Type 2 Diabetes – Exercise and Diabetes!

A major part of controlling Type 2 diabetes is making the right food choices, from portion control to the kinds of foods and the frequency that they are consumed. But another huge factor that plays into the success of controlling this disease is exercise. In fact, many who suffer with this ailment may not be fully aware how much exercise can benefit them.

Exercise works for Type 2 diabetics in a number of ways. First, it not only helps to control weight, but it does so not by starvation, but by eliminating excess fat the healthy way. This is not only good when you look at it from a weight standpoint, but it is also good when you look at the location of the weight.


It is a known fact that having excessive fat in the midsection, in other words a large belly, spells disaster for Type 2 diabetics. Actually, a specific type of belly fat called visceral fat, is to blame. This is fat around the liver and other organs inside the abdomen and is different to subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is fat under the skin and can be removed by liposuction… liposuction cannot remove visceral fat. The cells of visceral fat manufacture chemicals that prevents other cells from responding to insulin as they should and the chemicals also trigger inflammation.

Exercise not only benefits removing this fat for the sake of Type 2 diabetes and lower blood sugar, but for other conditions as well. When an individual exercises they will lose weight from areas that carry the largest reserves first, so in this case, belly fat would be eliminated and a diabetic would reap the benefits of trimming down their midsection.

Working out and shedding some weight is a good idea, not just for diabetes management but for warding off other illnesses as well.

So what exercise is best? Doctors recommend aerobic exercise for several reasons:

If you find you can only do light aerobic exercise such as slow walking, cycling, or even other activities that don’t really raise your heart rate by much, check with your doctor and see if you can extend the number of minutes you actually exercise. More time spent doing aerobic exercise can help compensate for less intensity.

Aerobic exercise also improves circulation efficiency and helps to lower blood pressure. Plus, it doesn’t put too much stress on your joints or feet. Don’t forget warming up is critical and monitoring blood sugar levels is equally important. Starting out slowly and listening to your body will allow you to get in a good workout without causing undue damage.