5 Tips to Fast Weight Loss
Weight loss is a touchy subject for many of us. After all, it’s a bit frustrating to see those pounds go on a lot easier than they come off and with so many different claims of fast weight loss it’s hard to decipher what works and what doesn’t. Check out these 5 tips to fast weight loss.
- Make a Plan – Saying I want to lose weight isn’t a plan for losing weight. Telling yourself you’ll eat healthy starting tomorrow, or you’ll start jogging next Monday, isn’t a plan for action, and it’s not going to help you lose those extra pounds. In fact, the failure rate is almost 100% when there is no plan. What’s a plan look like? Well it goes something like this: I’m going to lose 10 pound in 35 days and I’m going to exercise for 30 minutes every day at 4:30 pm.
- Acai Berry – The buzz of Acai Berry seems to have traveled quickly around the globe. This is one of the best antioxidant foods out there and the Acai Berry Select Weight Loss Supplement has been talked about by Dr. Oz as being a successful tool by
- Chew it Properly – If you’re wondering what chewing has to do with weight loss, you’ll be surprised to learn that chewing your food 10 times before you swallow allows your body to better use the nutrient and it also means better digestion of foods leading to weight loss.
- Drink Plenty of Water – When you drink adequate water your body is able to flush away harmful toxin. Water has no calories and the more of it you drink the fuller you’ll feel. There are no calories in Drinking a large glass before you eat means you’ll eat far less. And when you find yourself reaching for an unhealthy snack drink a glass or two of water and watch the urge disappear.
- Resistance Training – With resistance training you muscles responds to the resistance placed on them. If you lift weights, there’s tiny tears in the muscles which require energy to rebuild and that energy comes from the fat stored in your body. To lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit so when muscles use calories you lose pounds. It’s not nearly as complicated as some might want to make
Fast weight loss isn’t as difficult to accomplish as you might think. Put these 5 great tips to work and you’ll see your waist start to shrink in no time. We at Wonderfully Fit Personal Training are here to provide nutritional, and exercise support you may have. Contact Terrine today.