Mindset and Goals: Mindset and Body
How many times have you started a new fitness program only to be disappointed? How many times have you promised yourself you would eat less and be more disciplined in the kitchen only to completely abandon those plans?
Are you someone who has been a little out of shape for the last ten years despite your best efforts? And who just really wishes they could get the body they’ve always wanted? The one they see on the covers of magazines.
There are a few things you may have blamed for your failure in the past: perhaps you thought it came down to the advice. Maybe you were following the wrong training program? Maybe your PT doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Or perhaps you have unfortunate genetics? Well, if you have read any of the other guides, then you will know that this is mistake number one: blaming outside factors is a surefire way to ensure that nothing ever changes.
In order to make a difference in your life, you need to start taking responsibility. That means developing an internal locus of control. And it is your fault. Here’s the harsh truth: even the worst training program in the world is going to make a difference if you stick with it. If you have the most unfortunate genetics and the only thing you change is to go for one run a week, or to eat one less snack a day; then you are still going to see some difference.
Sure, it is much better to have a good training program and to do your research. But in lieu of that anything will work. So, stop blaming other factors! The problem lies with you. But more specifically than that, the problem lies with your mindset. You possibly already guessed that from the title of this guide. So in the next email we will dive into the issue and see how you can change your thinking and change your results for the better.
Wonderfully Fit Personal Training offers virtual training as well as in-person training. We can help you change your mindset and body. Training can be scheduled by visiting our website at Top Fitness Trainer, Program Training And Nutritionist In Long Beach CA | Wonderfully Fit or contacting us at the number below.
Visit our website or contact us at 562-896-7629; email: terrine@wonderfullyfit.com.