8 Elderly Nutrition Tips for Long Beach Seniors

Elderly nutrition is obviously an important part of a senior s overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, proper elderly nutrition in Long Beach is often overlooked when you consider all of the issues seniors face on a daily basis. Regular activities become more difficult, medication must be taken at specific times, and the home must be made safe.

But what about elderly nutrition? Just like the rest of us, seniors need to eat right to stay healthy. Like anything else, a healthy diet can become more difficult as we age.

Elderly nutrition

Follow these tips for Long Beach seniors to ensure your loved ones maintain a healthy diet:

  1. Eat meals with high nutritional values: Elderly nutrition begins with eating the right amount of vitamins and minerals. Since many seniors experience a decrease in appetite as they age, it s important for their smaller meals to be high in nutrients and calories. The best food includes fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, and meat and dairy products that are high in protein.
  2. Sensible snacking: If your loved one won t eat three full meals a day, another smart strategy is to encourage them to have several small snacks throughout the day that are rich with nutrients. Again, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, which are high in Vitamins E and B12, calcium, and zinc.
  3. Add additional flavors: If your loved one s sense of taste is also on the decline, adding dressings, sauces, spices, and herbs to their food can provide that much-needed boost to their appetite. Another way to stimulate the appetite is to have a variety of a small amount of food at each meal.
  4. Avoid eating alone: Mealtime can be depressing when you have to eat alone, so whenever possible try to have your loved one eat with someone. Whether it s a family member or a homecare services professional, many seniors are more likely to eat more and have better elderly nutrition when they eat with someone rather than eating alone.
  5. Get groceries with them: If you re not available, hire a homecare services company in Long Beach to go to the store with them. This is a fool-proof way to make sure your loved ones are buying the right foods to maintain good nutrition.
  6. Watch for dental issues: It s difficult to expect the elderly to focus on nutrition if they re having problems chewing food. Ask if they have any pain when eating, and have them visit the dentist regularly to make sure their dentures fit right and they don t have any cavities.
  7. Seniors who live alone should keep plenty of non-perishable foods in the home. Unless they have a homecare services company managing their care, health problems or bad weather can make it difficult to go to the grocery store.
  8. Provide reminders: Don t let a poor memory get in the way of good elderly nutrition. Make sure your loved ones stay on a regular eating schedule, and provide visual reminders where they spend the most time.

Elderly nutrition is a serious health concern among many seniors. It can make a huge difference in their quality of life, as well as add stability to their daily routines.