Osteoarthritis and Back Pain – A Brief History

At the spinal column are the elongated columns of bones, which the thoracic ribs support. The thoracic ribs push the bones the length of bone structure. The ribs join with the spinal column in various areas. Joints connect with these ribs, which are field of studies, since they often wear and tear, causing gradual degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is defined in medical terms as a metabolically dysfunction of the bones. The results of the drops in our life-sustaining chemicals, which promote activity causes the bones to reduce mass whilst increasing porosity. The disease can cause osteoporosis to set in and intensify risks of fractures.


How do doctors consider osteoarthritis and/or osteoporosis?

Doctors often consider etiology aspects, including hyperthyroidism, deficiency of estrogen, Cushing’s syndrome, immobility, increases in phosphorus, liver illness, lack of exercise, deficiency of calcium and protein, deficiency of Vitamin D, and bone marrow conditions. Wear and tear of specific joints as mentioned above is also linked to osteoarthritis.

According to the Pathophysiology in medical terms, osteoarthritis is assessed by considering the rates of bone resorption that exceeds the rate of the bone structure or formation. Experts will often test the patient while considering rises in “bone resorption” and increases in phosphate (Salt of Phosphoric Acids) that stimulates the parathyroid activities. Phosphoric acids will form ester, which emerge from reactions via alcohol, metal, and radicals. If estrogen shows a decrease in resorption, it could also show traits of osteoarthritis.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms may emerge from Kyphosis or otherwise known as Dowager’s hump. Back pain, as well as damage to the thoracic and lumbar may be present. In addition, the patient may lose height, and demonstrate an unsteady walk. Joint pain and weakness is also present.

How do doctors determine if osteoarthritis is present?

First, they assess the symptoms and then request tests, such as x-rays and photon absorptiometry. X-rays of course helps the doctor to locate thinning of bone structures, porous structures in the bones, and rises in vertebral curvatures. The photon tests help the expert to spot decreases in minerals.

What if I test positive for osteoarthritis:

If you test positive then the doctor considers treatment. The treatment often includes management, interventions, and further assessments. Further assessments help the doctor weed down potential complications. The complications often include pathologic fractures, which are complex.

How does the doctor manage osteoarthritis?

No two people are alike therefore medical management varies. Yet, most doctors set up a high-calcium, protein diet, as well as increasing minerals, vitamin regimens, and boron.

Doctors may include in the management scheme alcohol and caffeine restrictions. In addition, the scheme may compose tolerated exercise, monitoring, lab studies, specifically studies on phosphorus and calcium. Doctors may also include into your management scheme estrace increase, i.e. estradiol or estrogen intake. Supplements with calcium carbonates (Os-CAL) are often prescribed as well. Additional treatment includes mineral and vitamin regimens, exercise, and so on. Many doctors prescribe Aldactazide, Dyazide, which is a thiazide diuretic hydrochlorothiazide. Over-the-counter meds, such as the NAID-based painkillers is prescribed as well. Prescriptions often include ibuprofen, Motrin, Indocin, Clinoril, Feldene, Ansaid, or flurbiprofen, voltaren, naproxen, Dolobid, and naprosyn is often prescribed.

How intervention helps:

Interventions assisted by nursing staff include balanced diets, pain and musculoskeletal assessment, monitoring, meds, home care instructions, posture training, body mechanic support and training, and so on. The patient should also be informed about osteoarthritis as outlined by the Foundation of Osteoarthritis. In addition, the doctor is advised to allow the patient to express his/her emotions, feelings, etc in relation to the illness.

Connective Tissues, Joints, and Back Pain

The joints connect with tissues that work with the muscles and bones. The joints connect with tissues to conjunction bones and enforce these two bones to move. In short, joints are articulating that rest between “two bone” planes and provides us stability, movement, and controls this range of movement. (ROM)

The joints have liners known as synovium. These liners are the inner joint surfaces that secrete fluids, such as synovial and antibodies. Antibodies and synovial reduce the friction of these joints whilst working in conjunction with the cartilages.


Picture, imaging reaching up to one side of your body, while the other side of your body bends. Now, pleats start to unfold on the opposing side of the body, which suppresses the fluids known as synovial and antibodies.

Abnormalities: Facet joints cause this reaction to occur and at what time these joints are swiftly acting, or moving it can cause abnormalities in joint alignment. The result, back pain:

How to the pain is reduced:

Chiropractors is the recommendation for patients who have suffered this type of injury. As well, massage and physical therapy can help minimize the pain.

Synovial and antibodies promote healthy cartilages, which is the smoother exteriors of the articulate bones. The bones help to absorb shock, especially to the joints. Sometimes atrophies are caused from swift, unsuspected movement that limits ROM (Range of Motion) which is caused by an absence of the weight bearing joints response. It affects the bursa. The bursa is a sac filled with fluids that serve as padding and works to lessen friction about the joints and between parts of the body that rub against the other.

The results of such interruptions lead to pain, numbness, fevers, stiffness of joints, fatigue, inflammation, swelling, limited mobility, and so on. The ultimate results lead to abnormal VS (Vital Signs), edema, nodules, skin teardown, deformity of the skeletal, limited range of motion (ROM), poor posture, muscle spasms, weak and rigid muscles, abnormal temperature and skin tone, and so on.

Amorphous connective tissues promote stability and movement as well. Beneath the top layers and at the underneath of the skin are connective tissues. The tissues spread throughout the body. The tissues at the top act as mediums and help us to think and act. As we age these tissues start to string out and its elasticity lessens.

What happens?

When the tissues string and the elasticity weakens, disorders set in, including scarred tissue, “restrictive scarring,” edema, tumors, fatty tissues develop, and so on. Edema is at what time excessive fluids build and causes an abnormal buildup that stretches between the tissue cells. Edema causes swelling, inflammation, and pain.

What happens when people endure injuries, sometimes they fail to listen to the doctors’ instruction, and i.e. they will walk on a swollen limb, such as a leg, which adds enormous stress to the spine? It can cause injury. The injury often affects the “sacroiliac joint.”

In addition to injuries, some people are born with diseases that affect the connective tissues. Recently, new meds came available, which is used to treat connective tissue disorders. Alternative treatment includes physical therapy, which is what doctors relied on to treat such problems until new remedies came available.

Regardless of the condition however, back pain is outlined in the terms neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. Musculoskeletal conditions often target joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc., causing pain. Once the pain starts, it will consistently ache and aggravate the back.

Inappropriate lifting of heavy weights can cause musculoskeletal conditions. To learn more read about musculoskeletal disorders.

Herniated Disk and Back Pain

The disk at the back-spinal column divides the skeletal structures. Disk does not compose blood vessels or nerves like other elements of the skeletal structure. Instead, disks are made up of fat, water, and tissues that connect to the skeletal structure. During all hours of the day, the disks leak water, which is caused from forces of gravity.

For instance, when we sit it is a gravity force in action, which one might think that it takes little effort to sit, but contrary to the notion, it is adding a lot of weight to the spine and disk.


The disk restores water that has leaked out during the day, yet the water is restored at slower paces. Fat and water is balanced in the disk, yet when it is not it causes a person to shrink height. Fat and water inside disks are thick, yet when a person starts aging, the substances begin to thin. When fat and water begins to thin, it can lead to osteoarthritis. Thinning water and fat of the disk is also the leading cause of back pain, especially at the lower region.

Disks exterior are covered by “Annulus Fibrosis.” Sometimes the connective tissues lead to abnormal thickening, which scars the tissue. Usually injury follows, then infection, and moves to restrained oxygen intake. Surgery is often the result. The inner area of the disk is shielded by “Nucleus Pulposis.” The pulp makes up the hub of the disk, which is polished and soft. The disks make up the primary supporting force that regulates the spinal column, bones, muscles, etc.

When the disk is not protecting the spinal structures, it is often dehydrated, pressured, or deformed. The disk has strength that combines with flexibility to withstand high loads of pressure, yet when that flexibility and strength is interrupted, it can result to herniated disk slips, or other injuries.

Slipped disks in medical terms are known as HNP. (Herniated Nucleus Pulposa) As outlined the intervertebral disks are ruptured, which interrupts the nucleus pulposa. In medical terms, slipped disks can include L4, L5, which is Lumbrosacral and C5-7, which is Cervical. L4 is a single area of the spinal column and disks, which defines the numerical disk ruptured.

Slipped disks are caused from accidents, trauma, strain of the back and neck, lifting heavy objects, disk degeneration, weak ligaments, and congenital deformity of the bones. Disk degeneration is outlined in this article.


Lumbrosacral will show apparent symptoms, such as acute lower back pain, which radiates to the buttocks and down to the leg. The person will feel weak, numb, or tingling that stretches to the leg and foot. Ambulation also causes pain.

If cervical disk problems are present, the patient will feel stiffness around the neck. As well, the symptoms will make the patient feel weak, numb, and he/she will feel tingling around the hands. Neck pain often generates pain, extending it to the arms and onto the hands, which cause weakness to the upper region of the body. The weakness often targets the triceps and biceps, which become atrophy. The lumbar is affected also, which the patient will find it difficult to straighten the back.

What happens when a disk is slipped and/or broken the annulus fibrosis reacts by pushing its substance into the hollow spacing between the spinal column. The spinal column is made up of nerves, which travel to various parts of the body, including the brain. These nerves are affected when the disk is slipped. Learn more about the Central Nerve System (CNS) to relate to slipped disks. First, understand how the joints and connective tissues can cause back pain.

Back Pain Indicators

Back pain is usually an indicator of an underlying problem. For example, if your back bothers you once and later the pain will stop. Later, the pain may start again. This means you have received the indicator of future problems. The first time you have back pain, you can consider it as a warning that something is not right. You will need to pinpoint exactly where the pain originated, and what you were doing when the pain began.

Once you determine the day the pain started, and exactly what you were doing when the pain began, you will know what to avoid doing later in life. Did you fall? Were in you a car accident? Were you picking up a box?


What Did the Pain Feel Like?

After you have determined what triggered your back pain, you will need to take into consideration the symptoms associated with the pain. Did you feel the pain? Did you feel weakness in the area surrounding the muscles? Did you feel weakness that extended to your legs? Before the pain hit, was your back stiff, or did you feel numbness in the area?

Now that you know what triggered the pain, you can utilize the indicators to discover where exactly the pain started. Was the pain in the top of your back? Did the initial pain cause radiating pain? Did you feel pain around your neck? Was the pain constant or did it come and go? Did the pain shoot to other locations in your body?

How Did the Pain React?

Did the pain increase when you performed certain activities, or moved in a certain way? Did the pain decrease during certain activities or movements? Did the initial injury cause constant pain, or did the pain come and go over time? Were there any long-term problems associated with the injury? Did the pain go immediately, or did it take a while to fade away?

Why You Should Consider These Questions

The answer to these questions can assist your doctor in determining the cause, and fully understanding the condition you are suffering from. If you were in an accident, and were treated by a medical professional, you will want to let your doctor know what tests were performed when you were treated. What was found on the exam, tests, and images taken during the visit?

If you did see a medical professional and they recommended a specific treatment, what was it? Did the treatment help you? If the treatment did help, are you willing to try the same treatment again?

Backpain Caused by Other Conditions

Did your back pain start after having surgery? Maybe it is associated with a joint or musculoskeletal disorder. By letting your doctor know if you have any of these problems, you may help them find a solution to your problem.

Other things you may want to take into consideration is whether your job requires you to lift heavy objects, causes emotional distress, or causes you to suffer serious stress. Are you required to stand for prolonged periods of time, or maybe sit for extended periods of time?

Do you exercise properly, or often? Do you stretch before exercising? How much stress do you endure on a regular basis? Do you perform physical activity in order to relieve emotional and mental stress? All of the problems listed here can cause acute and chronic back pain.

Does Your Family Carry a Hereditary Back Problem?

Once you have asked yourself the important questions above, you need to consider your family history. If there is any possibility of hereditary back problem. If there is, letting your doctor know there is a possibility of this history, it can help him to determine the origin of your injury or pain. Many times, patients ignore this possibility, which causes confusion for physicians.

Recurring Back Pain

If your back pain has occurred before and has recently come back, let your doctor know the answer to the questions above. Let your doctor know exactly what treatments you have tried at home, along with what has worked and what has not.

Doctors commonly recommend rest as a treatment for back pain. They may also make a referral to a chiropractor or physical therapist. These professionals will be able to recommend stretches you can do to release tension from muscles that are commonly overlooked, which may prevent future pain.

It is important that you do not ignore back pain indicators. As soon as back pain starts, take note of it. Discuss the problem with your doctor to help prevent future problems and possible permanent damage.

Avoid Back Pain by Stretching

Stretch exercises is a great way to avoid back pain, since it stretches the muscles, joints, bones, etc, thus promoting fluid and blood flow. Stretch workouts include shoulder shrug, triceps, arm, leg, trunk, torso, and other stretches. To help you avoid back pain we can perform a few workouts to help you stretch those muscles.

Starting with the shoulders, stand erect. Rest your hands upon the hips and shrug them shoulders. Rotate the shoulders in slow motion and to the back up to ten counts. Next, perform the same actions; yet rotate the shoulders in slow motion toward the front.


Working the triceps:

Triceps is the extensor muscles, which require stretching to avoid tension. Stand erect and lift your arm (Right) and rest the tips of your fingers on the shoulder. (Right) Use your free hand and push it against the opposite elbow. If possible, lower the fingers down the length of your back while pushing the elbow. Count to eight and perform the same actions on the opposite side.

Next, stretch them arms. Form a circle. First, stand erect while keeping your feet at shoulder length. Level the arms and stretch them outward in sync with the shoulders. Circle and bring the arms ahead. Count to ten and perform the same actions on the opposite side. Circle the arms largely as feasible.

Now work that torso. Stand erect, keep your feet at in alignment with the shoulders and gradually rotate (Starting at the waist), and then stretching to one side. Stretch ahead and move your body in rotation to the opposite side. Extend back and around again to the opposite side. Continue on each side.

Work that trunk:

Stand erect, keep the feet the length of your shoulders and slightly apart. Bend the knees slightly. Lock the fingers behind the head, and bend starting at the waistline, touching your right knee, joining it with the elbow on the right side. Next, rotate the torso, or trunk, rotating it to the left and then touch your left knee. Extend backwards to you are standing erect again.

Once you are standing erect, slightly move your feet apart and bend the knees somewhat. Lift your arms to the height of your shoulders and grip the hands while turning to the side, starting at the waistline. Hold, count to five and do the same on the opposite side. Next, keep the hips and legs motionless as you turn the upper section of your body, only.

Stand erect, while extending the hands down at the sides. Bend the knees somewhat and gradually lift the arm as far as you can reach over the head. Slowly, glide the free arm, sliding it down to the leg, and pull the arm so that it is over the head as high as you can reach. Push down and onto the thigh, returning to standing position. Continue on the opposite side and do three reps.

Stand erect, keeping the feet at length with your shoulders. Bend the elbows at the height of your shoulders. Join your fingertips and gently fling the arms toward the back, staying consistent with the height of the shoulders. Continue the action on each side, counting to ten as you move along.


Stand erect, and grip your hands, joining them and extending them behind the back. Lift the hands up and out as high as you can reach. Count to five and lower. Stand erect and keep the feet at the length of your shoulders. Bend the knees somewhat and lock your fingers, while raising the arms to the height of your shoulders. Once in position, push the arms ahead. Do not lean to the front. Stretch and count to ten. Perform the same actions, counting to five.

Shoes and Back Pain

Did you know that wearing inappropriate shoes could cause the back to feel stressed? Shoes are cushions, foundations, and levers that we use to walk, stand, run, job, and so on. If one wears correctly, fitted shoes it will promote a healthy posture. On the other hand, if one wears unsuitable fitting shoes, look out feet and back.

The feet are the number one target the starts normal back pain. In short, the first thing that hits the ground when you start to stand or walk is the ball of your foot, i.e. the heel. Once the heel hits the surface, the remaining sections of the foot start to follow, which promotes weight and stress throughout areas of the body. Feet problems alone can lead to back pain. Poor posture causes back pain, yet the condition is often characterized by inappropriate actions we take.


Fact: Wearing high-heels will slowly pull the weight of the entire body forward, thus corrupting the posture and arches of the back. Hold your weapons down women, because in time you will feel pain. High-heels are the leading cause of “Spondylolisthesis. In short, terms, spondylolisthesis is a condition that is caused from slipping frontward on the lower back. (Lumbar)

The toes are designed to provide us support, yet when a person wears high-heels it causes the toes to affect the joints, since the toes will narrow, causing weight or pressure to the spine. Now, high-heels are sexy to both men and women, yet these heels are going to cost you a fortune down the road. You can look good in supported shoes that fit comfortably without damaging your ligaments, tendons, nerves, muscles, and so on.

Sorry to pop your bubbles boys and girls, but shoes that support our spine can reduce the odds of experiencing back pain.

How to choose shoes:

Orthotic shoes are recommended. Orthotic shoes will support the feet and weight-bearing joints and muscles. Orthotic shoes have proven to reduce dysfunctions that emerge from the neurological system. In addition, the supportive shoes have proven to reduce injuries and pain emerging from abnormal conditions.

If you are diagnosed with posture conditions, such as osteoporosis, or gait, you can benefit from Orthotic shoes.

Fact: Did you know that you could wear two or more insoles from Dr. Scholl, fitting the insoles into your shoes prior to flipping them over, and achieve balance, which promotes a healthy spine?

Shoes make a difference to our spine, since the feet alone when abnormal can lead to back pain. If you are not wearing, supportive shoes that provide you a comfortable fit, you may want to invest in Orthotic shoes to relieve your back pain.

In addition to shoes, you can perform stretch workouts, and practicing leaning, sitting and lifting strategies to correct your actions and reduce back pain.

Fact: If the spine is misaligned, it can lead to back pain.

Duh, you knew that. Anyway, we misalign the spine when lifting incorrectly, wearing unsuitable shoes, and leaning, or sitting in position, incorrectly. You can correct the problems by getting the ball and chain in motion, and learning about your condition, followed by taking action to relieve your pain.

Fact: Proper lifting starts at the thighs and buttocks. Millions of people lift while relying on the back to hold the weight. Back pain occurs.

When lifting heavy objects, you want to avoid lifting at a distance. At best, you want to avoid bending the knees and expending the trunk perpendicularly.

Prepare to take out your briefcase. Surely, you have around 20 pounds of weight inside the container. Otherwise, consider an object that weighs 20-pounds, unless you have been restricted to lifting.

What you are about to do is lift more than 20-pounds. By the time you get in position and use your muscles, you will have lifted up to 200 pounds. When you lift the briefcase, or other object move close to the subject. Move the trunk or torso in position by placing it over your feet. Remain in position until you have completed your lift.

Preventing Sports Injuries and Back Pain-Learning Proper Stretch Exercises

In sports people learn techniques, and will train to enjoy the sports. The problem is most trainers fail to train the peers correctly. Injuries occur when inappropriate training and techniques are used. In addition, many people engage in sports failing to wear proper clothing, helmets, etc., and sometimes people will participate in sports when weather or visibility is poor.

When weather is cold, it is important that you wear warm attire. Wearing proper attire can help you avoid respiratory conditions, which affect the liver, lungs, etc., and can lead to back pain. In addition, those joining in exercises or sports should wear proper shoes to avoid slips and falls. Helmets are essential to prevent brain injuries. Brain injuries will affect the spinal columns, which leads to back pain.


When weather conditions interrupt visibility, it poses risks. In fact, various people have sustained back injuries while jogging at night, since these people failed to wear proper attire, such as reflective tabs, etc. Motorized accidents can occur when the driver cannot see the runner, jogger, etc. This means the vehicle hits you and if you are not lucky enough to die, you should pray that you are lucky enough to miss back pain. Back pain is one of the worst types of pain you will ever endure. Since many people are misinformed as to how to stretch the muscles before exercising, we can consider a few helpful steps.

As mentioned earlier it is important to perform proper exercises before joining in sports. Proper exercises start with warm ups. Warm ups include neck, shoulder, arm, and leg stretches.

How to perform neck stretch exercises:

To start neck stretch exercises you want to stand erect. Lift the head so that it extends upward. Now, move your head so that it bends slightly forward. Continue to change directions, bending until your chin rests slightly on your torso. Balance the head, turning it to the left or right and hold your position. After a few seconds turn your head so that it rolls to the other side of your body. Hold the jaw down, hold, and continue stretching the neck up to five counts.

How to perform shoulder stretches:

Again, stand erect. Lift your arms so that it extends above the head. Clasp the hands, joining them and pulling the hands downward and behind your head. Hold and repeat the steps five counts. Next, with your arms behind your back, reach down and hold your hands at a pointing position. That is, bring your fingers together at the points while one arm is over the shoulder and the other arm is behind the back. Pull in opposing directions once in position. If the arms are bent, extend the right arm, bending it back and over the right shoulder and the head. With your free hand, grab your elbow and hold. Pull the elbow gently toward the free shoulder, and repeat the steps on the left side.

You can practice the windmill, shoulder shrug, triceps stretches, arm circles and more to warm up before breaking into a full-speed workout.

How to perform the windmill:

The windmill is one of the oldest stretches in the history of workouts, yet the stretch is often missing in action, since many people do the windmill incorrectly. To start, stand erect. Your arms should be down at your side. Once in position, swing upward, the right arm and bring it to the front, up, and around behind your back so that it forms a circle. Repeat your steps up to five counts and continue to the other side.

Reduce Back Pain – Taking Action

Each bone within the structures of the skeletal muscles plays a vital part in our health. If any of these bones, muscles, tendons, etc. are disturbed it can lead to serious back problems. Back problems include slipped herniated disks, broken back, fractures, and so on. Each condition is caused from a string of actions, activities, incorrect movement, overexertion, etc., which exceptions include disease.

Back pain is complex, since various aspects of the human makeup creates such pain. For instance, connective tissues can lead to serious back pain, quicker than bursa bruising. The baffling mechanisms behind back pain has lead scores of doctors off shore, since many struggle to see that the central nervous system alongside the spinal columns play a vital part in back pain creation.

back pain

According to statistics over a million people suffers either minor or severe back pain. About ½ or more of these people could have prevented back pain, and found relief without seeking medical treatment. The other half may endure back pain for their course of their life, since they fail to use practicality in resolving the problem.

In some cases, surgery is performed to correct the problems. However, surgery often leads to major complications, including severe back pain. Go figure, yet surgical procedures are unhealthy and its history has proven this notion. Even if you damage a shoulder ligament or tendon, you can take measures to avert surgery and relieve your pain.

Losing weight could reduce back pain. Obesity is spreading throughout the world and in every corner, thus adding pressure to the muscles, which lead to back pain. “Oh, my feet are killing me,’ which is commonly heard. What this person fails to realize is that he/she may be overweight, wearing the wrong shoes, and overexerting the bearing joints. We can stop this pain in its track by wearing correct shoes, losing weight, and remove excessive weight from the weight-bearing joints and muscles. The problem is more and more people are gaining weight, since our FDA has allowed additives in to meats, which promote cravings. Practicality tells us that organics is the way to stop FDA and meat manufacturers in their tracks, as well as stopping obesity to a large grade.

How to relieve pain from slipped herniated disks?

You can choose the right way or the wrong way to relieve herniated disk damage. The wrong way can include alcoholism and drugs, which lead to bigger problems.

Ultimately, you can ignore the problem, continue adding weight and pressure to the area, and finally spend the rest of your life, lying down. On the other hand, you can learn how to lean and bend correctly, curl to relieve pain, lose weight (If applicable), wear correct fitting shoes, and so forth.

Curling up in a proper fetal position can reduce pain and agony at the back caused from herniated slipped disks. Just lay on your side and curl those knees up to your chest so you can find out for yourself. When you finish, let me know how you feel. When curling into a fetal position, place a cushion or pillow amid your knees and avoid folding tightly. Do not elevate the hips.

Skeletal Muscles – How they Cause Back Pain

The skeletal bones make up more than 200 short, long, irregular, and flat structures. Inside the bones is calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and RBCs, or marrow, which produces and generate red blood cells. The bones work alongside the muscles. The muscles and bones afford support, defense for the internal organs, and locomotion.

The skeletal muscles are our source of mobility, which supports the posture. The muscles work alongside the posture by shortens and tighten it. The bones attach to the muscles via tendons. The muscle then starts to contract with stimulus of muscle fibers via a motor nerve cell, or neuron. The neurons consist of axon, cell bodies, and dendrites, which transport to the nerve impulses and are the essential makeup of our functional components within the larger system of nerves. (Central Nervous System-CNS) CNS is a network or system of nerve cells, fibers, etc., that conveys and transmits sensations to the brain, which carries on to the “motor impulses” and onto the organs and muscles.


Skeletal muscles supply movement for the body and the posture; as well, the skeletal muscles also submit energies to create contractions that form from ATP or adenosine Triphosphate and hydrolysis, ADP or adenosine Diphosphate and finally phosphate.

The skeletal muscles also preserve muscle tone. What happen are the skeletal acts as a retainer by holding back a degree of contractions and breaking down acetylcholine by cholinesterase to relax the muscles? Muscles are made up of ligaments.

Ligaments are robust bands combined with collagen threads or fiber that connect to the bones. The bands, fiber, and bones join to encircle the joints, which gives one a source of strength. Body weight requires cartilages, joints, ligaments, bones, muscles, etc. to hold its weight. Next to ligaments are tendons. Tendons are ligaments and muscles combined, since it connects to the muscles and are made of connective proteins, or collagen. Tendons however do not possess the same flexibility as the ligaments do. Tendons make up fiber proteins that are found in cartilages, bones, skin, tendons, and related connective tissues.

Joints are the connective articulated junctions between the bones. Joints connect to two bones and its plane and provide stability as well as locomotion. ROM is the degree of joint mobility, which if ROM is interrupted, the joints swell, ache, and cause pain. The pain often affects various parts of the body, including the back. Joints connect with the knees, elbow, skull, bones, etc., and work between the synovium. Synovium is a membrane. The membrane lines the inner plane of the joints. Synovium is essential since it supplies antibodies. The antibodies combined with this membrane create fluids that reach the cartilages. The fluids help to decrease resistance, especially in the joints. Synovium works in conjunction with the cartilages and joints.

Cartilage is the smooth plane between the bones of a joint. The cartilage will deteriorate with restricted ROM or lack of resistance in the weight bearing joints. This brings in the bursa. Bursa is a sac filled with fluid. Bursa assists the joints, cartilages, bones, and synovium by reducing friction. Bursa also works by minimizing the risks of joints rubbing against the other. In short, bursa is padding.

If fluids increase, it can cause swelling, and inflammation in turn causing body pain, and including back pain. Sometimes the pain starts at the lower back, yet it could work around various areas of the body. The assessments in this situation revolve around symptoms, including pain, fatigue, numbness, limited mobility, joint stiffness, fevers, swelling, and so on. The results of skeletal muscle difficulties can lead to muscle spasms, poor posture, skeletal deformity, edema, inflammation, and so on. As you see from the medical versions of the skeletal muscles, back pain results from limited ROM, joint stiffness, etc.

Back Pain – How it Starts

From the moment that back pain starts, we must pay close attention to the different variables associated with it. Back pain can originate from various musculoskeletal and nerve problems. The most common cause of back pain begins with a slipped disk, also known as a “herniated nucleus pulposa” (HNP). Physicians typically refer to a rupture in the “intervertebral disk” as a slipped disk. An intervertebral is located between the spinal column and the posterior spine.

The “interruption” has its own variables, including the L4 vertebra and L5 vertebra, and the C5 through C7 vertebra. Even though the C5 through C7 are part of the neck, they also belong to or associated with other sections of the back as well. When medical professionals begin looking for slipped disks, they typically look through the possible etiology, including the possibility of strains, trauma, malformation, degeneration, weakness, and heavy lifting that can damage the back and the neck ligaments, causing strains and sprains.

back pain

After giving consideration the etiology of the problem, they take into consideration the pathphysiology, including the possibility of “nucleus pulposus.” The middle does connect to the spinal column, and there is a good possibility that it can press on spinal nerves, roots, or even the spinal cord, causing pain. If the spinal cord does become compressed, it can restrain the nerves and roots generating a variety of symptoms, including reduction in motor function, numbness, and even pain.

The assessment is typically centered around the lumbroscral area, which can cause short-term, or long-term pain in the lower portion of the back. Pain in this area does not stay where it started, it tends to radiation through the buttocks and even down the back of the legs. It is not uncommon for people with this condition to experience numbness and weakness in their legs and possibly into the feet, so ambulation may be tested.
Another location in the lower back where physicians typically search for slipped disks is through the lumbar curves. These are located at the lower portion of the back, which is a common problem for patients with an abnormal spine curvature.

When the cervical vertebrae are considered, the symptoms are very different. Doctors look for rigidity in the neck, numbness in the arms, weakness, and possible tingling in the fingers and hands. If the pain radiates down the arms and into the hands, there is an evaluative focus on a possible slipped disk in the neck. Because the cervical vertebrae are so close to the origin of the spinal cord, there are other symptoms that may accompany the one’s previously mentioned. Weakness can develop in unlikely locations, such as higher portions of the neck and even at the base of the skull.


When physicians are considering a back-pain problem, they will perform a physical examination, and possibly a series of physical tests. These tests may consist of basic tendon reflex ability, EMG x-ray, cerebral spinal fluid tests, MRI, or CT scans. The results of these tests may be compared to results from previous tests to determine if there are any structural or inflammatory changes. Through the use of EMG scans your doctor may be able to determine whether there are spinal nerves involved in the irritating factor. X-rays can be used to determine if there is any narrowing or expansion in the disk space. A Myelogram may be used to determine whether there is any compression of the spinal cord. This is typically performed in the case where a patient reports numbness of the extremities.

How Slipped Disks are Managed

At the first sign of back injury, doctors typically provide pain relief management. This allows the patient some comfort while the doctor isolates the reason for the pain. The pain management regimen will depend on the patient’s history and metabolic variations. A physician may increase the patient’s fiber intake to ensure that pain management medications do not cause constipation.

Additional treatment methods will focus on symptomatic relief. Using hot pads, hot wet compresses, and at times, cold therapy may be recommended. NSAID medications may be used to reduce inflammation in an attempt to gain control of any compression on nerves and muscle systems. Muscle relaxers may be prescribed in situations where muscle spasms are involved, or degenerative muscle disorders are involved.

Orthopedic options may be recommended for short term use. They are not recommended for long-term use because they can further aggravate the injury by weakening the muscle structures the back depends on for stability.