Wonderfully Fit Personal Training

10 Healthy Holiday Eating Do’s and Dont’s

Here are 10 do’s and dont’s to help you continue eating in a healthy way this Christmas.



Do eat low-fat dairy products. Substitute low-fat dairy in all recipes that call for dairy.

Do eat lean meats. Trim off the visible fat from all meat. Remove the skin from chicken and poultry. Bake turkey on a rack so that fat drips away.

Do plan in advance to avoid high-fat, high calorie Holiday fare offered at office parties and family gatherings. You can fill up on healthier food such as vegetables and fruit or soup before you attend these gatherings. Or you could offer to prepare a healthier alternative for yourself and other weight watchers.

Do keep low-fat frozen dinners, sandwich & tortilla fillings and healthy pre-cooked meals on hand for days when there’s no time to cook.

Do center holiday entertainment around non-food related activities.


Don’t make the mistake of ‘saving up’ calories by going hungry before a party. This will only make you so hungry that you’re sure to overeat, and be less likely to make healthier choices.

Don’t start a new diet at this time of the year. It is difficult to focus on new eating habits when you are surrounded by so many temptations.

Don’t try to loose weight. Instead focus on maintaining your weight by watching your portions and making healthier choices.

Don’t stand next to the buffet table. Put some small portions of the healthiest choices onto a plate. Then move to the opposite end of the room and start mingling with the other guests.