Fall Fitness

The kids are off to school and finally you have some free time to yourself. Now is your chance to get fit. So where do you begin? Start with a consult with your doctor to see what they think of your new physical activity plans.

After you have discussed the situation with your doctor and if your health is such that you can become engaged in a fitness program start with a low intensity schedule so you aren’t so sore the next day you can’t move.


Each day set aside a time just for YOU. Make this a priority to follow through with your exercise plans unless a true emergency presents itself.

Write on your calendar what you plan to do or better yet write it down in a logbook that can be as simple as a three-ring notebook. Put down your weight, your goals for the day, week, month, and year.

Start with a dynamic warm up which means you aren’t just static stretching in a passive mode. A dynamic warm up, for example can be skipping rope, rotating your arms and legs around in big circles. The objective of this part of the exercise session is to get your heart and breathing rate up, to loosen up your muscles and get ready for a more rigorous physical endeavor.

If this is the day, you have decided to do aerobic conditioning, i.e. cardiovascular then skipping rope is not necessary. Start out slowly and gradually build up your speed of movement until you are at your target heart rate. Maintain this heart rate for twenty to thirty minutes for at least three to four times a week. Do this on alternate days between resistance training days, which now follow.

You can resistance train without weights or any other types of equipment using body weight moves such as the common push up and chair squats.

Do this entry level ‘no equipment’ fitness schedule for one month and I guarantee you will feel better! Write all that you do down in a workout logbook diary.


Walk or jog for five to ten minutes

Stretch as you cool down

Don’t forget to write it down in your log book


Warm up with a skip rope, do arm and leg rotations until your heart and breathing rates are up

Do each of the following exercises fifteen times apiece, one right after another. If you feel up to it then repeat the series two more times. All with correct exercise form.

Chair squats – don’t use your hands and arms to get backup off the chair

  • One leg chair squats-one leg held out in front as you descend
  • One leg squats-one leg held behind you on the chair as you descend into the squat

Calf raises

  • Two legs standing
  • One leg standing
  • Seated with a small child held securely on your knees

Hamstring bridges

  • With feet on the coach, knees bent ninety degrees and shoulders on the floor. Raise your hips up until the upper body is straight from shoulders to the bent knees
  • With feet on the floor as above described

Push ups

  • Regular
  • Modified (pivot on your knees)
  • Modified wall lean against a wall and do a push up at an incline

Curl ups

Arm extensions

Leg extensions

Cool down with passive stretching.


Walk or jog for five to ten minutes

Stretch as you cool down

Don’t forget to write it down in your log book


Warm up with a skip rope, do arm and leg rotations until your heart and breathing rates are up.

Do each of the following exercises fifteen times a piece, one right after another. If you feel up to it then repeat the series two more times. All with correct exercise form.

Chair squats – don’t use your hands and arms to get backup off the chair

Calf raises

Hamstring bridges with feet on the coach, knees bent ninety degrees and shoulders on the floor. Raise your hips up until the upper body is straight from shoulders to the bent knees

Push ups either regular or modified (pivot on your knees)

Curl ups

Arm extensions

Leg extensions

Cool down with passive stretching.


Walk or jog for five to ten minutes

Stretch as you cool down

Don’t forget to write it down in your log book

Congratulations, week one is behind you and now its time for a small two-day break then at it again Monday. This week though change it around by doing three resistance days of training instead of just two like last week.


Warm up with a skip rope, do arm and leg rotations until your heart and breathing rates are up

Do each of the following exercises fifteen times apiece, one right after another. If you feel up to it then repeat the series two to three more times. All with correct exercise form.

Chair squats-don’t use your hands and arms to get backup off the chair-as described above

Calf raises-as described above

Hamstring bridges with feet on the coach, knees bent ninety degrees and shoulders on the floor. Raise your hips up until the upper body is straight from shoulders to the bent knees

Push ups either regular or modified (pivot on your knees)-as described above

Curl ups

Arm extensions

Leg extensions

Cool down with passive stretching.


Walk or jog for five to fifteen minutes

Stretch as you cool down

Don’t forget to write it down in your log book


Warm up with a skip rope, do arm and leg rotations until your heart and breathing rates are up

Do each of the following exercises fifteen times apiece, one right after another. If you feel up to it then repeat the series two to three more times. All with correct exercise form.

Chair squats-don’t use your hands and arms to get backup off the chair

Calf raises-as described above

Hamstring bridges with feet on the coach, knees bent ninety degrees and shoulders on the floor. Raise your hips up until the upper body is straight from shoulders to the bent knees

Push ups either regular or modified (pivot on your knees)-as described above

Curl ups

Arm extensions

Leg extensions

Cool down with passive stretching.


Walk or jog for five to fifteen minutes

Stretch as you cool down

Don’t forget to write it down in your log book


Warm up with a skip rope, do arm and leg rotations until your heart and breathing rates are up

Do each of the following exercises fifteen times apiece, one right after another. If you feel up to it then repeat the series two to three or maybe even four more times. All with correct exercise form.

Chair squats-don’t use your hands and arms to get backup off the chair

Calf raises

Hamstring bridges with feet on the coach, knees bent ninety degrees and shoulders on the floor. Raise your hips up until the upper body is straight from shoulders to the bent knees

Push ups either regular or modified (pivot on your knees)

Curl ups

Arm extensions

Leg extensions

Cool down with passive stretching.

Yahoo you have now made it to your SECOND weekend break. Now repeat for next week by doing three days of cardio work and two of resistance training. Be sure to write it all down.

Keep it up for the rest of the month and notice how much better you are feeling about yourself.

Family Health and Wellness Ideas for Fall

Wellness is about a state of well-being and health in your family’s life. As the autumn season comes peeking around the corner, here are some fun & family friendly activities to keep everyone in your household staying active, healthy, and connecting with one another through health & wellness!


Evening Walks

The cooler weather of fall is the perfect time to begin a routine of taking an evening walk as a family. Walks are great for the entire gang, because the littlest ones can ride in a stroller or wagon and kids a little older can skip alongside or ride their trikes, bikes, skateboards, etc! For even more wellness benefits, consider timing your walk between dinner and bedtime to aid in digestion of the evening meal as well as encourage good sleep for the night!

Active Game Night

Connecting as a family on a regular basis is vital to relationship health. Family game night is a great way to do this! Take it up one more notch by selecting active games each week! When the outdoor weather is beautiful, games like basketball, relay races, obstacle courses in the backyard, and trampoline time get you moving and enjoying the fall season. For days that are cold and wet, take the movement indoors with games like Wii Sports, classic Twister, or even a competitive dance party!

Outdoor Yard Cleanup

For families with a lawn area at home, get the whole family involved in fall cleanup activities! Rake or blow the leaves into a pile and have a little fun jumping and playing together in it before removal. Other ideas include picking up trash and other yard waste or creating fun outdoor decorations for the home together! No yard at home? Take the cleanup fun to a local park, to a grandparent’s or other relative’s house or anywhere a little TLC may be needed!

Charity Events

Growing the connection that your family has with one another, as well as the community around you, is vital to a healthy state of mind! Consider teaming up as a family for an active charity event this year! Many organizations offer marathons, runs and walks of all shapes and sizes, as well as other types of active competitions to get your heart pumping and your hand helping! Many families find that doing charity events together at least yearly helps to build character, their relationship with each other, and their community.

Fall Into Fitness and Lose Your Tummy

Fall is a wonderful time to curl up with a good book or to sip some cocoa on a rainy night but don’t forget about your fitness resolution to lose your tummy. New moms need to remember as the seasons change so does our eating habits.

These Four Fall Fitness tips will help you lose the pregnancy weight fast!


1. Trick or Treat 

When summer turns to fall our local fruit and vegetable selection become sparse. The harvest calendar brings to the table sweet potatoes and other starchy veggies keeping us properly fed during the winter. Instead of piling on the mash potatoes due to the lack of fresh garden salads try some soups! The trick with Turkey Noodle, Minestrone or any hearty soup is that they contain all the nutrients, proteins and fats we need in one warm meal. Cook a big pot at the start of the week and enjoy the treat of a quick and healthy fall dinner that helps with losing your tummy.

2. Watch Television

Everyone loves getting back into the swing of things and its no surprise TV networks start their new series when fall comes around. Instead of eating potato chips on the couch during your favorite sitcom try exercising! Pick a few nights of the week and organize a floor routine around your shows. Sit-ups, crunches, stretches and even a few free weight exercises will fill up that 30-minute TV time slot and you’ll be rewarding yourself while still working hard to lose your tummy.

3. Seasonal Sports

Lose your tummy by embracing the sports that come along with the fantastic fall season. Ice hockey, Skiing, and Snow shoeing are just some of the outdoor activities that give you a great cardio workout while still being fun. Even just going for a hike among all the changing leaves can be breath taking and you’ll be losing pregnancy weight while having fun.

4. Start a class

The Fall season is famous for the back to school rush, but children and teenagers aren’t the only ones filling up classrooms. Lots of community centers have plenty of fitness classes starting up before Christmas. Taking a yoga class once a week for stress release or a Dance Hip Hop class for coordination and cardio will help lose your tummy. Also there are classes for new moms who want to bring their babies along with them.

With Halloween candy and Gingerbread houses just around the corner at Christmas, try and stick to your healthy eating guns. Remember to eat in moderation and allow yourself a treat day once a week where you won’t feel guilty. Lose your tummy with these tips the easy way and no matter what you decide to do this fall, make sure you don’t fall off the fitness wagon.

5 Tips to Get Fit This Fall

Fall is the best time of year to begin a fitness routine. After three months of extended sunlight and increased outdoor activity, our energy levels are higher than ever before. Pair this with the beginning of our regular school and work routines and we have all the elements needed for fitness success.

Take advantage of the best time of year to get fit with these 5 fall fitness tips:


Make a plan:

No matter how much you wish to get fit, it just won’t happen unless you have a strong plan in place. Set yourself up for success by creating a long-term goal that lasts 6 months to one year. Once you know where you want to go, create three or four mini goals. Although the numbers on the scale measure how far you’ve come, it’s better to focus on accomplishments that aren’t attached to numbers. Fitting into an old pair of pants, or finishing a learn to run clinic gives you a great sense of achievement and a more accurate idea of how far you’ve come.

Schedule your fitness routine into your day:

Schedule every workout into your day planner. To remind yourself just how important your fitness schedule is to you, make the note in your planner very personal. Write out messages such as “THIS IS FOR YOUR HEALTH!”, or “FITNESS TIME!”. This will make you think twice about rescheduling your fitness for a later date or time. If you’re using your technology to keep your appointments, set a reminder on your phone for 15 minutes before your workout. This way you get mentally prepared to get fit.

Take advantage of the weather:

The heat waves and humidity are left behind with summer. The crisp cool weather that fall offers makes this season the perfect time of year to take your fitness outside. Enjoy an outdoor run, take a hike or join a walking group. The fresh air and outdoor activities will increase your enjoyment for fitness.

Create a back-up plan:

Many people plan their fitness programs only to fall off the wagon when something derails them. Get ready for the unexpected. If you planned to join an outdoor activity, have a backup indoor option ready. If you know your ankle bothers you, trade in a lower body exercise routine for swimming, or ride your bike instead.

Ask your friends for support:

Ask your friends or family members to join you while getting fit especially if your fitness goal includes weight loss. How many friends or family members do you need for social support? According to The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, three is the magic number (1). When participants were paired with three friends or family members 95% completed their weight loss program. Your friends and family hold you accountable, create an added element of enjoyment and motivate you during your weakest moments.

Tips on Cold Weather Running

Your alarm goes off a 6:00 AM; you jump out of bed to get ready for your run. You look out the window and notice that it’s snowed, the thermometer says its 35 degrees Fahrenheit outside. For a fleeting moment you think about postponing your run, but just for a second, the avid runner that you are won’t let you miss a day, unless of course there’s a blizzard.

While being dedicated to your sport is admirable, here are some tips on cold weather running from a personal fitness & nutrition trainer, you should know in order to avoid injury and have a safe run. You might also consider using the expert skills of personal fitness & nutrition trainer.


What to wear?

Layer when your run. When you layer you will be able to take clothes off if you become too warm, keeping you safe and just warm enough.

Be Seen?

Make sure you wear clothes that are noticeable especially if you’re running at night or in the snow.

What is too much?

Before you leave on your run if you feel very warm and comfy you are more than likely overdressed for your run.

What type of clothing?

Pick clothing that is made out of a moisture wick material. This will help keep you dry and warm and will also prevent irritation and chafing from sweating. It also minimizes loss of body heat.


Make sure to wear a hat and mittens, (gloves are fine, but mittens are warmer). Heat tends to escape quickly through the top of your head. Be sure to wear a hat to keep your ears war and the heat in. Be sure to wear mittens, this will help to avoid frost bite.


Whether you realize this or not you need to drink fluids just as much in the winter as you do in the summer. You’re running and your body is working vigorously expending energy, you need to hydrate, whether its water or a sport drink throughout your workout.

Warm up?

Remember to stretch before and during your run. Loosening up your muscles before you run raises your body heat helping to avoid injury.


Running on an empty stomach is like driving your car on a long trip without any gas. You need fuel for energy to have a great run. It’s best to eat simple fruit a couple of hours before your run. Simple sugars are easily digestible and change to fuel rapidly.

Now that you know the tips on cold weather running here’s something else recommended by a personal fitness & nutrition trainer Dallas you might like to know. Have you ever felt a sharp pain in your throat when you were running? This is caused by cold air hitting your lungs when you breathe: it doesn’t have time to warm up. You can help eliminate this by breathing through your nose. (This is also a good technique to learn whenever you run.) This technique will not eliminate, but will help decrease the painful sensation in your throat.

One more thing, try running in the middle of the day if you can, it’s the warmest part of the day when it’s winter. Follow these tips for cold weather running, use your common sense, keep warm, and have a safe run.