Spring Dieting

How to Stay Healthy Over Spring Break

Spring break is here or just around the corner for individuals across the country. This may mean vacationing or simply enjoying some downtime in your hometown. During your break, you want to relax and enjoy yourself. Sometimes this can include some unhealthy behavior; especially for those looking to lose weight.

From extra calories to lazy days relaxing by the pool, spring break can make it increasingly more difficult to stick with your weight loss plan. If you are planning a vacation or a stay-cation, think ahead. There are ways to stay healthy during spring break. Read more

Spring Dieting

The Best Diet Plan for Spring Dieting

The most effective diet plans are ones where you love the food you are eating, and can also find the best and freshest foods to include in your diet plan. In the winter time, some of the food you may require on your diet plan to lose weight may not be the best quality, or it may be higher priced. Spring is a great time for the most effective diet.

Consider that spring is when the air is warming up, the birds are singing, and the sun is brighter, which all goes together to make you feel good. This is a great time for you to begin to think about losing weight. You already are in the right frame of mind-happy-and you are looking forward to the summer season where you can wear your shorts and bathing suit. Read more

Spring Dieting

5 Ways You Can Spring Clean Your Diet

Most of us spring clean our homes every year before Spring arrives; why not think about also spring cleaning your diet? A detox spring clean diet can offer you the opportunity to refocus and re-establish clear dietary goals that will not only empower you but may also assist you in losing those extra few kilograms before Summer.

An effective detox diet can involve the elimination of processed foods and stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol for a few days or even a few weeks. Sometimes this is all you will need to do to feel more refreshed, re-energized and of course, lighter, as your body is now able to rid itself of unnecessary fluid that has accumulated when you have eaten too many salty or fatty foods. Read more