The Down Side of Supplements In Body Building
Many people take dietary supplements to help them stay healthy, but many bodybuilders abuse supplements, in an effort to get bigger muscles faster. The most commonly abused drug among bodybuilders is the anabolic steroid. While its true you may see results in less time than a natural bodybuilder, the disadvantages of using steroids greatly outweigh the benefits.
The first thing you should know about steroids, is they are illegal. You also need to know that competitive bodybuilders often have to undergo drug tests before they will be allowed to enter an event. If you get caught with steroids, it can ruin your reputation both in and out of the bodybuilding world. The negative side effects of steroids are not only the legal aspects. Using steroids can do some serious damage to your body, as well as your overall health.
Even though men and women may react differently to steroids, they both face the same types of dangers. For example, steroids will cause a man’s testicles to shrink, sperm count to drop, have a deeper voice, hair loss, and make him develop breasts. Women too will experience deepened voices and hair loss, as well as enlargement of the clitoris, and increased growth of facial hair. In teenagers, who have not yet finished growing, it will stunt their growth.
If these side effects haven’t put a scare into you yet, continue reading. It can get much worse. For one thing, steroids can damage your liver by causing you to develop jaundice; a disease with flu-like symptoms that turns your skin yellow. Steroids have also been known to cause cancer and liver tumors. Perhaps the worst side effect is the one that affects the heart.
Using steroids can cause enlargement of the heart, as well as hardening of the arteries, both health issues are precursors to heart disease, and in the end heart failure. People who abuse these supplements have also been known to develop skin spots, acne, trembling, and uncontrollable anger that makes user become physically violent.
Truth be told, steroids are only useful if you are a dedicated bodybuilder already, so you won’t gain any muscle mass simply by popping pills or injecting yourself. Steroids help your muscles recover from training, so while most body builders need at least 48 hours between sessions to see results, users are ready to train again in a few hours.
Therefore, users can build muscles faster.
You must keep in mind, just because things happen faster, does not always mean its better. There are some bodybuilders who are pushing for steroids to be legal when used responsibly, but professionals generally agree that abusing steroids will result in an untimely death.
It is not necessary to use steroids to achieve the kind of body, bodybuilders admire. Healthy professional bodybuilders state that there are good training principals, which include the importance of having a nutrient-rich diet, along with the proper rest. Having both nutrition and rest will create a body others will envy.