful results. Your source of motivation can also be your fitness goals. What is it that offers you encouragement or makes you want to succeed whenever you feel like giving up on your fitness regimen? Answering that question will help you stay focused and achieve your fitness goals.

Consequences of not exercising

What are the consequences of not exercising? Think of all the health complications that may arise as a result of not living a healthy lifestyle. The concern for your health should be enough to help you maintain fidelity to your fitness routine. There are many health complications that come with staying unfit and that should be enough to make you want to exercise.

Find a support group

Having a strong support system is very important in your quest to exercise on a regular basis. Your family members, colleagues and friends can provide a strong support network that would come in handy when you feel like giving up or deviating from your set goals and objectives. Lean on them for support and find the strength and motivation to carry on. Training in a group and competing against one another can also give you a strong support network.

These are some of the ways in which you can stay focused and maintain a regular fitness program. It’s never easy to exercise, quite honestly most people hate it but the benefits of staying fit are many and very important. With time it becomes fun and a normal part of your every day life. Living a healthy life is very fulfilling and joyous.

Benefits of Using Fitness Trackers

There is no doubt whatsoever that inactivity can lead to a lot of health related issues. Fitness trackers
monitor your level of activity and display the information on your smartphone. You not only have to stay
fit but also track your progress as you go about your fitness regimens to see whether you are on course
or you need to push yourself further.

Fitness trackers are smart devices that are highly functional and will help you keep healthy while staying true to your fitness goals. What are some of the benefits of having these devices?

Monitoring your progress

This is the most basic function of these devices because they can greatly help you to keep track of your
fitness goals. They monitor your general physical activity, heartbeat rate and other factors like quality of
sleep. If you like to jog, or even run in order to lose weight, you can check your progress and determine
whether your are making gains or lagging behind. The trackers have a smart way of displaying
information which is very much beneficial to you. It’s always hard to gauge yourself but with trackers
you can self-evaluate quite easily.


By knowing how further away you are from realizing your goals, you can be motivated to work even
harder to achieve them. Some employers are also using the fitness trackers to motivate staff to keep fit.
They set targets and reward those that achieve them. It’s always great to exercise when you have
people pushing or competing against you. The device allows you to see how much progress you are
making which can be quite encouraging. There are many psychological advantages to this, the most
significant being that people are generally motivated to work harder when there is some progress made.

Ability to personalize your exercises

Fitness trackers allow you to set your own goals. They are connected to your smartphones and tablets
which means that you can very much personalize their functionality. There are people who hate going to
the gym because it makes them uncomfortable. These devices can act as substitutes to gym instructors
and help you keep track of your fitness exercises. You can monitor your progress and make the
necessary adjustments if need be.

An up to date weight loss tool

Most people join fitness activities primarily to lose weight and fitness trackers use forward technology to
help you achieve your weight-loss goals. You can check your heartbeat rate and see whether you are on
course by using the monitoring tools that measure your activity levels.

Great fashion pieces

This is not a health benefit but still nonetheless a benefit that comes with fitness trackers. They are
sometimes worn as digital watches and can be very ideal pieces of fashion accessories. They come in
different sizes, colors and shapes and you can therefore make your pick based on what will compliment
your personal style.

Why is it important to keep fit?

It is very important to keep fit and stay healthy. A lot of people fail to acknowledge the numerous
benefits of exercise routines and only begin to do so when health complications arise.

Why then is it important to stay fit?

Burning of excess fat

Regular exercises will help you burn excess body fat and keep your body lean. There are many health
complications associated with having too much body fat. Heart diseases that are often very fatal are
mostly as a result of excess body fat. The fats can clog arteries and overwork the heart which can then
result into a lot of health complications. Stroke and heart attack are just some of the health risks that
arise as a result of excess body fat.

Great physique

A lot of overweight people struggle with issues of body image yet they are not willing to do anything
about it. Sometimes you see very nice clothes and you can’t fit into them because of your body size.
Fitness exercises will help you develop a great physique by shedding excess fat and gaining a great body.
Exercising will help you get rid of cellulite and have a flat tummy. Weightlifting, a part of fitness exercise
routines, is ideal for gaining muscles and molding a great body.

Mental strength

Exercising keeps you sharp and alert at all times. It’s very ideal for developing your mental strength and
increasing your level of awareness. Keeping your body active also improves the functioning of the brain.
There is a reason why most athletes are usually happy. Exercising improves clarity of mind and through
the release of dopamine, it changes your mood for the better. Maybe the reason why you stay grumpy
all the time is due to lack of exercise. Run around the blocks each morning, jog or lift weights and see
how much good it does to your mind.

Building of physical strength

Fitness exercises are ideal for strength building. Regular exercise routines will build body muscles and
improve your physical strength. They are also important in strengthening your back for good postures.
People generally become less active as they grow older. This can be a very big challenge especially when
you have small kids that expect you to play with them. Fitness routines will help you gain the much
needed strength and agility to keep up with the youthful exuberance of your children. Exercising also
slows down the aging process by tightening your skin and increasing your body’s metabolic rate.

These are just some of the benefits of having a robust fitness routine. A lot of people ignore them only
to start developing lifestyle diseases later in life. Exercising is very important and some of the
consequences of not engaging in fitness routines are catastrophic. How can you drive yourself to
exercise and maintain a disciplined fitness schedule?

Having fitness goals that actually mean something to you will help you develop a disciplined fitness routine and achieve your desired result. Using fitness trackers, you can monitor your general physical activity and evaluate your progress.