Types of Amino Acids
A reputable addendum in connection with nutrition satisfies a diet that benefits in sustaining human beings. It forms the muscles that enable one to build in a single day sans the dilemmas of excess fats and cholesterol without straining the digestion system.
The essential building blocks of protein can only be obtained through foods such as fish, poultry, vegetables and other sources. It can also be taken from supplements that come in several types of amino acids. There are those that range from single or combination of free form, peptide bonded or branched chain.
Branched- Chain
Comprising L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine, branched- chain are contained in proteins of all life forms. This is one of the types of amino acids wherein its dietary sources are mainly obtained from meats and vegetables.
Better known as BCAA’s or branched- chain amino acids, it was created by some neurological research community. There was then a pilot study that designated that amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients demonstrated improvement when given big doses of BCAA’s. It was then concluded that branched- chain amino acids may safeguard against nueronal damage from nueroexcitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. However, most of the follow- ups came out negative and even indicated that it can increase mortality with those who have ALS.
It sometimes used in parental and enteral feedings in the management of hepatic encephalopathy. It is most of the time utilized in the nursing of major burns and severe trauma because of its possible anticatabolic action.
Peptide- Bonded
Referring to certain dipetides that are utilized in total parental nutrition (TPN), peptide bonded amino acids are delivery forms of L- glutamine. This is one of the types of amino acids where it also indicates to those that are found in some supplements specifically those marketed as fitness products.
L- glutamine in PBAA’s is an ordinary kind featured in metabolic stress conditions such as infection, cancer, trauma, sepsis and burns. The response to those states is characterized by catabolism balance and negative nitrogen. With those, L- glutamine is normally produced mainly in the skeletal muscles in ample quantities to complete physiological requirements. L- glutamine then becomes an essential protein block- builder and must be provided to the body to avoid breakdown of muscle tissues, immune dysfunction and compromise of gut mucosal barrier function.
Free- Form
One of the types of amino acids that are not bound to any other, free- form refers to the facts that they are independent from one another. Studies showed that there have been plenty of companies that have advertised FFAA’s are the purest active source of protein block- builders that can be purchased in the market. This is however, not true at all instances.
Free- form amino acids are also not immediately absorbed in the small intestines as compared to branded- chain and peptide- bonded. It should only be reserved for use in activities such as workout.