Wonderfully Fit
Based in Long Beach, CA, Wonderfully Fit provides personal training services in a private to semi-private setting, as well as group classes and nutritional counseling. We commence fitness training sessions from the very first step, i.e., setting goals and planning out how to achieve them. Rather than just instructing you, we work in a more collaborative and holistic way. We focus on helping you establish good habits and wellness practices that will improve your mind, body, and spirit. We also pay careful attention to how your metabolism works and make food choices that make you strong and healthy from within. To check whether you are on the right track, we also perform assessments for flexibility, muscular strength, and muscular endurance.
Terrine has been working in the fitness industry since 2000. She started as a group fitness instructor, inspired by low and high impact aerobics, Spinning, functional core training, strength and stability training, followed that by incorporating personal training. She is certified through AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) and NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine). As such, for those who are looking for a qualified personal trainer in Long Beach, Beach City, or Huntington Beach (CA), Terrine can be counted as trustworthy, successful, and an incredible fitness partner.
Terrine Pearsall, PT, PN
Owner | Trainer | Nutritional Couch
Exercise Enthusiast
Being a certified experienced personal trainer, Terrine thrives on custom designed, interesting, creative and fun programs for each individual. She uses a variety of tools – from conventional weight training with machines and free weights to core focused workouts utilizing stability balls, battle rope, BOSU, Kettlebells and medicine balls. She is also trained in Pilates, Yoga and Zumba and combines all into training for optimal cardio, core, strength and flexibility work. She is experienced at working with a variety of physical constraints.
Terrine is an avid exercise enthusiast. She enjoys fitness activities of all kinds.
Fitness training is not just a profession for Terrine; it is a passion. She believes in the idea that everybody can achieve fitness sooner or later once a healthy diet and fitness routine are strictly followed. She is a recognized fitness trainer in Long Beach and other areas including Beach City and Huntington Beach.
Letting One Slip Up Make Them Give Up
If you accidentally dropped your mobile phone on the floor, what would you do? You’d most probably pick it up, dust it off and check if it’s all ok and be more careful. Would you pick it up and keep smashing it on the floor just because you accidentally dropped it once?
No way! Yet, when it comes to the diet, many people throw the entire diet away just because they had a doughnut or a plate of pasta.
You know what? It’s human to slip up. Everybody does it. You just pick yourself up and try to be more compliant to the diet. You may have read that a good body is 30% exercise and 70% diet. The truth is that a good body is 100% commitment.
And… commitment is very difficult. That’s why obesity is an epidemic. It’s difficult to commit. If you’ve already started, don’t give up. Anytime you feel like it, remember why you started.
Success is not linear. You will take three steps forward, two back, five forward, maybe six back… whatever the case may be, only one rule holds true. You keep going. So you ate that glazed doughnut… well, that’s ok. You will run for 15 minutes and burn it off later. Don’t tell yourself, “Argh! I ate one doughnut. My diet is screwed. I better just eat the remaining 5 doughnuts in the box”. NO! YOU WON’T.
These are the 2 reasons most people mess up their diet – Unrealistic expectations and aiming for perfection. Expect yourself to slip up. It’s a given.
Now that you know that you should aim to set your goals in incremental levels and not be too hard on yourself, stop worrying about those times you mess up your diet and focus on getting it right as much as you can. That’s the only way.
What Are You Waiting For?
We thrive on custom designing interesting, creative and fun programs for individual needs. Let us help you begin your journey!