A few things you must keep in mind when enrolling in a fitness program

The mobile phones, televisions, and computer screens have literally taken over our world and this is the main reason behind the majority of people becoming inactive these days. Not many people focus on their health and this not only impacts our body adversely but also deteriorates our mental condition. The need of the hour is that we should keep aside one to two hours every day just for focusing on our health and fitness. There are various fitness programs in Long Beach that can help you to achieve your fitness goals. However, just enrolling in a fitness program is not going to help you in getting your dream body. You must be aware of a few important things before you start working on your body for that perfectly smooth start. Discussed below are such important things in detail.


  • Do not be mistaken that it is only the gym where you can take steps to improve your fitness. The idea behind enrolling in fitness programs is to get the much-needed assistance in achieving the fitness goals that you might have in your mind. However, you must remember that exercising in the gym is not enough in itself to make you fit. You need to take steps to make changes to your overall lifestyle to see good results. Make healthy living a part of your daily life and not just when you head to the gym.


  • Do not try to get overnight results and be patient. Overnight results are nothing but a big myth, as long as fitness programs are concerned. When you head to the gym every day, you will come across various muscular and big people around you, but you must not right away try your hands at something for which they have trained a good number of years. You will only end up with injuries if you try to lift heavyweights in the initial phase of your fitness program. You must start with basic training and gradually intensify it. One very important thing that you need to remember is to be patient.


  • Learn about your trainer. Before you join any of the fitness programs, it is important that you learn about the trainer and his qualifications. Ask as many questions as come to your mind before paying the fees and only when you are satisfied with the response should you process with the enrollment. A good trainer will assess you properly and then come up with an exercise regime for you.


  • Be focused and work hard to improve your health. You need to treat your gym membership as an investment and focus on improving your health from the first day itself. There will be distractions but you have to move beyond them and do it for yourself.

These are a few things you must bear in mind when enrolling in fitness programs. Find the right trainer who can assist you to achieve the best results.


Weight Loss Training & Fitness Tips for Men Over 40

You might have heard the saying – Life begins after 40. It is the age when our body goes through many internal & external changes. We become vulnerable of ailments at this stage. So one must take utmost care of their health at this age.

The fitness for men over 40 might vary as compared to the women as the hormonal changes differ in the two.

fitness for men
Here are some weight training & fitness tips for men over 40:

Diet: At this age its best to take a balanced diet that comprises of all required nutrients. These include vitamins, minerals and most of all fibers. In order to balance your weighty that is very important over 40, you must have your meals on time and avoid trans fats. Include a lot of raw fruits & vegetables, lean proteins and nuts in you diet. Although, you might be taking a perfectly balanced diet, having multivitamin & mineral supplements adds to your well being and the total health.

Watch for some things: In order to take care of their fitness, men over 40 must check on their weight. Make sure that you do not gain much. Also if you go for peeing too many times in the night, this calls for a medical check up. Avoid smoking and limit your alcohol intake.

Exercises:There are several weight training routines that you can look up to. These include the following:

· Back squats
· Power snatch
· Sit ups
· Chest press
· Leg curls
· Bicep curls
· Lower back extension
· Leg presses

Consider the following tips when it comes to weight training for men fitness over 40.

· Do not make them too hard for your self. You might start with the moderate intensity exercises and shift to the high intensity slowly.

· You must exercise 30 minutes daily I case you are doing moderate ones. For the high intensity ones, you may only workout 3 times in a week.

· Instead of doing the wrong exercises seek for some guidance from the professional trainers.

· Consistency is very important. You pick up any exercises or diet, you must do it properly and consistently.

How to Quickly Get Lean

You’ll be happy to know that there’s no reason you can’t build muscle and lose fat fast. Once you’ve turned fat into muscle, with a few changes to lifestyle you can look lean and fit for the rest of your life. But how does one get started in building muscle and losing fat? Glad you asked! And there’s great news because you can do it quickly.

The quickest way to build your muscle mass is to get stronger. Any type of strength training will work. There’s weight training that involves dumbbells, barbells, and exercises like squats. You can use either free weights or weight machines.


As you build muscle, your body fat will decrease. Along with strength training, you need 30 minutes of cardio exercise three times a week. The goal here is not to exhaust yourself but rather to burn fat. When doing your cardio you should be breathing heavier than you normally would but you should not be gasping for air. You should always talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program.

You can’t build your muscles unless you are feeding them properly, and when you are eating right, you’ll also be losing fat. Your nutrition needs to included at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily. So things like poultry, fish, and eggs are good sources of protein.

You also need the good fats, which include omega 3, 6, and 9 found in things like olive oil and fish oil. Make sure you are eating plenty of veggies, especially the greens. Steam don’t cook. All kinds of fruit is good for you, and you’ll also want to make sure your eating only whole grain foods. Water is critical to your fast fat loss program. Stay away from packaged foods and fast foods, and get rid of the soda.

As well as eating healthy, you are going to have to reduce your calorie intake. Don’t do anything drastic because that triggers the body to think it’s in starvation mode and it actually becomes more difficult to lose those pounds. Instead, reduce gradually. The first week cut out 500kcal. After a week check to see if you’ve lost weight and reduce more as necessary. Never cut more calories if you see you are losing weight.

Keeping a journal can help to motivate you and stay on track. There are even free websites that allow you to track your progress online.


5 Tips to Fast Weight Loss

Weight loss is a touchy subject for many of us. After all, it’s a bit frustrating to see those pounds go on a lot easier than they come off and with so many different claims of fast weight loss it’s hard to decipher what works and what doesn’t.

Check out these 5 tips to fast weight loss.

weight loss

  1. Make a Plan – Saying I want to lose weight isn’t a plan for losing weight. Telling yourself you’ll eat healthy starting tomorrow, or you’ll start jogging next Monday, isn’t a plan for action, and it’s not going to help you lose those extra pounds. In fact, the failure rate is almost 100% when there is no plan. What’s a plan look like? Well it goes something like this: I’m going to lose 10 pound in 35 days and I’m going to exercise for 30 minutes every day at 4:30pm.
  2. Acai Berry – The buzz of Acai Berry seems to have traveled quickly around the globe. This is one of the best antioxidant foods out there and the Acai Berry Select Weight Loss Supplement has been talked about by Dr. Oz as being a successful tool by many.
  3. Chew it Properly – If you’re wondering what chewing has to be with weight loss you’ll be surprised to learn that chewing your food 10 times before you swallow allows your body to better use the nutrient and it also means better digestion of foods leading to weight loss.
  4. Drink Plenty of Water – When you drink adequate water your body is able to flush away harmful toxin. Water has no calories and the more of it you drink the fuller you’ll feel. There are no calories in water. Drinking a large glass before you eat means you’ll eat far less. And when you find yourself reaching for an unhealthy snack drink a glass or two of water and watch the urge disappear.
  5. Resistance Training – With resistance training you muscles responds to the resistance placed on them. If you life weights there’s tiny tears in the muscles which require energy to rebuild and that energy comes from the fat stored in your body. To lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit so when muscles use calories you lose pounds. It’s not nearly as complicated as some might want to make it.

Fast weight loss isn’t as difficult to accomplish as you might think. Put these 5 great tips to work and you’ll see your waist start to shrink in no time.


How Cardio Training Can Lose Weight and Build Muscle Quickly

The topic of losing weight can often elicit “groans.” There’s no need you know. In fact, did you know that cardio training can lead to quickly building muscle mass and losing weight. Cardio training can be as simple or as complex as you like.

Walking, jogging, and cycling are all goof forms of aerobic exercise that can quickly burn body fat. Aerobic exercises are a great choice for the entire body.

cardio training

There’s all kinds of sites promoting the “secret to successful weight loss” online but it’s really not as complicated as we might want to make it out to be. If you want to lose weight quickly then you must change the ration between calorie intake and calorie use. You can either increase your exercise or decrease your calories. The best plan of attack is to combine the two. Reduce your calories by no more than 500 and increase your activity with a daily 30 minutes of cardio a day.

When you build muscle you burn fat. Strength training builds muscle. Squats, lunges, and push ups require no equipment are very effective. Free weights are also very effective – dumbbells can be purchased for cheap and cans always work too. Don’t make this more expensive or complicated than it has to be.

Fat burning aerobic exercise is different than recreational exercise. For example Tennis and golf are recreational exercise and won’t do a thing for your weight loss, or very little. Then again aerobic exercise such as running, walking, and jogging for 30 minutes without stopping will get the heart pumping and the fat melting.

For awhile it was thought that low intensity exercises would do the job of burning fat but that myth was quickly dismissed. If you don’t get your heart rate up you won’t burn fat. When you have a high intensity aerobic workout you will consume around 70% of the body’s energy. This means calories are burnt and that includes fat cells.

Your cardio workout can be as little as 10 to 15 minutes but a 45 to 60 minute workout is the most effective for burning fat. Don’t think for a minute that more is better, because after 60 minutes the amount of weight loss actually goes down not up.

Cardio training can lose weight and build muscles quickly but when it comes to healthy weight loss that you can maintain you’ll want to ensure you have a healthy lifestyle.


The Down and Dirty on How to Gain Muscle While Losing Fat Fast

So you’ve decided it’s time to lose those extra pounds – good for you! We thought it was time to share the down and dirty on how to gain muscle while losing fat fast!

These simple steps will have you leaner in no time at all.


1. Drink Away

Don’t get too excited. We’re not talking about beer, but rather water. If you’ve never really understood the importance of this clear, tasteless liquid it’s time you did. Every process in the body used water. You should drink at least a gallon a day. Take a bottle with you wherever you go. It detoxifies the body so that your organs run optimally and it fills you so you’ll eat less.

2. Be a Goal Setter

Until you actually set goals about how much body fat you wish to lose and how much muscle you want to gain, you’ll never actually take the first step needed to achieve your goal. Instead you’ll spend your days dreaming about what your body would look like and what life would be like if you were leaner, more muscular, and more toned. Set your goal and then put a plan into action and you’ll be successful.

3. Eat Small Meals

Rather than 3 large meals a day, you should eat 5 to 6 small meals consisting of moderate carbs, low fat, and high protein. This will keep your metabolism optimized and calories burning more efficiently. You should eat 50% of your calories from protein, 40% from carbs, and 10% from fats.

4. Turn Your 30 Minute Cardio Workout Into Two 15 Minute Workouts 4 Times a Week

Rather than doing a 30 minute cardio workout do two 15 minute cardio workouts. It’s easier to have an intense 15 minute cardio workout twice a day than a 30 minute session. Warm up for a couple of minutes and cool down for a couple of minutes leaving you with about 11 minutes of workout. You should only do cardio on the days you aren’t doing weight training.

5. Do Weight Training 3 Times a Week

Weight training builds muscle. Weight training doesn’t burn fat, but muscles will burn more calories to maintain the muscles. If you want to lose fat, simply make your weight training or resistance training a priority.

6. Calculate Your Calorie Needs

To lose body fat calculate your calorie needs. Then reduce your calorie intake or increase your calorie output. A good starting point is around 200 calories and never more than 500 calories or your body will go into starvation mode and store fat.

These six tips are a great way to gain muscle while losing fat fast.


5 Common Myths About Fast Weight Loss

The truth is we can build muscle and lose weight fast. Failure often comes on the hands of poor information.

There are 5 common myths about fast weight loss that you shouldn’t believe.


Myth #1 – I overeat so there’s no way I’ll ever lose fat quickly.

Overeating is mostly the result of stress – when a person is worried, depressed, scared, sad, or anxious overeating is often the result. Decrease your stress and you’ll be surprised at how fast you lose pound. Becoming physically active can lead to a loss in weight.

Myth #2 – My genetics mean I’ll always be overweight.

Being fat isn’t a result of your genetics. Yes some families may have a pattern of being overweight but you can overcome your genes and lose fat quickly. Your genetics don’t control your weight, your lifestyle choices do.

Myth #3 – I’m fat because of a slow metabolism.

It’s true when your thyroid isn’t functioning properly it can slow your metabolism and bring your fat loss to a halt. However most people that believe they have a slow metabolism really don’t. Instead what they have is a need to jump start the body with a combination of good nutrition and aerobic exercise. It’s a simple as a 15 minute brisk walk.

Myth #4 – It’s possible to keep the weight off even with a fad diet.

If you want to quickly lose 10 pounds a fad diet will certainly allow you to accomplish that quickly. But the research indicates that 80% of dieters will actually gain the weight back in 5 years. Worse, you’ll also lose muscle mass and gain back fat. This might explain why society seems to be getting more overweight as the years go by.

Losing the weight using a diet (even a fad diet) isn’t so bad as long as you follow up with healthy lifestyle changes that ensure you keep the weight off.

Myth #5 – I can lose my belly fat doing crunches

Far too many people attempt to get rid of belly fat with no success. What happens is muscle builds under the belly fat and then your belly actually looks bigger. If you want to lose belly fat faster aerobic exercise is the answer – in fact, you’ll lose belly fat as much as 10x faster with cardiac exercises.

Now that we’ve uncovered these 5 myths you’ll be shedding those extra pounds faster than ever.

4 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight Fast

If you find yourself needing to lose weight, you’re not alone. But saying you want to lose weight and actually watching those pounds disappear are two different things. Let’s be honest – we’re creatures of habit and we don’t make change easy.

That’s why you want to use these 10 ways to motivate yourself to lose weight fast.

lose weight

1. Play the If I Do vs. the If I Don’t Game

Grab a piece of paper. Draw a line down the middle and one side write “If I Do” and on the other side write, “If I don’t.” You’re looking into the future now. What will your life be like a month, a year, five years from now. If you take action and lose the weight or if you don’t take action and lose the weight. Be honest with yourself.

For example, if I do lose the weight in one year I’ll be able to eat what I want without worrying about getting fat. Or If I don’t lose the weight in five years, I’m likely to be diabetic. This is a great exercise for motivating yourself – just be real!

2. Don’t Let Anything Get in Your Way

If you have decided to lose the weight and look great don’t let anything get in your way. You can achieve your goal when you set your mind to it but you need to have a plan. For example, you decide you are going to exercise 30 minutes on the stationary bike while watching your favorite television show. Or perhaps you’ve decided you are going to go f a 15 minute walk after work every day. Don’t let excuses stop you from doing what you have set out to do. It’s really easy to say put it off. I’m tired, I have company, I have to do laundry. Stick to your guns and you’ll see the pounds start to roll off. It’s not unrealistic to lose 5 pounds a week. So in just a month you can be 20 pounds lighter.

3. Reward Yourself

If any of you have ever trained a dog you know how important rewards are. They’re important to you too so be sure to set some. For example, if I lose 20 pounds in two months I will treat myself to a meal at my favorite restaurant.

4. Bet With Yourself

The more extreme you make the bet, the more you have to lose. Go t a friend and tell them, “If I don’t lose 20 pounds in the next two months I’ll walk your dog for a month.” If you want to motivate yourself even more “Go to your boss and tell him if you don’t lose 20 pounds in the next two months you’ll work for free for two weeks.
There are four great ways to motivate yourself to get the job done. You can lose that extra weight and you can do it fast.


Weight Loss Spree on Shoestring Budget

A good fitness training program, apart from providing health benefits, can also help individuals to reduce weight loss and get into a better shape. Moreover, it can also help them to save money and perhaps make more money. Now, it is possible to implement a comprehensive and effective workout program on a very low budget.

Research has proved that people who exercise regularly can save thousands of dollars on medical treatments over their life span. As workouts improve the immune system, people who exercise daily would experience minimal sickness and thus can save more on their medical bills. Exercising on daily basis would help to reduce chances of heart attacks, strokes and respiratory infections.

weight loss

In addition, fitness training programs aim to reduce fatigue, improve concentration and treat insomnia, thereby leading to more productivity and thus boost income for numerous people. Comprehensive fitness training programs comprise of two major components, aerobic and anaerobic. These two components work together to provide all the benefits you can get from a fitness exercise program.

Aerobic exercises refer to all those physical activities such as swimming, jogging, walking, cycling, rowing, stair climbing, aerobic dance, etc. The health benefits of such exercises are ample, including but not limited to increased metabolism, improved energy levels, normal blood pressure, and minimal occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.
Walking is the simplest and preferred of most exercisers, as it involves no expense. If you have access to swimming pool, or consider joining a gym, or even opt for having your own home gym, these can also be affordable options. If you are keen on buying exercise equipment, you can look for used exercise equipment that would come at half or even one-third the price of brand new equipment.

For the beginners, aerobic exercises can be quite helpful to increase the energy levels. These exercises should be preferably done in the morning. When we follow a strict workout routine, we can see all kinds of wonderful things happening, counting the fact that our metabolism improves.

Even though we should endeavor to exercise for about 40 minutes each day, even if we do for about just 15 minutes, it can be a lot better than not doing at all. We should get in the habit of exercising daily just as brushing our teeth or taking a bath.

Anaerobic exercise is the other facet of comprehensive fitness program, which includes resistance exercises such as weight training to strengthen and tone the muscles, loaded with other benefits. These exercises help to improve energy levels, burn excess body fat, enhance metabolism, and much more. Weight training programs can be done at home at low cost. If you are a beginner, you can start with small weights for an effective home fitness training program.

Most people buy latest exercising gadgets to shed excess fat and achieve their exercise goals. Truly, it is possible to get an effective, comprehensive workout program implemented on a shoestring budget. So get started!

Fitness Gym Right at Home to Enjoy Full Privacy When Exercising

If you are just about to begin your fitness regime or any other good healthy habits, then you might come across different exciting products to get you started the correct way. Many of us start by working towards our fitness objectives by enrolling at gyms, which can be quite expensive. Maybe we go there for a few months before realizing that the gym environment is not so enjoyable, or maybe our hectic work schedule would not allow us to spare adequate time to really take benefit from our gym membership.

Undesirably, for many of us, the gym memberships would not even last for a year. However, it means that we have to pay the membership fees even if we are not getting the desired results of participating in that fitness training program. Therefore, it makes no sense to enroll for a gym membership which is going to end up costing more than it’s worth. Why not set up a fitness gym right at home?


A home gym can be lot more fun and effectual than performing workouts in a fitness club. The major benefit of a home workout program is that you will not have to wait for using the fitness equipment and machines that you want to. In a fitness club, you will have to wait for your turn to use treadmills, stationary cycles, and other gym equipment, till they become available. Do you think you have ample time for that? Subsequently, if you opt for a home fitness gym, you will not have to wait for your turn. You will never have to wait to use the fitness equipment that you want to.

When exercising at home, it can be fun as you will be able to do it anytime as per your convenience. Moreover, you will not need driving to your fitness club, and workout in the comfort and privacy of your home. In a fitness club, there would be many members that are visiting at a specific time. You will have to wait for long till you get to use particular fitness equipment. However, if you have your own home gym, you are the sole user of your fitness equipment and machines. You can exercise as and when you feel like, maybe in the morning, or in the evening. You can also enjoy working out even on weekends. The best thing is that your home gym will be open even on holidays.

With wide range of fitness equipment and machines available in the market, it will not be difficult to find the equipment which are going to be perfect for your needs. If you are keen on cardiovascular machines, you can opt for a treadmill, stationary cycle or elliptical, that is designed to work well for your fitness goals. You will also find equipment that focus on flexibility, strength, endurance and overall health.

No matter what your fitness objectives are, you will surely find the exercising equipment to get you there. However, it does not mean that setting your home gym would be expensive and time consuming. All that you need is a small room in your home to keep your fitness equipment, and then you will feel motivated to use them at every opportunity you get.