5 Powerful Strategies For a Rapid Weight Loss Diet Plan

Losing weight sounds simple but very rarely is. The trouble is that we all want to lose it quickly but underestimate just how long it can take to actually get lean. For a lot of people this a big reason why any diet plan fails as expectations are too high and when people don’t start seeing amazing results quickly they soon give up and the old habits start to return and before we know it we are back to where we started.

If this sounds like you then here a 5 important factors that you must follow if you are going to have any success with a rapid weight loss diet. Always remember weight loss should be approached with a long-term plan but with the occasional quick fix to get you in peak condition for events, holidays or any other occasion where looking your best is important.


1.Eat Less

I cannot stress this point enough. If you want to lose weight and lose it quickly then you have to burn off more calories than you consume. Now you can do this with extra activity but this is time consuming and takes a huge amount of effort. A more simple way is just to eat less. Any rapid diet plan that is successful regardless of what you are eating is one where you are eating fewer calories than your basic metabolic rate. There are many such diet plans out there you just need to research the one most suited to you and your lifestyle.

2.Perform High Intensity Exercise

High intensity whether it is cardio or resistance training is how you should approach all your workouts. This works better than traditional ‘steady cardio’ workouts for 2 reasons. First high intensity intervals and resistance circuit type training burn more calories than ‘normal cardio’ can. Second they build and tone muscle, which keeps your metabolism up.

3.Get Support

This is one of the most important factors too losing weight but is very rarely considered. Trying to lose weight on your own can be very tough with many people feeling isolated from family and friends as they try to maintain their diets. I would advise to try and encourage other people you know to start with you and make it clear to family and friends how important losing weight is too you and that you need their support. Once you have people in the same position as you and supporting your goals it will keep you more motivated and less likely to miss workouts or cheat on your nutrition. A lot of people hide their weight loss plans in case they don’t see them through and look like a failure but I think by telling everybody what you plan to do it shows that this time you really do intend to get the job done.

4.Eat more Fruits And Vegetables

Yes you have heard or read this a million times but are you really doing it? It is a very simple strategy but highly effective. Having more vegetables especially in your diet will make a big difference as they don’t contain many calories but will fill you up quite quickly. If your not sure about this just try for one week to eat only vegetables and protein for every meal obviously making sure it is within your daily calorie allowance and see what happens.

5.Set Goals and deadlines

Setting goals and deadlines is a very powerful tool to losing weight but one that most people fail to do. I prefer to set short goals on a daily and weekly basis. These include targets to be hit in my workouts or only eating certain foods all week. As you build up your list of goals you have accomplished you will increase confidence and momentum towards your overall long-term weight loss goal.

I also try to have a deadline of maybe a month or up to 3 months. I think longer than this can overwhelm people and they don’t feel attainable. Deadlines are very powerful especially when they come in the form of some event, holiday or other important occasion. For example I have yet too train a bride to be who didn’t hit their weight loss goal for their big day. Events like that are incredible motivators and create the correct mindset for weight loss.

It is the same for film stars. The reason that all of these top stars look great on film is not that they are somehow different too us mere mortals. It is because they are completely focused because they have a deadline that must be reached. This means they don’t miss workouts; they train like demons and out of the gym they watch their diet and lead an appropriate lifestyle.

If you can put any or all of these 5 strategies into effect then you will have very effective rapid weight loss diet plan and be well on your way to achieving your weight loss goals in record time.

The Easiest Ways To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

If you have a child that is over weight, it can be a very delicate situation. You may want them to be healthy but do not know what to do to help them lose the weight that they have put on. The guidelines in this article may be able to give you some helpful information that you can incorporate in your home.

When starting a weight loss plan, you need to determine how many calories you should be having a day. Online calculators abound that will let you input your height, weight, age, activity level and the amount you want to lose and will provide you the total calories you should eat each day. If you know the calories you should consume each day, it’s much easier to stay within the guidelines.


Treating yourself can actually be an important part of any weight loss diet. Making hard and fast rules about food, such as telling yourself that you’ll never eat chocolate cake ever again, can actually make you obsess about food. This leads to stress and overeating, both of which can ruin your weight loss plan. Try to give yourself a small treat everyday, or a slightly larger one at the end of the week for making your goals.

If you are working at weight loss, get into the habit of blotting the fat off the top of your foods. You can save countless calories by soaking up the fat that is standing on a slice of pizza. If you decide to indulge in a burger, give it a little squeeze and soak up the fat that dribbles out.

Eat less on your diet while tricking your mind into thinking you are eating more, simply by downsizing to an 8″ salad plate for your main meals. Smaller servings can seem pretty skimpy when sitting on a larger dinner plate and might signal deprivation to your brain. Switch those same servings to a cozy salad plate and you have the sense of enjoying a more robust meal. If you can convince your mind that you just had a normal meal, then your stomach won’t be too far behind!

Trying to lose weight? Try cutting out meat. In general, vegetarians are leaner and lighter than meat eaters. There is much less saturated fat in fruits, vegetables and legumes than there is in animal products. Try skipping the burgers and the hot dogs, and you are likely to drop a few pounds.

When considering weight loss, try to use positive words about losing weight. Using a healthy vocabulary will help you make better food choices. Tell people you are making a healthy lifestyle change instead of going on a diet. Tell yourself you are making a healthy choice in snacks instead of denying your craving. In time, using a positive vocabulary will help you achieve your weight loss goals.

No one wants his or her child to be made fun of for being overweight. More importantly, no parent wants his or her child to die early. Children who are obese, often tend to be obese adults. You can make a change in your child’s entire life by simply following the information that has been provided.

Tips For Creating Delicious And Healthy Juice Drinks

Making juice for yourself an your family is a great way to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy. For the tastiest and healthiest treats for your family, follow the tips in this article. You and your family are sure to love all the benefits juicing can bring to your life.

If you are going to store juice that you have made yourself, you need to do this correctly. Choose a container that is airtight, and add a couple of drops of lemon juice to it before putting it into the refrigerator. Label your juice so that you remember what you are drinking, and enjoy!


Be consistent and do a little juicing everyday. The more you do, the more you’ll want to juice and gradually, you’ll make juicing a bigger part of your day. If you make juicing an infrequent occurrence, not only will you get less nutritional benefit but you’ll also lose the will to keep going.

If your kids do not like vegetables much, then juicing is a great idea to help them have an easier time eating them. Only few children enjoy eating vegetables. In order to keep children eating their vegetables, secretly add them into the juicer with the fruits to make a discreet and tasty drink.

Check out farms near where you live to pick up the produce you need for juicing at amazing bulk prices. Many items can be kept in a cool, dark place for longer periods of time. So those are the foods you want to pick up on the farm in larger amounts.

Juicing will lead you to more ingredients than just produce! Try spices like cayenne or cinnamon, or nutrition-packed additions like spirulina. You can even put a little honey and yogurt in once in a while for a sweet, smooth treat. Make sure to use only non-fat, unsweetened dairy to keep the resulting produce healthy.

There are a million-and-one recipes of items to include in your juicer. You can try a combination like apple with carrot and ginger, or celery and pear. My favorites are apple with lemon and pear, apple with cinnamon and honey, and, my daughter’s favorite, banana with mango and orange. Try new ideas to find your own favorites!

As stated in the introduction, making your own juices at home is one of the best ways to promote a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. Follow the tips outlined in the article above to make great tasting and healthy juices to help keep your family strong and healthy.

Lose Weight by Understanding Your Metabolism

Western countries are beginning to note the increase in individuals who exhibit obesity and obese characteristics. No country understands this better than the United States, which have been on the leading edge when it comes to obesity. However, citizens who are worried about their eating habits and weight control may be able to help themselves simply by educating themselves.

Despite the fact that individuals in the United States are more likely than most individuals in other countries to pursue higher education, there are still a number of people who do not understand how to lose weight.

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By understanding the way metabolism works and the ways in which an individual can lose weight, it is easier for these individuals to diet and/or lose weight because they understand the science behind weight lose and appetite control. When it comes to losing weight, individuals need to be prepared to work with their metabolisms since it is the metabolism of a body that burns off energy and subsequently fat.

Some people are able to increase their metabolism and others are eager to purchase pills that claim to help. Still, it is helpful for these people to first learn about the metabolism and what they can do to help their metabolism, which would save many people money since they are not immediately going out to purchase supplements that may or may not actually work to help them lose weight.

Metabolism is the body process that keeps an individual alive since it powers the body. Metabolism is the chemical process wherein the energy and stored fat in your body is burned off in order to help fuel the body. Almost every involuntary process that takes place in the body is controlled by the individual’s metabolism and this includes cell respiration and re-growth, digestion and other such processes.

BRM stands for the basal metabolic rate. The word basal means the lowest possible or first possible; the phrase is indicative of the individuals lowest metabolic rate, that is, how much energy the body is able to burn when it is at rest.

When a body is functioning and working, it will burn more energy since the body is required to do more. The BRM is indicative of the number of calories that the body needs to consume in order to function and stay alive, but not to do anything that would exert the body. When people want to increase their metabolism, they are looking to increase their BRM. There are a number of different ways that individuals can try to reach this higher number.

Exercise is a very effective option and it prepares the body to work harder throughout the entire day. While many people may estimate their BRM, a doctor is the only person who can effectively come up with an accurate number for the individual that would help them to more effectively lose weight.

Although some available metabolism boosting pills can increase the energy that an individual feels, it is widely believed by the medical community that these pills are not effective when it comes to actually increasing one’s BRM.

How to Lose Weight and Improve Health By Eating!

Many people want to lose weight. Sometimes, it’s harder for some people as opposed to others. However, by adopting the right attitude, a person can lose weight – even if they keep eating! First, it is important to outline and remind yourself of your goals; why are you losing weight?

Many people understand that by having strictly short-term goals or plans for weight loss, they can easily pack back on the pounds after their one goal is over. In order to maintain a steady and healthy weight, one’s lifestyle needs to change and here are some pointers!

lose weight


1: Eliminating an entire food group from your diet will rarely incite positive results. Moderation is everything, and everything in moderation. In order to function properly, an individual needs lots of different foods and items. By cutting out an entire food group or type of food, the body no longer gets that it needs.

2: Keep in mind specifically what helps your body and when. Carbohydrates and fats are best in the morning and when individuals need caloric energy in general. Protein is also a fuel for the body, but some protein can be high in fat, so watch carefully what you eat and what raw material the food comes from before you ingest it.

3: An ideal diet will depend on the individual. Different individuals have different lifestyles, and different lifestyles need different things in order to keep the person in proper health. If you are more active, you will need to eat more to maintain your lifestyle. Individuals who are less active can eat less because they are not being as hard on their bodies or demanding as much from their bodies.

4: Still interested in counting calories? For some people, counting calories helps. For others, they can lose sight of what they are trying to achieve by cutting out high calorie foods – and potentially limiting their body’s sources of nutrients and vitamins. Most adults can eat between two and three thousand calories each day, and as a general rule average women can consume less calories than the average man.

Possibly the most important thing is to observe where your food is coming from before you eat it. More important than counting calories and limiting yourself on food, it is important to look at what types of food you are eating versus what types of food you should be eating in order to improve your body and/or your lifestyle. Carbohydrates can safely make up sixty percent of one’s diet, which can be supplemented by about thirty percent of fat and ten to twenty percent of one’s diet made up by protein. These are averages and specifics will vary from person to person and will be dependent on the specifics of their body and exertion levels. Individuals do not necessarily need to eat less in order to lose weight, rather they can almost always benefit by eating different things in order to help fine tune their diet and their lifestyle. By eating the right items in the appropriate amounts, a person can create a healthier lifestyle – and lose weight!

Healthy Habits When Life is on the Go  

The busy life that people lead these days can make sticking to your diet a real battle. It can seem so tough to find the time to sit down and consume a meal that is good for you. The good news is that there are numerous ways that you can bring healthy eating habits into your life even if you are very busy.

You have a better chance of eating well if you plan ahead and try to make healthy eating a part of your daily routine. If you know that you have a busy week ahead for example you can purchase numerous food items that are quick and easy to prepare.


Make sure that your cupboards are well filled with foods that are low in calories. Even though you should not eat this way daily if it can be helped, there are times where you have to opt for a quick meal on the go.

These fast and easy healthy meals are a great choice for those days when you simply just do not have the time to sit down and eat well.

Whenever possible, make the time to sit down and have a good breakfast. This is a great start to your day and an important part of any diet. When your body has gone all night without food, it is desperate for fuel and nutrients.

Studies have shown that people who avoid eating breakfast often take in around one hundred more calories than people who sit down and have this meal daily. If loosing weight is a priority for you, eating breakfast is a fabulous start.

Your body needs to be well hydrated to operate properly. Water is also needed to process the nutrients in food. When you consume adequate amounts of water, you will find that your body feels fuller and lends to you being more apt to avoiding the temptation of snacks that are not healthy.

On average, you should drink about eight glasses of water each day. This amount will of course vary depending on where you live, if you reside in a warm climate, you may need to ingest more water for the same results.

To maximize the result of water consumption, consider adding ice cubes to each glass of water that you have. Studies have shown that you can actually increase your metabolism by adding ice to the water that you drink each day.

Breakfast is not the only important meal; lunch is almost as vital as breakfast is to keep your body functioning properly. Even if you are tempted to skip lunch to ditch those calories, it is simply not worth it.

When you stay away from lunch, your blood sugar levels dip and your metabolism becomes sluggish. Not to mention the fact that when dinner time roles around, you are bound to be very hungry and indulge in foods that are not good for your diet.

Instead of not eating lunch, choose to have something light but filling. Fruits and veggies are always a good idea or you could have a sandwich on wheat bread with lean deli meats if you like.

Snacks can be the downfall of many people on a diet. However, this does not have to be the case. You do not have to throw out your snacks all together; you just have to pick snack foods that are good for you.

Yogurt low in fat, fruit, trail mix, veggies or wheat crackers with peanut butter will fill you up more than something like a chocolate bar would with only a fraction of the calories.

Getting a Handle on Portion Control a Key to Losing Weight 

Diets can seem like such a complicated matter, you know that you need to eat less and exercise more; however it can be so hard. One of the worst factors that hold you back from shedding pounds is the size of the portions that we eat.

Research in dieting has shown that if you can get control over the size of your meal portions, you will also be able to control your weight. There are tips that allow you to find the balance necessary for keeping your weight at a healthy level.


The unfortunate part is that there are times when it is hard to keep a handle on your portion size- generally when the amount of food given is out of your control. This tends to happen for example when you dine out for a meal.

You can take control of this though through a variety of different methods. One option would be to choose an appetizer over a main course. Generally, appetizers are big enough to be satisfying without being as large as a main course.

If you are determined to order a full meal, a fabulous idea is to cut your meal in half before you start eating. You can ask to take the other half of your meal home to eat at a later time.

Breaking out of the habit of thinking you need to eat three large meals a day will go a long way in aiding you to control your food portions without feeling hungry. Skip the traditional three meals and decide instead to eat numerous small, healthy meals each day.

This is an excellent way to keep your portions small, and it will leave you satisfied and prevent the dieting pitfall of boredom.

Five small meals daily that consist of whole grains, vegetables and fruit are suggested highly by dieticians. Be bold with your fruit and vegetable selections, try out new flavors and textures, and explore and find foods that you enjoy.

If you do wish for some of your meals to be slightly larger, the earlier in the day that you eat them, the better it is. As your day progresses, ensure that your meals become smaller as you have less hours to burn off the calories that you consume.

When you are trying to control the size of your portions, you need to know the appropriate measurements of food that you need. Use the tools that you have in the kitchen to measure out your food so that you know you are always taking in the proper portion amount.

Items like measuring cups and spoons or a kitchen scale will help you keep your food amount under control each day. Do not try to just eyeball and guess at the amount you are eating, especially when you are just starting out on your diet.

Some people find it very difficult to stop themselves from eating too much, for whatever reason, they can simply not figure out what a good portion size is. These people will find that a plate, with pre-measured compartments is very useful.

These plates can be located online or at a variety of stores that carry kitchen supplies. This plate has areas that hold the perfect amount of vegetables, proteins and fats that are the right amount for you to eat at each meal.

Appetite Control and YOU!

Many people are trying to diet and many people feel frustrated when they are not losing as much as they had hoped for or not as quickly as they would like to. Some people can get upset and bail from their diet as quickly as possible, rationalizing that the diet was not working any way, so why would they torture themselves like that.

Other people get upset and resolve not to eat or to eat as little as possible and often what would only be absolutely necessary to help them get through the day. Neither of these approaches are the best answer and individuals who feel upset because of their inability to lose weight could benefit from understanding about appetite control and what they can do in order to feel full longer and stay on track when it comes to their diet and weight loss plan.


Some people can control their appetite by keeping their mouth and stomach occupied. People who are aided by this approach can benefit simply from munching on ice chips when they start to feel hunger pangs coming on or they begin to feel like snacking. Water has no calories in it, so the people are able to fill themselves up, simulate chewing and feel fulfilled by keeping to their diet.

Water fills people up when they drink it as well and can aid with appetite suppression, but one of the biggest problems with this approach is that individuals do not feel full because psychologically they know that they did not eat anything. Ice chips can help because they are solid.

Individuals who do not like the thought or practice of chewing ice chips may want to consider snacking on small, healthy foods throughout the day. Not only will the individual feel full, but they will also be able to keep their blood sugar levels even and increase their metabolism.

Foods that are high in fiber are some of the best foods to snack on since they help to keep the bloating of a body down and they allow the individual to feel full. Vegetables and fruits are an obvious, but effective, choice when it comes to snacking. They contain a lot of water but they are also sweet and filling.

Eating a balanced meal can also help an individual to control their appetite. By eating a balanced meal, the individual is able to have a variety of different foods which can help to suppress specific cravings that an individual may have. In many cases, cravings will cause the individual to deviate from their diet or give up on their diet.

As a result, they may not stick to their diet in an effective manner. It is also helpful for individuals to take a break when eating and allow themselves time to digest the foods that they have taken into their bodies. The stomach can take a while to inform the brain that the body is full. By taking a break and allowing the food to digest, many people will realize that they are filled up by less food.


Pointers on Losing Weight Safely

People who want to lose weight commonly, and first of all, think about reducing the amount of food they eat. This may be quite a solution but not exactly the best there is. In fact, depending on the amount you reduce in your food intake, it may even be dangerous to one’s health.

So how does one lose weight effectively and safely? Here are some points one should consider when trying to lose weight:


Beware of the Crash Diets

Most people think that trimming down the calories can alone shed off their unwanted excess. Probably this is because of the fad there is in advertising about low-calorie food products and beverages. What people don’t know is that this could be dangerous because when they decrease their calorie intake way to below the required levels, the body begins to digest the fats. Sounds good but it doesn’t actually. Burning fat requires a lot of energy. Since there is not much energy in the body to facilitate metabolism of fat, it will run at a very slow pace resulting to fatigue, illness and weak immune system.

Low-calorie diet is also compensated for by the body by burning muscle. People on this type of diet who revert back to their old eating habits end up gaining back some, if not all the weight they have shed off. This would consist mainly of fats. And since fats have more volume per mass than muscle, they end up having the same weight as before but more bulkier. In losing weight, one should keep in mind that they should lose excess body fats only.

However, one can try out eating small meals at more frequent intervals. This way the body will not think that it is being starved and will not store food as fat.

Eat Properly

One may have considered junking the crash diet option but he should also not forget to watch what he is eating. Variety must always be considered so that one may be able to get the necessary nutrients from his diet.It is also healthier to eat food which are roasted, steamed or broiled rather than fried. It is also important to include a lot of fiber in the diet. Frequent re-hydration is also necessary.

Pump Up lean Muscle Mass

Muscles burn calories when they work; they even do so at rest. Unlike fats which just lie around, bulge around the pants and dangle beneath the sleeves, muscles burn calories all-day round. With this fact, one can start weight loss by increasing muscle mass. The more muscles, the less fat will be left. This is attainable starting with working out with resistance exercises.

Engaging in Aerobics

Aerobics are not only good for the heart by increasing cardio-vascular endurance. Aerobics also help in increasing lean muscle mass while simultaneously decreasing excess body fat. Aside from these, aerobics make the metabolic process more efficient and its rate high, even after a long while. Imagine burning fat efficiently while driving along the freeway or even while watching television.

Extra “Push”

Some people believe that smoking and caffeine can actually help in losing weight. This can perhaps be true; however, they do the body more harm than good because of their side-effects. For that extra “push”, one can try out taking food supplements. After all, 95% of these products out in the market actually does good.

On Taking Diet Pills

Over-the-counter diet pills affect the amount of weight one loses as well as how long one keeps that amount of weight off. However, one must be wary of the side-effects of these diet pills. As such, one must faithfully follow the instructions provided for in the packaging. It is also prudent to consult the physician anyway before trying out these drugs and also to find out which type would be best for the individual.

Losing weight does not have to mean sacrifice and suffering. It actually means opening up to a more full and healthy life where one may not have to feel bad about himself having to look the way he does or not being able to do what he wants to do. Losing weight might entail a little adjustments plus the discomforts, but as the old saying goes, “no pain, no gain.” Besides fat, what has one got to lose anyway?


Portion Control: Answers Lie in the Palm of Your Hand

When individuals are dieting, there are a lot of things that they need to implement into their ordinary daily tasks that can cause them some sense of annoyance. One of the biggest problems for dieters seems to be that the meals that the individuals need to eat have to be arranged in a particular way. Not only do the meals need to add up so that the individual is ingesting a predetermined percentage of carbohydrates, fats, sugars and the like.

However, here are some tips for dieters and other individuals who are looking to eat in a more healthy or controlled manner. While some diets may have you portion servings by using a cup, teaspoon or other measuring device. Instead, dieters might want to consider the portions dictated by the palm of their hand.


Restaurants, both fast food and sit down establishments included, have gradually created bigger and bigger portions for their patrons. Dieters may feel discouraged and feel as though they need to avoid restaurants in order to stay on their diet. The good news for these individuals is that if you set your mind of what you can eat in a portion, you can always take the extra home and eat the rest of the meal or portions at another point in time.

Still, some individuals can have trouble even within their own home trying to portion their foods. Cups, teaspoons and tablespoons and scales for food can help, but these items are not always necessary. While it is not an exact science, by eating the amount roughly relative to the palm of one’s hand an individual can create an acceptable serving size for the individual. Some people have bigger palms, but this is a great way to estimate portions if an individual does not have and does not want to invest in measuring devices that some diets seem to recommend the use of when it comes to rationing food.

However, there are still even more helpful tips when it comes to portioning particular types of food, such as carbohydrates or meats or sugars. Proteins are best portioned when they are approximately the same size as the palm of the individual who is going to be eating the meat or protein portion. Salad, on the other hand, can be a larger portion.

For instance, a full serving of salad would be approximately the size on both of the palms of the individual who will be eating the salad, not including the salad dressing. Only a little bit of fruit should be eaten in each sitting, and this portion could be estimated by eating a handful as a portion. Pasta and other starchy foods should have a portion the size of the eater’s closed fist.

It is important to remember though that these estimates are just that – estimates intended to help individuals find a quick and easy way to measure their portions when they are preparing a meal. Every individual has different sized hands so two people would rarely, if chosen randomly, have the exact size meal portion estimates.