Kettlebell Use Offers Impressive Benefits For Users
Kettlebell training offers additional richness to an exercise program. A kettlebell is an exercise tool that resembles a bowling ball with a handle. Made of cast-iron, kettlebells come in a variety of weight options, from 8 pounds to 105 pounds. Historically, evidence of kettlebell use in Ancient Greece has been found. Since the early 1700s, Russian athletes have developed kettlebell use. Beginning in the late 1990s, kettlebell use has become more popular in the West.
Beginning users may find the movements involved to be awkward and difficult, but with proper training and practice, kettlebell use offers many benefits including cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training. Kettlebell training typically includes a series of many repetitions of movements. Exercises may include the typical movements involved with barbells and other conventional weights.
Additionally, movements specific to kettlebells include snatches, wings, cleans, and jerks. During these movements, several muscle groups come into play. This combination improves strength and cardiovascular strength simultaneously.
Research shows that a twenty minutes workout with a kettlebell burns the same amount of calories as a person who runs a 6 minute mile. This level of calorie burn indicates a high level of cardiovascular exercise. Users of kettlebells also improve flexibility. They typically see improvement in mobility and range of motion. Core strength is also improved. The combination of all three aspects of exercise combined into one activity is unusual and speaks to a high level of efficiency for the programs using a kettlebell.
While kettlebell training is a highly efficient workout, it also provides benefits that make it more likely to be a consistently used program. The kettlebell is a single, compact tool that can be stored in a variety of convenient places. Workouts can be performed anywhere without the cost of a gym membership. Travelers can carry their kettlebells, making it less likely to miss workouts. Kettlebell workouts typically take less time because of the efficiency of movements. Users benefit by being able to workout when they choose for a shorter period of time.
In addition to time management benefits, the workouts with kettlebells are stimulating compared to conventional workouts. Users are not as likely to be bored and give up. The exercises require focus. The routines inspire a feeling of success that can not be gained on a treadmill. Kettlebell users experience efficient exercises, efficient use of time, and stimulating workouts.
Finally, kettlebell workouts are relevant. The movements within the workouts lend themselves to real life. For example, carrying groceries, picking up children, performing chores, and various other daily activities can be seen within the movements of kettlebell exercises. The workouts strengthen the core as well as other muscle groups that are needed in life.
This relevance makes the exercise mean more and inspires consistent use. The use of a kettlebell becomes a lifestyle, not just an exercise. Considering the many benefits of kettlebell use, it is no wonder that the tool is gaining popularity. Any tool that includes all three aspects of exercise in one workout, can be stored and used anywhere, banishes boredom, and relates to real-life needs is sure to become a staple within the exercise world.