Top 8 Reasons for Personal Training
Life can be chaotic and out of control and people use that as an excuse not to train but that is actually a huge reason for fitness training.
Training can change your whole perspective and actually save your life without you even knowing it… even if you are not directly at risk of any illness or disease in particular.
In the long run personal training will save you massive amounts of money. People look at personal training as an expense. The reality is that it will end up saving you thousands of $$$ on insurance, hospital and doctor bills as well as expensive medications. We are an instant gratification society and it is hard for us to look that far into the future, but it is now a proven fact that personal training will save you massive piles of hard cold $CASH$ in the future. So spend a couple hundred a month now and save $10-20K later.
Also, people may go to the gym for a couple hours a week and cause undetected damage called microtrauma (small unnoticeable injuries). Continuously doing “the wrong thing” and causing these microtraumas that build up over time, often times leads to a serious injury – all due to improper training – which again can cost you thousands of dollars in surgeries and physical therapy. Also, what price can you put on spending many more healthy years with your family?
2. Time
If you are training properly you can save yourself massive amounts of time, and time is money (which goes right back to #1). If you are working with a personal trainer who knows physiology and anatomy and the right combination of exercise at the right time, then you can limit training to 2-3 hours a week and see amazing results. Whereas many people might go to the gym for hours and never see any results.
3. Productivity
We have energy systems in our body and if you train properly you can build those energy systems in a way that makes you 20% more productive. In combination with eating the right food, the energy can build and build. When you’re more productive you can do more and have more positive energy at work, which can lead to making more money. It will also reduce your level of stress as well as increase your ability to cope with stress making your job and life much easier.
4. Be More Attractive
The proper training will help you burn fat and gain lean muscle, which will give you a better figure, bring the skin closer to the muscle (reducing wrinkles) but that’s not the only thing. When you are training and taking care of your body your hormones are more balanced and what makes us more attracted to each other are Pheromones, which become stronger through training.
5. Feel Better About Yourself
Personal training adds a tremendous amount of self-confidence and self-esteem. There is no value to feeling good. We are only on this Earth for a small amount of time; we might as well feel good for as much of it as we can. Also, personal training has been scientifically proven to be more powerful than anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications to keep a positive mood balance.
6. Make Life Easier
It’s easy to see that if you are more productive, make and save more money, have more self-confidence and self-esteem, more energy and more love, then life automatically become much easier. Unfortunately, some people are always looking for a shortcut and ways to circumvent the necessary work to get these numerous benefits of personal training. What’s even more unfortunate is that these people end up feeling empty and unaccomplished.
7. More Muscles
Consider this equation: Work = Force (muscle) x Distance. The more muscles you have the easier it is to move your bones, which means it requires less energy to move your body around. For example, if you have more leg muscles and need to walk up the stairs everyday all day it will take less energy to do so. But smaller muscles use a ton of energy and you will be fatigued at the end of the day just from walking up and down the stairs.
8) Be a Role Model to Friends and Family and the World
We are quickly becoming the unhealthiest nation in the world. It is important to do personal training to lead our community members and family members to a healthier lifestyle so we can in turn become a stronger nation mentally and physically.
In a world where people are caring less and less about their health and looking for shortcuts, it is the cool thing to take the road less traveled and receive all the above benefits that will give you a competitive advantage in life. A strong person instantly has an easier life.