Workout Routines – Do You Know the Techniques The Pros Use?

Bodybuilders want to increase their muscle size and define it as much as they can. In order to do this, they have to follow special workout routines and special diets to help them maximize their bodybuilding capabilities. A perfect diet would not be complete without a workout to go with it so it is important to focus on both aspects.

If you want to build your body, it is important that your workouts do thee two things – increase strength and muscle mass and cause you to lose body fat to define muscles. These are done in two stages and cannot be rushed. If you are preparing for a competition, give yourself enough time, and be patient and disciplined.

workout routines

If you are a beginner, you would want to focus on increasing your overall fitness level. This can be achieved by converting most of your body fat into muscle mass. You would do this by doing a combination of strength training and cardiovascular exercise.

At the start, you will do general strength training so you can do your workout routines better because it will teach you proper form. Cardiovascular exercises increase your heart level and helps increase your endurance so you are able to last longer during your exercises. It will also decrease your body fat and help define muscle later on.

Next, you would want to move on to heavier weights and increase your reps. If you don’t, you will encounter a plateau because your body has adapted to your routine and you will no longer lose weight and become stronger. You can find programs that detail when you will increase your weights or the number of reps but your best gauge would be your body and how you feel- if you no longer feel pain after your workouts, your body is no longer challenged. You must be very careful because there is a “good pain” and a “bad pain” which can hurt your health.

It is important to note that lifting lighter weights for more reps will build muscle endurance and lifting heavier weights for one to three reps will build muscle size. Even if you only want to get big and strong, you still need muscle endurance to help you get through your workout routines. The key here is variety and mixing up your weight training program.

When you have gained considerable muscle mass, it might not necessarily show up yet. During these stages, you would need to lose body fat in order for them to be defined. You would have to go back to cardiovascular exercises while still performing some weight training so you don’t lose muscle mass.

How To Design A Good Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass

A good workout routine should be no more than an hour in length, because after an hour, the “fight or flight” hormone cortisol is released by the body and it inhibits muscle growth.

When designing your own routines, first decide what your goals are. Your goals should be specific, not vague generic goals like “I want to get bigger”, or “I want to add muscle”.

workout routine

The more specific the goal, the more likely you are to hold yourself accountable, and therefore the more likely you are to succeed.

Examples could be to gain a certain amount of muscular bodyweight within a certain time frame, or to increase a major lift to a new personal best in a set time frame. The goal should always be set against a time frame, as this will help you keep on track.

Lets say you decide to gain 10 lbs. of muscle in three months as an example.

Having decided on the goal, the next step is to decide what is a good workout routine that will enable you to achieve your objective.

The priority is building muscle, so you’ll want to use the exercises that build the most amount of muscle, which invariably means the major compound exercises like the squat and the dead lift.

I’d bet money that if you asked any major competitive bodybuilder what was the cornerstone of a good workout routine, they’d say the dead lift or the squat.

If you’re able to train both movements hard and progressively and still recover well then terrific, but most of us may find that having both movements in a single routine is too much hard work.

Both exercises can be built up to the stage where you’re moving twice and even three times your own bodyweight. This is desirable because lifting big is a vital part of a good workout routine, but know that it can be very demanding work.

My suggestion is to find out which of those two exercises suit you best, and then work as hard as possible on the chosen movement.

Uppermost in your thinking should be safety – especially if you train at home, you must be sure that you can arrange an excellent safety set up, and this may influence your choice. For example, the squat exercise will require a power rack, or at the very least a pair of squat stands, so that you can dump the bar in safety if you fail on a rep.

The dead lift does not need a power rack, so in this circumstance it may be a wiser choice. If you can do each movement in complete safety it is simply a matter of which one suits your body structure the best.

Having a major mass building lower body exercise is an integral part of a good bodybuilding routine, because your legs and back form a very large part of your overall body muscle mass, and the fastest way to build your body up is to focus on the large leg and back musculature.

Now let’s look at the upper body. This is of vital importance, but even more important is to always pay your dues on leg training, as this will make your body grow all over.

For upper body, a mix of pulling and pushing movements should be used in order to get stronger in pushing and pulling strength.

  • For pushing movements choose from bench press, overhead press and chin up.
  • For pulling movements choose from chin up, one arm dumbbell row, and the shrug.

Because the upper body exercises don’t recruit as much muscle as the lower body exercises, you can afford to have more of them in your bodybuilding routine, but make sure that your workouts don’t drag on for too long as mentioned at the beginning of the article.

You will need one or two smaller exercises like the calf raise and an abs exercise, but don’t add too many small exercises or it will hamper overall progress.

Two short but demanding workouts a week based on major compound lifts, good food and plenty of rest and sleep is the secret to big, fast gains in muscle.

Mass Building Routines To Build Muscle

You might just be an individual that dedicates yourself to succeeding with your goals. You may also be an individual that commits yourself in the gym in the hopes of packing on some pounds. All the same, if you aren’t getting the results that you believe you should be getting, then you may have to start looking at what you are doing in a little more detail.

You need to look inside for some answers, if you want to figure out what is holding you back. Number one, is the quantity of food you eat sufficient for muscle gains? Secondly, are your workout routines designed for your body type? Number three, do you want to stay as lean as possible while trying to gain muscle?


These questions are important and is what this article is all about. To help create a pathway to your goals we will now look at these questions a little closer. Cool, let’s do this…

Eating is Something You Must Learn to Love

This may sound funny or maybe even conflicting, if you are looking for how to gain mass the healthy way. Keep this in mind, that if your metabolism is fast and you think you are eating enough food, yet your weight has not changed at all, then I think you may need to increase it some more my friend lol. I know it sounds crazy, yet there are some tricks and tips to make it easier for you. You must learn to take a smarter approach and find some quality foods with higher calories. Things like olive oil, nuts, and other good oils contain massive of amounts of calories and they also offer other muscle building properties.

I believe that this part is one of the hardest things to accomplish, if you are a skinny guy with a high metabolism. It takes time to prepare all these foods, time to eat the foods and money to buy the foods. Heck, if this was the easiest thing to accomplish, then everyone would be walking around like superheros wouldn’t they?

Working Out for Your Body Type

You will never find one workout that is totally better than all the rest. This should be something you fully understand. Still, every workout routine will have a different impact on each person that uses it. Mostly this is dealing with the differences in each person’s body style and also the weaknesses that are related to them. Well if you are looking for workout routines that build muscle then you have to make sure to choose one made for your particular body-type. It makes little difference if you are an ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph; there are specific ways of working out for each body style that will give you the most bang for the buck.

For instance, if you are a skinny ectomorph trying to build some muscle, then working out the way the pro bodybuilders do will probably hurt you more than help you. That will just end up leaving you frustrated by your lack of gains and probably worse, wounded.

So if you are scrawny, choose power exercises in your routines like back squats and deadlifts. Make sure you keep your workout time down and not too many days a week. Make sure what you do is what is best for you and your body type.

Do I Care About Putting on a Little Fat?

I know you want to gain muscle, yet are you hesitant to put on some extra fat too? Make sure to ask yourself this because this could determine the results that you get. It is possible to burn fat and build muscle, nonetheless, it is not the simplest thing to do and you won’t be able to build quite as much mass either. In order to make sure you are sending enough rebuilding nutrients to your muscles, it is only natural to gain a little fat with the process. Muscle is not the easiest thing to create, so if you are worrying about gaining fat, then this might be affecting your mass gains.

Do not take it the wrong way, adding tons of fat is not on the agenda. Gaining a little bit is okay as long as you are gaining way more muscle than you are fat. It is always possible to burn the fat later after you gained the quality muscle. So if your goal is to build as much muscle mass as possible, you should really not worry too much about gaining a little fat with it. If the amount of fat starts rising too fast then simply cut your calories a little bit until you get it back to the right level.

I hope this article has helped make a couple areas more clear. You may have overlooked a few of these points, but now you know and now all that is left is to succeed.

Using Your Own Home Workout Routines To Build Muscle Safely And Fast

With a bit of knowledge, it’s possible to add a lot of muscle to your body by designing your own Home Workout Routines. The other good news is that you don’t need to spend a ton of money on expensive equipment if you know what you’re doing.

A terrific benefit of knowing how to design your own home workout routines is that you have absolute control over when you train. No need to wait for someone else to finish what they’re doing at the bench press unit for example.


You can also design routines that are will work for you – you will always be your own best trainer with a little knowledge.

The first thing you need to know is which exercises to perform. Get that worked out, and then purchase the equipment needed to do those movements.

If you have a barbell and some plates, you can do dead lifts. This is perhaps the most effective muscle builder there is – they work your entire body from tip to toe.

I strongly recommend that you invest in a trap bar – this makes the dead lift even more effective, because it takes some of the strain off your lower back, which means it’s easier to really work the big leg muscles before your back gets tired.

If you have the funds to spare, a power rack is an excellent investment. They’re not cheap, but a good one will last a lifetime, and it will repay itself many times over.

If you can’t afford a power rack then a set of old fashioned squat stands is a reasonable substitute. You may even find some second hand equipment, which is fine as long as it’s solid and stable.

With the power rack (or aforementioned squat stands) you can now safely perform the barbell squat, the only exercise that comes close to the dead lift as a muscle builder.

I’d bet that if you asked any of the top bodybuilders in the world how they built their muscle mass, they would all have used heavy squats or dead lifts to build their bodies.

Also with the power rack, you can do the military press, a terrific upper body exercise that some rate superior to the bench press. Some power racks also have a chinning and dipping attachment, and these are two terrific upper body mass building exercises.

Next, I’d invest in a decent bench. With the bench you can now do the bench press, without doubt the most popular exercise in the world. The bench press can add slabs of upper body muscle. Some adjustable benches are solid enough when flat, but they can be a bit rickety when in the elevated position, so beware!

Do the bench press inside your power rack, and then you can train it really hard and in complete safety.

You can see that it’s possible to design some really effective home workout routines without having to shell out loads of cash on expensive equipment. You actually don’t need to do a lot of different exercises to build muscle – far more important is to get good at a small selection of compound exercises, and then add weight to the bar on a regular basis whilst using impeccable exercise form.

A well designed home workout routine, decent diet and plenty of rest and sleep is the secret to transforming your body and fast.

Good luck!

Understanding how to design and plan home workout routines that will work for your body is perhaps the most important part of bodybuilding.

Workout Routines to Build Up Those Muscles

Following a strict muscle building workout routine is critical for anyone determined to build muscle and gain weight. Going into a gym and lifting random weights until you exhaust yourself is not enough.

To achieve your primary objective, that is, to build up your muscle mass, a weight lifting and bodybuilding program must be employed. You definitely have to follow and maintain a muscle building workout routine.

workout routine

Three things contribute to building muscles: workout, diet and rest. Here, I will focus on the workout factor. However, you must bear in mind that all these three factors are equally vital to optimal strength gain and muscular growth. Neglecting one factor would mean failure to maximize your muscle and body building capabilities. A well-designed muscle building workout routine program coupled with a solid diet wit the right amount of calories, combined with plenty of rest and sleep is extremely powerful.

All your efforts spent in the gym by working out will all go to waste if your body will not be supplied with the necessary nutrients and raw materials it needs to build up your muscles. At the same time, if you would not get an adequate amount of rest the body needs in order to recover and repair muscles, the whole weight training will be useless. Common mistake of those who are just beginning their muscle building is to focus so much on weight training but neglect the importance of a proper diet and plenty of sleep.

Going back to the weight training exercises, any aspiring bodybuilder must know that his or her focus must be on compound exercises because these exercises stimulate most of your muscles in the least amount of time. If done correctly and with challenging intensity, you would definitely be on your way to building up those muscles.

The most basic yet the most effective compound exercises for weightlifting are squats and bench presses. Squats develop your leg muscles while the bench press is for the upper body muscles. Some other of the most effective exercises include bicep curls and bench dips for the arm muscles, crunches for the abs, pull ups for the back, calf raises for the leg muscles, and military press for the shoulder muscles. The great thing about these exercises is that you need not all those fancy equipment and complicated gadgets to be able to perform them. Aside from barbells, a spacious room is the only requirement.

Generally, if your primary goal is to obtain optimal strength, 1 to 6 repetitions per set of exercises are recommended. For bodybuilding and muscle mass gain purposes, 7 to 12 repetitions are recommended. For an increase in endurance, a minimum of 13 repetitions is recommended. Notice that the more difficult the objective is, the lesser the number of repetitions recommended. This is because in any exercise training, you go for intensity rather than duration. These figures are just general, though.

A periodization technique can be helpful in keeping your muscles growing. Periodization means a shift from heavy routines to light routines consistently. As this would provide a change-of-pace, your body will work more as it tries to adapt to changing physical activity. As a result, more muscle.

Furthermore, certain muscle groups would respond differently to the number of repetitions being done. For example, abdominal muscles respond best to a high number of repetitions. Therefore, changing your range of repetitions on a regular basis will prove to be effective in building up more muscle.

Workout Programs

Is High Intensity Training Dangerous?

We all know that for all the individuals wanting to exercise, there are many ways to do so. Some individuals prefer stretching and toning to high impact aerobics. Others may have a preference for Zumba over walking.

While there are many different variations and just as many preferences, it is important to know as much as you can before taking on any type of exercise regime.


High intensity training (also known as HIT) works the same way. The more you know, the more you can judge for yourself whether or not HIT is the exercise regimen for you.

What Is High Intensity Training?

Originally, high intensity training utilized intense weight lifting and repetition. The goal back then in the 1970s was to produce a greater muscle mass in a shorter period of time. Limited yet frequent and highly intense weightlifting is the foundation behind this type of high intensity training.

Today’s version of high intensity weight training works similarly. Repeated bouts of intense, but short courses of movement followed by a less intense form of movement is part of what makes up today’s high intensity training.

Success in High Intensity Training

Research is beginning to show that there is success when using high intensity training. For example, a study done at the American College of Sports Medicine shows that two weeks of high intensity intervals improves your aerobic capacity as much as 6 to 8 weeks of endurance training.

If such is the case, that is a benefit pointing to the success of high intensity training. Another benefit points to the ability to burn fat long after a high intensity training workout.

Some studies are showing that individuals who utilize high intensity training are able to exercise for longer periods of time at a higher rate than before.

The Downside of High Intensity Training

As with any exercise regimen, if you do not know what you are doing or do not have the help of professional, there is always the chance for risk of injury or harm.

Taking on high intensity training without the advice of a doctor and at the very least a healthy heart check-up is risky and dangerous.

Performing high intensity training on an empty stomach could result in many dangers such as:

  • Fainting
  • Dizziness
  • Injury
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Physical injury
  • Muscle weakness

So before starting this type of exercise, make sure you see your doctor to ensure your heart is able to cope with this strenuous activity.

Workout Programs

Exercise Programs and Training for Weight Loss

Weight loss and getting into shape can be a continuous battle for a lot of people. Dieting is not enough for most people, and implementing an exercise program is typically needed. The primary focus in a weight loss based exercise program should be to find a regimen you enjoy.

This makes it more likely that you would stick with the exercise program, instead of leaving it behind due to disdain. If you do not like to jog, why put your mind and body through it? By finding exercises that you enjoy, you will be more likely to stick with it.

exercise program

Before you start an exercise program, you should check with your primary care doctor to ensure you are healthy enough for the level of activity required. After you have established that you are healthy enough for the activities you plan to do, set your long-term goal and short-term goals. After determining your long-term goal, break it down into more manageable, smaller tasks. For example, if your overall goal is to lose thirty pounds, you can break the goal down further by saying you want to lose two pounds per week.

When you are involved in any weight loss based exercise program, it is important that you take the time to warm up properly before you begin exercising. Warming up before working out helps you avoid muscle and tendon injuries, and results in a lower risk of developing strains and sprains.
While you are exercising, make sure you have plenty of water. It is essential that you keep plenty of room temperature water on hand while you are exercising. This is because cold water can cause stomach cramps while you are working out, and your body is hot. Keeping yourself hydrated at all times will keep your muscles performing at their best, and prevent them from becoming extremely sore the day after your workout.

During your exercise routine, it is important that you switch between cardio exercises and weight training exercises. By switching up your exercise, your body will experience maximum results, and you will be able to burn more fat than if your body can predict what will happen next.

At any time, if you become tired during your exercise, take a break. When your body is tired, you are more likely to become injured. If your goal is to lose weight and get back into shape, the last thing you need is to put yourself in a situation where you can become injured.

Some people who have developed a weight loss exercise program have found that it is better to exercise in groups. If you are someone who is more likely to push themselves when you are in a group, joining a gym or exercise club may have great benefits. And when you are working out with other people, is possible that you will have more motivation, which will translate to more overall success.

If you are trying to lose weight, do not depend on diet alone. It is essential that you make a total lifestyle change for future success. Exercising to lose weight is one of the best methods to shed extra pounds. Not only will you feel better because of the exercise, you will be able to build lean muscle mass and look better too.