Unexpected Ways Yoga Can Build Your Career
While we talk about how yoga improves productivity and focus, it does way more than that. Many people say it changes their lives, building their self-confidence to pursue their dreams and find serenity they never knew was possible. These changes offer amazing self-development options, but also ways to build your career in ways you hadn’t expected.
Clearly, yoga is about much more than a workout routine. It’s about bringing mind and body together to work in harmony, and what we learn about ourselves when practicing yoga can be used to build a career we love.
Yoga Helps You Deal with Stressful Situations
When you become more aware of the way your mind and body work together, you more quickly and easily notice when a stressor is triggering you. With this understanding, you can deal with the stress sooner rather than later so that it doesn’t build up, causing you to react in ways that aren’t beneficial to anyone.
Yoga also gives you the tools to help you work through stressful situations, no matter what they are. You understand that you can choose to be calm by utilizing yoga meditations and breathing when things get tense.
Yoga Teaches You to Surrender to What Is
Usually, our natural reaction to things we don’t like is to fight it. We lash out or complain and make ourselves miserable. Much of what happens to us in our daily lives can’t be fixed or changed, at least by us. Yoga helps you discover the peace within that you can choose rather than rallying against the impossible. Deadlock work traffic, impossible deadlines, timewasting meetings.
These things are irritating, but they need not be as stressful as we make them out to be. By tapping into our inner stillness, that yoga demonstrates that we each have, we can surrender to the way things are and still be content and happy.
Teaches you to be Okay with Your Limitations
Our society teaches us to struggle and strive to be perfect in every way. Anything else is complete and utter failure. Yoga proves this ingrained belief fruitless and ridiculous. In yoga class, no one can do every pose perfectly from the get-go. Even long-time instructors will admit to having certain poses that don’t come easily to them.
Yoga encourages us to be content right where we are and to be gentle with ourselves as we continue to improve on all aspects of our lives, including work duties. Yoga shows us that there is no need for struggle, but that by being compassionate and patient with ourselves, we can do amazing things.