Wonderfully Fit Personal Training

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips to Prevent Overindulgence

Ahh The holiday seasons. Good food,good drink,good friends and oh those parties. No matter what the holiday occasion this is the most difficult time to lose or maintain your weight.However this time of year doesn’t have to be an unhealthy time of year for you and yours.

Let’s discuss some tips to help keep the diet under control.


Go Healthy not Fatty

It is always tempting to over indulge during the holidays. Pizza, wings, roast beef, fried foods all call to us with their song of happiness. Instead of a trip down empty calorie road try instead the high fiber foods like oats, carrots, apples, whole grains and more. If you find yourself at the buffet table try sampling a little bit of everything in small portions. When it comes to desert select your favorite (not by trying everyone first) and then share it with someone. This is also a good way to break the ice at a party

Small and Many not Few and Large

Simply put try eating 5-6 small meals instead of three huge meals a day. A little bit several times a day will help you feel fuller and won’t weigh you down with that “stuffed, bloated feeling” that makes everyone feel sluggish. Another tip would be to have a light snack (say an apple with some peanut butter) before going to a holiday meal. This will help you feel full and provide healthy nutrients in case you falter at the party.

Exercise before, during and after the holidays

Keep that metabolism up. Brisk walks before and after a meal will do wonders for the digestion and your muscles. Exercise is also a great way to relieve stress which has been known to occur around the holidays.

Control the Alcohol Intake

Granted the most difficult to attain during the holidays, however even though the temptations increase during any holiday season try this instead.

Drink one perhaps two glasses of wine or dark beer at dinner. For non-alcoholic substitutes try grape juice or tea. These actually help relax you and contain powerful antioxidants which will help build up your immune system.

OK there you have it, Four tips to help you through the holidays. By following these guidelines you will enjoy a happier healthier holiday season.Don’t forget to tell your friends about these healthy holiday eating tips.

Wonderfully Fit Personal Training

8 Rules Of Christmas: Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

First of all, before anything else is said, let’s agree on a couple of things.

Sharing good times with friends and family is part of what the holiday season is all about. When these groups get together, it is often in the presence of delicious, scrumptious food. This food tends to be available for snacking all day.


Oh yeah! You’re going to sample Aunt Millie’s mincemeat pie, Uncle Bob’s specially prepared fried turkey, and probably a glass of Alka-Seltzer or something similar.

Unfortunately, I am here to remind you of a few things; you are on a diet, you want to lose weight, all that stuff that is so tempting is fattening, and this is the hardest time of the year to be good. So, let’s just pick up on a few rules to help you get through the season.

8 Rules For Healthy Holiday Eating:

Before we get started, I want you to get comfortable, so put some turkey on your plate, get some of that great dressing (don’t forget the cranberry sauce), fight Cousin Ed for some of that green bean casserole my niece, Sharon, makes so well, and tell Grandma to save a piece of pie for you. Have a seat, relax, enjoy your meal (while balancing a soggy paper plate on your knee) and I will give you the rules to help you survive the season.

1. Forgive yourself in advance and give yourself permission to have a good time:

Look, this stuff isn’t poison! You didn’t take 10 years off your life just because you ate more than you should have…and then went back for seconds. You are only human, and you are here to have a good time! One of the reasons you want to lose weight, or keep it down, is so that you can enjoy life, and this is one of the most enjoyable times of the year. So, as they say, live a little. Whatever happens over the next few days will not kill you, and whatever damage you do manage to do can be rectified.

2. It’s just a couple of days:

Okay, for some families, it may be a couple of weeks…twice…Thanksgiving and Christmas, or Hanukkah, or Kwanza. Whatever it is for you, it is finite, it WILL end, and it is mainly limited to a certain time of the year. Who you are in terms of health, fitness, and weight loss is determined by the overall accomplishments of the year, not by a few weeks in the fall.

3. Stay with your program:

You will definitely minimize the effects of all the dinners, cookies, and snacks if you can still get in your walks, aerobics, weight training, or whatever else you have been doing. During the holiday season, it can be difficult to get everything done the same as in the rest of the year, but two days of exercise Thanksgiving week, while not as good as three or five, is still better than none. Simply knowing you have not abandoned your plan will help you get over any depression you might have because of your holiday eating, and will help reduce any negative effects from all the delicious, gooey calories you have “accidentally” consumed. If you cannot stay on a formal program, squeeze in a walk, even if it is a high-speed shopping trip through the mall. By the way, this is the reason I love yoga. When everything’s done, I can retire to my bedroom and not only get the physical benefits of the yoga session, but I relieve some of the stress I may have built up during the day. That helps with the eating too.

4. Remain in touch with reality:

You will hear people speak of “mindful eating”. Be aware of what you are doing. Have you ever heard someone say, “That is so good, I just have to have some more.”? Of course, YOU and I never say things like that! Well, the truth is that you DON’T have to have some more, and, if you do, it doesn’t need to be right now. Just because the food is there right now doesn’t mean it has to be eaten right now. You know what’s good for you and what isn’t. One piece of pie today is not going to kill you or destroy your weight loss resolution, but do you have to have that pie? Isn’t there a healthier treat you could have, or could you just wait until the meal has settled, or after you take a walk to rev up your metabolism and burn off some of what you already ate? Why not take a piece home with you and have it as a treat for later…when you aren’t as full as a tick?

5. Food is not love:

Many people tend to equate food and eating with love. You cannot change the others, but you can change your own attitude. Refusing seconds of Grandma’s turkey does not mean you don’t love her. If she is hurt because you normally stuff yourself and this year you’re not doing her food “justice”, just say that you are full right now but will have more later. Take control of YOUR life. Others will have to take control of their own.

6. If you are the cook:

Choose healthy dishes prepared in a healthy manner. If you have found a new diet-friendly food that you enjoy, share that with others. This will give you one more healthy dish on the groaning board to select your own meal from.

7. Alcohol:

If you enjoy wine, beer, egg nog like my Uncle Wilbur liked, or other drinks containing alcohol, just slow down and cut back. Try slipping in a glass of water between drinks. Drinks containing alcohol are sneaky calories. They do nothing for you nutritionally, but they do have a lot of calories. A few drinks with friends can give you more calories than a Big Mac…and you probably have these drinks while snacking or eating a meal! Oh well! At least if you are a beer drinker, you can try some light beers. It will give you an excuse to sample.

8. Be happy to be where you are, doing what you are doing, with the people you love:

If you fall head over heels off the diet wagon, have fun. What you do throughout the year will have more effect on your weight and health than what happens between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.

Wonderfully Fit Personal Training

Tips For Healthy Holiday Eating This Season

As the holidays are fast approaching we are all caught up in the excitement and joy of the season. Suddenly there are so many gatherings; office parties, family dinners and friends getting together to celebrate the season. This is a very challenging time of year to maintain your weight and to not put any weight on at all. Most people will gain weight over the holidays.

There is simply such an emphasis on food that it is nearly impossible not to do so. And more than weight gain is the often very unhealthy food choices that also occur which can ultimately affect our good health. Most of the foods revolve around high levels of sugar, salt and fat. There are several strategies that you can incorporate to help you stay not only healthy but fit during the holiday season.


Limit Sugars:

Yes, you will be overwhelmed by the amount of cakes, cookies and assorted sweets that seem to be everywhere. You should definitely enjoy yourself and indulge in the pleasures of these delicacies. However you need to learn to exercise portion control. There are many ways to enjoy these foods without going overboard. If you are preparing some of these foods you can substitute some of the traditional ingredients for more healthy lower sugar choices. For example, you can cut the amount of sugar you use in a recipe by more than half by adding the additional ingredients of cinnamon or vanilla. This will add the extra sweetness factor that the recipe needs to taste just as good. Traditional toppings such as frostings can easily be replaced with fresh fruit.

Limit Salt:

This same principle can be applied to the amount of salt you consume. Many condiments are loaded with high salt content. You can easily substitute some of these condiments with various herbs and flavored vinegar. Also look for lower sodium versions of these favorite condiments.

Limit Fat:

There are numerous ways to lower the amount of fat in holiday dishes. When making gravies you can use low fat milk instead of cream. Look for lighter versions of various oils such as extra light virgin olive oil.

Some More Easy Substitutions:

For stuffing you can reduce the amount of bread used by using more chopped vegetables such as celery and onions as well as cranberries and apples for an extra burst of flavor. Add chicken broth to dressing for extra moisture. Chill gravy after preparing it and then scoop the fat content off the top before reheating and serving. You can prepare a delicious skinless turkey breast and cut out 11 grams of fat per serving by doing so. The traditional green bean casserole can be topped with almonds instead of the usual fried onion rings. When preparing mashed potatoes do not use cream and butter. Instead use low fat milk and chicken broth. The heavy cream used in egg nog can be substituted with soy-milk and yogurt and be just as delicious.

Be realistic:

It is not realistic to expect to go on a diet during the holidays. You goal should be to maintain your weight and not over indulge and put on extra pounds. You should not try to skip meals in an effort to be able to eat more later. This is not an effective technique for weight stability. Always make sure you have eaten adequately before an evening holiday gathering. Nibbling on some fresh fruit before leaving will help keep your appetite in check. When you arrive take a good look at the food choices available to you, particularly if it is being served buffet style. Try to focus on what you like best and eat only those choices along with a healthy side serving of vegetables to also fill you up more quickly. Sit down and enjoy your meal. Don’t try to eat too quickly. Make it more of a social experience as you savor your favorite holiday treats. Listen to your body’s cues that it is feeling satisfied and do not push it to the point of feeling stuffed.

Don’t Forget Exercise:

With the business of the holidays many of us simply fail to continue to exercise. We have so many excuses for doing so such as being too busy or feeling like it is okay to take a break from your routine. Although this is fine, you want to be careful not to extend the break for too long and then become complacent towards exercise. In fact, this is the ideal time to recommit to an exercise program in that it will help you to refocus your energies onto healthy habits in your life. Exercise will also increase your metabolism which will help you to avoid putting on those holiday pounds. It is also a stress releaser which is a big problem for many people at this time of year. With New Year’s resolutions around the corner why not get a jump start and put those resolutions into reality by beginning a healthy and consistent exercise routine.

Limit Alcoholic Beverages:

Yes, holiday drinking is a tradition. There are simply likely no gatherings that do not include a festive array of holiday drink choices. Of course it is important to not over drink for the obvious reasons of it being unhealthy and potentially unsafe. However, you may also fail to realize how high in calories these alcoholic beverages can be. One mixed drink can be more calories than an entire meal. So choose your drink choices wisely and limit the portions to a reasonable amount. Additionally drinking too much lends itself naturally to overeating, another reason to be more moderate in your consumption.

Mind over Matter:

The holidays can actually be a good time for you to think about what the true meaning of the season is. We are all so used to be focused on what we can receive at this time of year, whether from delicious foods or expensive presents. However you can choose to reflect on other ways to enjoy the season by thinking about what you can contribute to others. For example, many people use this time of year to give back to the community and to those less fortunate than themselves.

There are so many wonderful organizations and projects that you can get involved with that short term commitments. For example, volunteering at a food bank or shelter to serve holiday meals is a wonderful way to instill a different meaning to your season. This does not mean you shouldn’t enjoy the holidays with family and friends. You should have happy times and build lasting memories. By learning to create more balance in life you can easily control your eating habits during the holidays and perhaps arrive in the New Year a healthier and more fulfilled you.

Wonderfully Fit Personal Training

Tips on Healthy Holiday Eating

It seems like just as soon as those holiday carols start playing in elevators, our weight starts climbing up and up.

You know it’s coming. Everywhere you turn, there are sweets and treats and indulgences: next to the checkout register, in the break-room and on desks at work, and on every end table and counter-top at every home you visit.


When you’re not having something waved under your nose, you’re rushing around with the shopping and errands and preparations, probably not taking the time you need to get a proper meal.

But then during the holiday season, big, abundant, sit-down dinners are likely to make their way into the schedule of even the most harried and hurried among us.

With all that to contend with, many people find the temptations too much to bear, and simply give up on healthy eating altogether during the holidays. But don’t surrender! If you recognize going in that these challenges will be there, and arm yourself accordingly, it needn’t be the fight of your life just getting through to January.

A defensive attitude

Perhaps the most important attitude adjustment is to be sure that you’re thinking of yourself not as a person who is trying to lose weight or even someone trying to avoid junk.

If you’re trying to eat better and get healthy, then think of yourself as a person who eats well and makes healthy choices. Successful people do what successful people do. When you walk in to work first think in the morning and you’re faced with a plate of frosted candy-cane cookies, just recognize that healthy-eating people such as yourself just don’t eat that sort of thing for breakfast. Smile, nod, and keep walking.

It also helps to be forearmed with a few defensive thoughts to call up in case someone brings that plate of cookies right over to you. Think of what motivates you to be eating better and getting healthy to begin with. We have our patients write these out on index cards and keep their top motivations with them for quick reference in moments of temptation.

And if someone is particularly insistent about trying to ply you with sweets or goodies, be ready with a polite way to decline. You might want to try a few out in advance, just so you’re ready and skilled with the “no, thank you,” defense.

But don’t say, “I’m dieting.” That’s only going to invoke sympathy and good-natured encouragement to live a little. Remember that you’re trying to eat better because you want to live a little longer.

Avoidance strategies

When you’re faced with that big sit-down meal at Grandma’s, plan in advance to NOT get so full that you’re uncomfortable. Sure, the food is delicious and evokes all sorts of wonderful nostalgia, but you don’t need to overeat to enjoy the memories. Chew slowly, savor each bite, really appreciate those special dishes. It’s a much better way to enjoy them than doing the stuff-and-suffer.

And start by taking small servings to begin with. Many of us were raised to “clean our plates,” and we feel obligated to finish whatever is served, whether or not Mom is watching. But if you’re full, stop. That mountain of mashed potatoes isn’t Mr. Everest, and you don’t have to eat it just “because it’s there.”

And ask for small servings or serve yourself in small portions to start with. If you’re truly still hungry, you can go back for more. That way, you won’t be jam packed with something that was just filler, leaving room for seconds of the really delectable dishes.

Another trick to help slow the overeating at holiday parties is to try for buffet serving rather than putting all the food on the dining table.

We actually recommend this to patients year round, so that when they’re at home, they fill the plates from the stove and bring them to the table. That’s because repeated studies have shown that if the food is within arm’s reach, we’ll eat it. But if we’ve got to go and get it, we are less likely to have more.

Even a more formal meal can include service from a buffet away from the main table. And if you’re a guest, no matter how your host has arranged to serve, after you’ve finished eating a plate, give it a moment to settle in before going for more.

It takes about 30 minutes for the hormones that signal satiety to get the message from the stomach to the brain. Don’t keep packing just because your brain doesn’t know your tummy is done.

The at “arm’s-reach” defense is useful for snacks, as well. Look for a seat further away from the bowl of chips and don’t stand next to the tray of hors d’oeuvres when you’re chatting at the office party.

If you’re somewhere that you might feel uneasy, consider wearing something with pockets so you can comfortably stand with your hands idle. Many people munch at parties just to be doing something, especially if they feel uneasy in conversation.

Road rules

And finally, there are a few other simple defenses you can employ that will serve you equally well at a holiday party or if you hit the drive through in the midst of your shopping:

Hold the sauce 

You can knock 100 calories or more off most sandwiches or salads-not to mention that pile of potatoes-by skipping the special sauce, dressing, or gravy.

Skip the soda 

A wide array of sodas on the buffet table may look hospitable, but regular soda will add hundreds of calories to a meal. A nice glass of ice water goes beautifully with any holiday meal; unsweetened ice tea or diet sodas are a decent second choice.

Don’t supersize 

Stick to reasonable-sized portions. Holidays are a great time for appreciating the abundance in our lives, but we can do that without upgrading to the supersize meal, either in the drive-through or at Grandma’s holiday buffet!

Remind yourself that you don’t have to eat everything you’re served, that you can take small servings and have more later, and that it’s okay to say no, even if more is offered. Holiday dining should be a pleasure, not an annual experience in extreme eating.

Wonderfully Fit Personal Training

10 Healthy Holiday Eating Do’s and Dont’s

Here are 10 do’s and dont’s to help you continue eating in a healthy way this Christmas.



Do eat low-fat dairy products. Substitute low-fat dairy in all recipes that call for dairy.

Do eat lean meats. Trim off the visible fat from all meat. Remove the skin from chicken and poultry. Bake turkey on a rack so that fat drips away.

Do plan in advance to avoid high-fat, high calorie Holiday fare offered at office parties and family gatherings. You can fill up on healthier food such as vegetables and fruit or soup before you attend these gatherings. Or you could offer to prepare a healthier alternative for yourself and other weight watchers.

Do keep low-fat frozen dinners, sandwich & tortilla fillings and healthy pre-cooked meals on hand for days when there’s no time to cook.

Do center holiday entertainment around non-food related activities.


Don’t make the mistake of ‘saving up’ calories by going hungry before a party. This will only make you so hungry that you’re sure to overeat, and be less likely to make healthier choices.

Don’t start a new diet at this time of the year. It is difficult to focus on new eating habits when you are surrounded by so many temptations.

Don’t try to loose weight. Instead focus on maintaining your weight by watching your portions and making healthier choices.

Don’t stand next to the buffet table. Put some small portions of the healthiest choices onto a plate. Then move to the opposite end of the room and start mingling with the other guests.

Diet Tips for Women That Can Help You Until the Holidays

With summer of 2018 officially over, it is important for you to take a good, hard look at your body now to see what kind of shape you are in and also to determine just what your expectations are for the rest of the year. With Halloween just around the corner, and then Thanksgiving and the Holidays, you need to know what your weight is now and just how much weight you are willing to gain during the holidays.

Here are a few diet tips that can help you maintain your weight or even lose weight going into the rest of this year, so that when spring comes around next year, you will still be able to fit into your summer clothes!

Set your goals

Weigh yourself now and if you are at a weight that is comfortable for you, then set a maximum weight that you will not go over between now and spring time. This might be three or five pounds, or maybe more, but keep in mind that those pounds will be hard to lose once you put them on.

If you are still trying to diet and you want to continue losing weight, then you can use this time of year to continue your diet, but take it easy on yourself since you might not have the same activity opportunities that you would have in the summer time.

Find Different Activities To Do

When the weather is warm, it is easy to go out for a walk or a jog, a swim, or a round of golf, but when it gets cold and rainy or snowy, it isn’t that easy. So, make sure that you have a plan for how you are going to get in your thirty minutes of activity per day. That should be an absolute minimum if you want to maintain your weight, an if you are looking at losing weight, then you will want to do even more.

Track Your Diet

One thing that a lot of successful dieters have in common is that they are known to track their eating habits. If you have never done this before, then you might be surprised at just how far off you are in your daily calorie calculations. When you track your diet or keep a “food diary”, you will find that keeping your weight under control is a whole lot easier.

Follow the Advice of Successful Dieters

Finally, when you see someone who has lost weight, it is pretty normal to ask them how they did it, or what their secret is. These tips for women dieters can really help you to remain encouraged and to lose weight gradually over the fall months. Getting advice and support from fellow dieters is one of the best things that any dieter can do since it helps to keep you accountable for your diet and exercise and it also gives you someone to brag to!

Holiday Dieting

The Holiday are fast approaching. When the Holiday’s arrive this time of year, so do the celebrations, parties, and all the food you can imagine.

Trying to eat and stay healthy during these times can be tough on everyone, so follow these little tips when pulling up to the table.


Tip #1: Stay Focused

It is easy to lose focus of your goals and of your fitness when you are in front of all the incredible food and drinks around this time of year. But don’t cave in, keep focused. Don’t be tempted by what is in front of you; dig down and maintain your composure. Don’t let go and go crazy over food. Your goals are not worth losing over these few weeks during the year. Keep your focus and you will remain on target to reach your fitness goals during these times.

Tip #2: Recipes

When possible alter the recipes of your favorite foods so they will be a little healthier for you. This may be substituting certain ingredients for others that are lower in calories or less grams of fat. Most of these substitutes taste very close to the real thing and no one will ever know unless you tell them that you made the switch. So when you are making your favorite dish, keep this in mind. Choose the alternatives when you can to help cut back on the fat and calories.

Tip #3: Portion Sizes

Now if you noticed I haven’t said don’t eat this or don’t eat that. It isn’t all the time that you get to eat certain foods that are associated with the Holiday’s. Here’s the thing though; you don’t have to get crazy and eat a whole ham or something like that to enjoy the food. If you have small portions you can enjoy some of the treats of the season. If you love to eat a certain pie, then have a really small portion, not the whole pie. If you really like something else, have a small portion. People don’t have to go overboard and eat more than they normally would just because it is the Holiday’s. You see it at every gathering, those people who stuff themselves into a food coma with their pants unbuttoned to feel comfortable. That shouldn’t be you. You can indulge in the tastes of the season with small portions to satisfy your desires.

Tip #4: Drinks

Keep the drinks to a minimum. Alcohol; meaning beer, wine, mixed drinks, and liquor are high in wasted, unwanted calories. Plus, if will have to add in the calories you drink when adding soda or juices. The calories that people waste on alcohol can add up very quickly. This does not help your waistline. Also watch the different juices, teas, and cider drinks that a lot of people serve. There could be hidden calories in these that are not satisfying you the way you would like your calories to do. Save your calories for maybe one of those tasty teats you have had your eye on. There are plenty of other drinks available. Water is probably the best choice to keeping the calories low and fulfilling your need.

Tip #5: Get Moving

Getting moving during the Holiday’s can be a little difficult. You have to make time to get your workout in and remain active. Don’t use time as an excuse; you have the time, just get going. You can split up your routine into different segments if you don’t have your normal block of time available. You can get a lot done in a 10-15 minute power workout. It doesn’t have to be long periods of time. Make the time for yourself. You will feel better about yourself. Get moving!

As the Holiday seasons creep up on us, use these tips to help guide you through the season. This is only a short time throughout the year; don’t blow your goals during these times. Keep these tips in mind when you are heading to your favorite Holiday destination to celebrate good times with family and friends.

5 Diet Tips for Weight Loss for Eating Potluck Foods

Holiday season diet tips for weight loss for eating foods for potluck feasts. Reveals appetite control ideas at potluck dinners.


History of Potluck

Potluck began in 16th century England. It was food provided for an unexpected or uninvited guest. Families only had a single pot for cooking meals. The food provided to the unexpected or uninvited guest would be the luck of the pot, or potluck. Today a meal provided to a large group provided by each member of the group bringing a pot of food or a covered dish it is referred to as a potluck.

Holiday Season Potlucks

Organizations have holiday feasts for their members. Some are provided by potluck foods. These are tough situations for people on diets. During the holiday season you are open to an assortment of food and beverages. Many traditional holiday foods and drinks are unhealthy.

Eat Slowly

Eat slowly. This gives you the chance to chew your food thoroughly.. It will be easier to digest your food causing less stomach aches. Your digestive system will operate more efficiently storing less of the food as fat. The extra time will give the stomach the chance to communicate to the brain it is full. Plus you have less time at the table to eat more food.

Half Plate Rule

The half plate rule is to fill half of your plate with vegetables and fruit. This leaves less room for pastas, potatoes and high calorie holiday dishes, and meats. Look for lean meats such as turkey instead of salty hams, chicken soaked in gravy and sausages smothered in BBQ sauce.

Move Away From the Buffet Table

Do not sit near the buffet table. The tendency to graze is reduced when you are away from the food dishes. Wait 10 minutes or more before getting seconds.

Don’t Lead the Line at the Buffet Table

Drink a glass of water instead of getting near the front of the line at the buffet table. This leaves you with less time to overeat and less of an appetite from drinking water.

Don’t Drink Too Many Calories

Don’t drink the egg nog. One cup contains 343 calories and 20 grams of fat. Also pass on the hot chocolate with whipped cream which contains 222 calories and 12 grams of fat per cup. A 12 ounce can of coke has 140 calories, same size beer 146 calories. Go for an unsweetened tea.

If you think about it, there are many diet tips for weight loss you can do during the holiday season to prevent weight gain when eating potluck foods.

Three Effective Holiday Diet Tips

The holidays will soon be upon us. Everyone wants to have fun with family and friends during the holidays. Much to our dismay, most of us end up eating too much.

Here are three effective diet tips that will help keep you from gaining too much weight.

diet tips

Tip One

Keep your liver in top working condition. The liver is extremely important for weight loss and overall health because it is the organ responsible for metabolizing fat. Consuming the juice of a fresh lemon in a cup of hot water will help detoxify the liver. Our bodies are in a natural cleansing phase in the morning that is why it is critical to drink the hot lemon mixture first thing in the morning. Try drinking at least 64 ounces of water throughout the day to keep your system flushed.

Lemons have an alkalizing effect on the body, which aids the liver to detoxify more efficiently. Our bodies are designed to routinely expel and eliminate toxins, but when we overeat the liver cannot do its critical tasks in metabolizing fat and eliminating unwanted waste. So this holiday season be sure to consume your hot lemon mixture first thing in the morning, your liver will thank you.

Tip Two

Do have a lot of parties to attend this holiday season? Are you afraid you might overeat and gain a ton of weight? Do not deprive yourself from enjoying one of the most festive times of the year, eating some chia seeds before your party is a surefire way to help keep your appetite at bay.

Chia seeds are regarded as the number one source of Omega 3 fatty acids. They are high in protein, dietary fiber, oil, and antioxidants. The beauty of chia seeds is when we eat them; they form a gelatinous substance in the stomach, slowing digestion, so you feel satisfied for hours, experiencing fewer cravings and eat up to 50 percent fewer calories during subsequent meals. There are many ways to add chia seeds into your daily routine. You can mix the seeds on cereal, salads and your yogurt. I like soaking the chia seeds in water. I add 1/3 cup of chia seeds to 2 cups of water, stirring well to prevent clumping.

I refrigerate the mixture for at least 12 hours to allow the seeds to absorb the water. I eat the chia seed gel before going to a party where I know I might have the urge to overeat. Rich in satiating fibers and slimming omega- 3s, the seeds also act as a potent colon cleanser. Try to consume ½ cup to 1 cup daily, ideally when overeating might occur.

Tip Three

Would you like to turn on the fat melting genes? Did you know an inexpensive kitchen staple can do just that? I always include organic apple cider vinegar as part of my daily diet. Japanese researchers concluded that vinegar’s acetic acid switches on genes that are key to the manufacture of fatty acids oxidation enzymes. Consuming 2 tbs of organic apple cider vinegar daily were shown to block the body’s storage of incoming dietary fat, plus break down and eliminate nearly 10 percent of existing body fat. If you have been invited to a holiday party and are worried about eating too much, try eating a healthy salad drizzled with a mixture of 1 to 2 tbs of apple cider vinegar and some good quality olive oil before going out.

No need to avoid going out and having a good time during this holiday season. Simply incorporate the three aforementioned dietary tips as part of your holiday routine, go out have a good time and stay safe.

How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

The holiday season can be a challenging time to make healthy food choices. With all the office parties, family celebrations, and abundance of cake, cookies, and pies, it is easy to see why the typical American gains weight between Thanksgiving and the New Year.

With food as the center piece for most holiday celebrations and social events, it is very hard to avoid, but with a little preparation and planning, you can still enjoy spreading the holiday cheer without spreading your waistline.


Don’t go to a party hungry.

The hungrier you are, the faster you will eat. It is important to eat your typical breakfast, lunch, and snacks on the day of the party to avoid being famished when you arrive and therefore overeat.

Substitute traditional foods with healthy alternatives.

Most of the traditional holiday meals can be prepared in a healthier manner. For example, try our Low Carb Pumpkin Casserole (link to recipe) as an alternative to pumpkin pie.

Watch out for holiday spirits.

Alcoholic beverages can contain from 150 to 450 calories a glass. Limit your drinks to 1-2 glasses. The lower calorie, lower carb choices are dry wine, Bloody Mary’s, or spirits with diet mixers. Alcohol has 7 calories per gram (fat has 9 and protein has 4) and then is stored in the body as extra belly fat. Individuals who are overweight can gain weight more quickly when consuming alcohol.

Up Your Exercise.

Yes, you can bond with family over bread and wine, but you can also bond through a brisk walk or bike ride. Try to plan some holiday events around fitness such as entering the family into a 5K Holiday Fun Run, or walk together, or enroll in a fitness class together.

Plan Ahead.

Know what parties are you going to attend, what food you will be tempted by, what personal stressful triggers may drive you to eat, and make a plan on how you will deal with those situations. It is much easier to deal with difficult social eating situations if you already have a plan.

Practice conscious eating.

Most people tend to eat beyond their body’s physical hunger at holiday events simply because the food is there, it is good, and everyone else is doing it! To avoid over-eating, make one plate of food of the items you really want to eat. Sit down, and eat slowly. Chew and saver each bite. Set your fork down between bites and take your time. When you are finished eating, pop in a mint or a piece of gum to keep your mouth occupied and prevent having seconds.

Bring your own healthy dish to the party.

If you are not sure what you can eat when you get there, bring the food with you. Offering to bring a dish puts you in control. At least you know there is one healthy item on hand.