Essential Oblique Exercise Advice
If you don’t do any exercise at all, you are never going to get great abs! And I know you’re looking to get great oblique abs! If you didn’t click to look at this oblique workout article, then you will never know whether you can achieve fantastic abs or not.
Find out what you have to do – stick to these 3 simple rules – and you will soon be on your way to getting great abs. Stay focused, stay determined and persevere. You can do it! This is a means to an end. You want something out of this, but you have to put the work in to get it.
The suggested rules for your oblique workout to work, are:
1. Exercise
There is no avoiding it – exercise is part of the oblique workout – and it has to be done. Try to include some obiques exercises at least 2 or 3 times a week into your workout routine. Choose some exercises that include the use of weights, and this will help to strengthen your muscles fast. It will build them too which is great because bigger muscles use more calories, which means they help to burn excess body fat.
Examples of exercises in a highly effective oblique workout, would be: medicine ball twists, side raises on an exercise ball or some dumbbell side dips.
2. Nutrition
Eat a well-balanced, healthy diet of lean protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats eg fish oils / olive oil. At all costs avoid trans fats and try to avoid refined sugar too. Drink lots of water to help re-hydrate your muscles as you train.
3. Burn the Fat
Now that you are including an oblique workout in your exercise routine, your muscles will be developing, and growing strong with the help of the protein in your diet. But you will need to do one last thing to help burn more fat off to reveal those great oblique abs.
Intense cardio sessions are the answer to this. High intensity interval training sessions to be precise. These involve a short blast of intense cardiovascular training output, followed by a shorter less intense output session, and then alternated high intensity and lower intensity for a maximum of 20 minutes. For example, you could sprint for 20 seconds and then jog or walk for 10 seconds, then sprint, then jog or walk, etc.
You can start with 2 minute sessions if you are a total beginner, work up to 5 minute sessions, and intersperse these 5 minute sessions throughout your oblique workout routine for maximum effect. You will get the results you are after, if you stick to this complete oblique workout and remain focused and determined.