Losing Weight | Wonderfully Fit

What’s the best diet to lose weight?

Weight loss is simple, in all honesty it is just basic math, simply eat less than what you burn throughout the day each day and know that certain foods help more than others. These foods help make you feel full for a longer amount of time and on less food at that and it can help to get rid of cravings that you are having.

Nine foods that you should always have in your pantry that you need to start eating more of to lose weight are mentioned below, some of which can even kick your metabolism into overdrive which is a really good thing.


You want to have beans; they are cheap to get and you can do a lot with them. They are very filling and have a high amount of protein as well as fiber which makes you feel fuller for longer. You will also want to have some soup, soup that is broth based is the best and if you start a meal out eating a cup of soup then you will end up eating less of the meal just keep in mind that the soup you choose should be about one hundred to one hundred and fifty calories.

Having some dark chocolate is good as well, eat a square or two at a time and do so in between meals, studies show that those who eat dark chocolate are less likely to eat more food later on or at least not as much food as those who did not eat any dark chocolate at all.

Vegetables that are pureed come in handy, think of them as a cheat sheet to healthy eating. You can take pureed vegetables and make a lot with them like new sauces, mix it into pasta, a casserole and so much more; such a great way to get a bunch of healthy vegetables into one low calorie meal. Sausage and eggs as a breakfast in the morning is one of the best ways that you can start out your days because it is so rich in protein.

This will make you not crave as many snacks later on. Nuts are the sixth food you should have in your kitchen to snack on because they are so healthy in the first place but there are tons of studies that prove if you eat nuts as a snack like a small handful of peanuts or almonds then you will automatically eat a lot less at a meal later on.

The seventh food to help you lose weight in a healthy manner are apples, raw fruits are always better to choose because they have more fiber and are as natural as it gets and when you are chewing it will send signals to your brain letting your stomach think you are eating something worthy or large in size.

Yogurt and grapefruit are the last two you should worry about; yogurt helps with the waistline the most and grapefruits either as a whole fruit or in juice form can help you lose about three and a half pounds for every twelve weeks if you consume half of a grapefruit before each meal. Grapefruits are also very healthy and helpful with weight loss for people who have diabetes.