Vitamin-rich Fruits You Should Consume Daily
At a time when many people focused on eating well and reducing weight by improving their diet, the importance of eating fruit is well researched and documented. For those who want to lose weight, many of these fruits provide plenty of Vitamin C, a known fat burning vitamin.
In the past, this has led to the development of popular fruit based diets like the grape fruit diet, but there is no requirement to restrict other nutrients to lose weight and fruit forms and essential part of all good weight loss plans and should form part of any healthy lifestyle. Vitamins are essential for normal body function.
They affect metabolism, human growth and development and a healthy immune system. They are only required in minimal amounts, and the body either stores or excretes excess amounts in the urine.
Fruits contain many vitamins and provide most of the total daily requirements. . Eating 2 pieces of fruit per day, together with other foods, reduce or eliminate the need for oral vitamin supplements. Eating the fruit whole and not juiced is also the better alternative, to provide the other benefits of the fiber rich whole fruit. Vitamin deficiency is a serious condition, which can lead to major health problems if they are not corrected.
Many fruits are like a multivitamin supplement, they contain many different vitamins. The following list of fruits each contains approximately 10 essential vitamins and should be consumed regularly. Apples, avocadoes, bananas, berries, cherries, cantaloupes, grapes, figs, dates, guava, kiwi fruit, oranges, lemons, limes, olives, peaches, pears, nectarines, pineapples, plums, tomatoes and watermelon. The list is not complete and most fruit will provide very high numbers of vitamins.
Fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A,D,E and K, are stored in the body for periods lasting as long as 6 months and don’t require the same daily intake requirement as the water soluble vitamins like Vitamins B and C. Despite containing similar groups of vitamins, not every fruit contains the same types of vitamins. The amount and type of vitamins that each fruit provides is variable.
The fruit providing the highest levels of water soluble vitamin content that should be included in the diet daily are berries including blackberries, raspberries and blueberries, oranges, bananas and apples. Tomatoes and avocadoes, though often eaten as vegetables, are fruits and are excellent choices of vitamins that can be eaten daily.