Life Coaching Tips For Better Sleep

Are you someone who finds it very difficult to fall asleep at night? Then you need not worry as you are not the only one, for there are millions of such people who suffer from sleep deprivation. Life coaches believe that for an individual to function properly in life, it is essential to sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed.

However, this may seem easier said than done for many. Sleep problems are caused by many factors, most of which are related to our habits and schedules and therefore the simplest solution for better sleep is to change those habits or schedules that cause the problem.


Here are some important tips to ensure better sleep that from a life coach:

1. Inculcating better habits during the day

Sleep deprivation is largely caused due to unhealthy habits being followed during the day. Life coaching experts believe that if you follow certain practical advice during the day, then it is possible to get better sleep in the night. These include exercising regularly during the day as this helps promote better sleep. Moreover, where possible it is better to avoid napping towards the end of the day as this can disrupt the body’s sleeping pattern. Apart from this, certain changes in lifestyle such as reducing the amount of alcohol or caffeine consumed during the day will help promote better sleep at night.

2. Creating a conducive atmosphere for sleeping

Factors in your bedroom, such as the bed size, its quality, size of the room, ambiance in the room, can affect your sleep ability and quality. By making certain minor changes in your room, life coaches believe that it is possible to create an atmosphere that is conducive to sleep. Your bed should be large enough to hold you completely as well as comfortable enough to lull you into a calm sleep. Similarly, the noise levels in the room, if kept low can also help in better sleep. Proper ventilation and darkening of the room also helps. Lastly, many people tend to watch television while in bed, which could lead to a disruption in their quality of sleep.

3. Prepare well for sleeping

Maintaining a proper schedule is advantageous in all aspects of life, be it your career or even your sleeping pattern. Life coaches suggest that those people who maintain regular times for sleeping and waking up are more inclined towards better sleep, than those who follow irregular patterns. Setting a bedtime routine is another simple way to ensure better sleep. Similarly, they also opine that it is best to avoid foods that disrupt your sleep, especially when you are nearing bedtime. Doing some yoga or meditating or listening to some soft music or reading or even having a bath before bed, all help in relaxing the body and induce sleep.

4. Avoid worries and tensions before sleeping

The human mind is filled with worries and stresses about the future, this could be career related, relationship issues and so on. This constant worry leads to lack of sleep. Business coaches suggest that instilling feelings of confidence can actually help overcome such worries. Self confidence will lead to taking action which gives people a sense of being more in control and eventually leads to achievement, which in turn can help to diminish worries. Many life coaches suggest that for better sleep it is important to stop worrying and start taking charge of your life.

5. Awakening in between and getting back to sleep

There are many people who have a tendency to get up in the middle of the night and then have difficulty going back to bed. If this happens, then it is best to stay calm and focused; if possible, going back to bed and using some relaxing techniques will help soothe your body and make it relax. Most people watch television during such times, without realizing that they are actually causing more harm than doing good; it is advisable to avoid such activities, which will cause the mind to become more active than relaxed.

Following the above mentioned techniques on a regular basis, it is possible to induce sleep and ensure proper rest. With better sleep, people tend to find they feel better, are more energized and focused and are able to achieve more with less effort in their day. Although we cannot always have a proper night’s sleep, it is worth making an effort as often as possible to have a very good night’s sleep.

10 Tips For Better Sleep

Tired of waking up and feeling like dragging yourself out of bed? Despite sleeping 8 hours or more, why would you still feel like you didn’t get enough rest at all? It’s because you aren’t getting quality restful sleep. When you wake up and still feel that you aren’t well rested, you need to do something about getting the kind of sleep you deserve.

Here are 10 helpful tips that can help you sleep better and wake up fresh in the morning.


1. Spend more time away from any lit up screen.

You will have to cut down your time watching TV, looking at a computer screen or anything digital that emits light before your bedtime. Your exposure to the lights and the flickering screen stimulates the brain much more so and makes it more alert such that you won’t be getting a full rest. This means people who watch more electronic media before bedtime get lower quality sleep than those who don’t.

2. Exercise regularly.

You have probably heard this advice for many other reasons. The best time to do this would be in the morning or sometime in the day but not at night. Spending time doing some exercise actually helps you fall asleep faster. When done at night, the reverse effect happens. Exerting some physical energy throughout the day should be enough to make your body seek rest at night.

3. Eat the right food at the right time.

That’s right. You don’t just eat according to your whims. Some food can make you sleepy at the wrong time of day and make you real perky at night. The old advice on eating a heavy breakfast and lighter meals throughout the day is pretty true. When you stuff yourself with carbs at lunch, you can’t help but feel droopy in the afternoon and start to wake up later in the day. Does this sound familiar? Avoid too much starchy food at noon and caffeinated drinks at night. Instead, opt for healthier alternatives.

4. Take power naps.

This isn’t taking a 1 hour nap or simply dozing off as needed. Take time off to catch a quick nap and recharge for the rest of the day. When you don’t feel too tired at night, you won’t feel restless in bed. Naps also prevent you from sleeping long hours in the afternoon. This helps you keep a healthy wake-sleep cycle so your body clock wouldn’t be disrupted.

5. Wake yourself up gently.

You don’t deserve to wake up so suddenly by the loud buzz of the alarm clock. Set at least two alarms and use a gentler sound on the first one. It could be your favorite music. It’ll make you come back to consciousness enough to remember there’s another alarm a minute or so after so you have time to wake yourself fully. You can set alarms like this on most cell phones nowadays so you won’t have to keep one too many alarm clocks in your room.

6. Keep a consistent sleep schedule.

Go to bed at about the same time every day. This helps your body stick to a consistent wake-sleep cycle. It’s part of a good sleeping habit as you don’t have to strain your body so much on adapting to new sleep schedules. Habits are hard to change so it is better that you stick to a sleeping habit that works best for you.

7. Sleep on a comfortable bed with nice comfy pillows.

To get that quality sleep, you need to feel very relaxed and be able to sleep disruption free. If you have pets around or share your bed, make sure there’s enough room for you to sleep comfortably in. You need space to sleep in a very comfortable position so you won’t wake up feeling achy in some parts or tired. Try to avoid circumstances that may cause you to wake in the middle of the night.

8. Keep a relaxing pre-bedtime routine.

This could be drinking a glass of milk or chamomile tea, reading a bit, or listening to soothing music. This helps in telling your body that it’s time to unwind and sleep. This helps your mind relax and remove any stimulating thoughts that could be preventing you from sleeping right away no matter how tired your body feels. It never is a good idea to force yourself to sleep when you are tense as your sleep would not be as sound as you would like it to be and you won’t be getting the kind of rest you really need to rejuvenate.

9. Sleep mostly at night.

Although power naps are good, avoid taking longer naps as these could steal some hours of sleep from you at night. Our body generally needs a certain solid hours of sleep and not increments of it to feel well rested and be able to recuperate from the demands of the day.

10. Keep your bedroom as relaxing a space as it should be for your sleep.

It’s generally a better idea to use another space for work, study, or even watching TV. Studies show that it isn’t really good to be reading in bed either. Keep your bed an exclusive place for relaxing and not some space where you do any work. It would be easier for you to block out thoughts that prevent you from sleeping when you settle on a space that don’t remind you of these thoughts.

Meditation for Better Sleep

Meditation is a great tool for better sleep and there are many different ways to meditate. You might think that meditation is all about the mind but this is not so.

People who have practiced sport and dance know that physical meditation is a part of a successful exercise program.


It is important to learn how to relax the body and this knowledge can truly help you when you need to sleep well. To begin with you should find a sleep meditation which fits your personality. You can try a local Yoga class. Check that it includes techniques for meditation. This type of class will usually be able to supply you with audio help to continue your meditation at home.

You can also get help with meditation by borrowing a CD from your library. Just pop the CD into your stereo and then let yourself drift off to sleep with help of the meditation. If you already are familiar with physical techniques to relax you might enjoy special mind projections like The Little Workers Meditation. This type of meditation is easily available online for free.

The best thing about meditation for sleep is that it helps you clear your mind while letting your body relax. This is why you will sleep good and wake up refreshed and ready to start a new day of thought processes. In fact, some find it quite enough to just run through the events of the day in their minds before they go to sleep. It clears out the thoughts of the day and make room for the rest of the night. If you are tired and not sleeping well you should definitely give some type of sleep meditation a try!

Tips for Better Sleep

Sleep is an important aspect of our day-to-day lives. Not only does it help restore our energy levels, but sleep supports healthy brain function so you can protect your mental and physical health. In fact, ongoing sleep deficiency is related to a number of chronic health problems while also having negative effects on your thoughts, behavior, and concentration.

In other words, without proper sleep you risk problems at work, in relationships, and with your health. Fortunately, there are many ways you can improve your sleep so you are well rested and ready to take on anything that comes your way. The following tips for better sleep are easy to follow and effective.


Listen to your Body

Mostly, you should go to sleep when you feel tired, but you also want to move toward a stable sleep and wake cycle. Especially if you’re a night owl, you should try to gradually move your bedtime earlier so you get sufficient sleep. Most experts recommend about 8 hours of sleep per night, but it’s actually more important to get good quality sleep than a particular quantity of sleep.

Avoid your Clock

Clock watching usually exacerbates sleep-related stress when you’re not able to sleep. So set your alarm to wake up, but turn your clock or watch away from you while you sleep. This way you’ll avoid staring at the clock and you’ll be less likely to stress about when you are going to finally fall asleep.

Avoid Caffeine

Many insomniacs are shocked to learn that their own behavior is a leading cause of sleep disturbances. Avoid caffeine drinks for at least 6 to 8 hours before bedtime.

Try Breathing Exercises

Concentrated breathing exercises can bring about a state of relaxation and promote sleeping. At the same time, breathing exercises can distract an overly active mind that prevents you from sleeping. Most importantly, breathing exercises needn’t be difficult. Simply concentrating on long, slow breaths in and out may be enough to put you to sleep.


Regular exercise helps you to burn calories during the day so your body doesn’t have to do it overnight. Also, exercise helps to drain you mentally and physically so you feel more tired at night. Research shows that even morning exercise can help you sleep at night. Plus, exercise can ameliorate many conditions, such as restless leg syndrome, that are known to prevent a restful sleep.

Sound Therapy

Finally, sound therapies have also been shown to be highly effective in promoting sleep. In fact, sound products can reduce the time required to fall asleep while also concentrating the amount of restorative sleep you receive. Individuals who suffer from stress, anxiety, and pain may benefit from the relaxing nature of sound therapies that serve to reduce mental activity that may prevent sleep.

Exercise for Better Sleep

Of all ailments that folks can end up having, insomnia has effects on thousands and thousands of folks every single year, meaning so many people are wandering around sleep-deprived. This kind of unpleasant condition can certainly cause disorder in an individuals everyday life if not dealt with.

On the other hand, taking prescription drugs just isn’t a decision many folks desire to explore simply because it can make waking up in the am extremely hard. Now there are several other ways for just how to fall asleep fast, by researching natural methods which can include lifestyle improvements, physical exercise, health boosting eating plan, and herbal supplements.


The initial method will be to take a look at your eating routine. Have you been eating fried or greasy ingredients? This could trigger stomach upset and also heartburn, thus resulting in an inability to fall asleep rapidly at night. Converting to a healthy eating routine is usually an awesome method for ways to fall asleep easily at night. Enjoying plenty of fresh fruits, produce, whole grain products, and plenty of lean meats will go a very long way when it comes to having your rest.

Do you work out around 30 minutes a few times a week? If not, then perhaps you should, as there is medical studies that performing light exercise can produce a relaxing and good slumber. If you’re searching for an effortless to go to sleep fast, this process is definitely a clear winner. Furthermore, one’s body will give many thanks, both inwardly and outwardly.

Performing way of life adjustments in your normal routine will be able to lower tension in your life as well as make it easier to follow a proper sleeping pattern. For example, make a habit of going to bed by a particular time frame each night, and waking up at the same time every morning. This will re-establish your “body clock”, and you’ll realize how to (blank) asleep fast each and every time you retire for the evening.

Herbs as well as green teas may also perform in conjunction with changes in lifestyle, good diet, and simple working out. Try having some chamomile teas, since it is well-known due to its calming attributes and it quite safe to use. Herbal products just like Valerian root and melatonin, are perfectly tolerated by nearly everybody and possess practically no unwanted effects.