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Cross Training for Fitness and Fat Loss

The numbers on your scale do not indicate whether you are fit or fat. Far more significant than your total body weight is the composition of your body tissue. If a man’s fatty tissue is bigger than 14% up to 15% of his body mass, or if a woman’s is more than 20% to 22%, he or she is overweight, or more precisely, over-fat. Cross Training has become a recent trend to assist with fitness and weight loss.

A small amount of fat is needed for padding the internal organs and as insulation under the skin. Excess fat leads to such diseases as diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and gallbladder problems. There are very few, very fat persons. The reason is that the fittest, not the fattest survive.

cross training

The problem now is focused on how to resolve the problem. The problem with most people who want to lose weight is that they have the propensity to concentrate more on getting those numbers lower than what they are seeing now. What happens next is that they strive harder to achieve a lower weight, according to the “ever reliable” result of the weighing scale.

It would be more important to think of the human body as a heat-exchange engine that works on the basic principles of energy physics. The caloric balance equals the total calorie intake minus the total calorie expenditure.

Some of the calories people ingest are used for basal metabolism. As people get old, their bodies require fewer calories for this basic upkeep. Some calories are excreted as waste products. Some go into “work metabolism,” the energy expenditure required for any physical activity.

Hence, if people take in more calories than are used by these functions, there is a definite caloric excess. By the laws of physics, energy is transformed rather than destroyed. In this case, each excess of 3,500 calories is changed into a pound of fat. If people want to reverse this process, they have to burn up 3,500 calories to lose a single pound.

Winning the War Against Fat

When you think of fighting fat with exercise, you probably think of hours of hard, sweaty exertion. If this is the case, then, you will not get any farther. This is because people who are so much into losing more by exerting more effort tend to get bored easily.

Why? Because experts contend that when people exert more effort than what they are capable of doing creates a tendency to develop weariness and ennui. Hence, they give up, stop doing their routine exercises, and end up sulking in the corner with a bag of chips that seems to have all the bad calories in this world.

Now, you might ask, “What should be done instead?” The answer: cross training.

After some intensive studies and experimentation, health experts were able to come up with the concept of incorporating cross training in order to overcome or break the monotony or dullness in an exercise program.

Cross training refers to the integration of diverse movements or activities into a person’s conventional exercise routine. The main purpose of incorporating cross training into an exercise program is to avoid overdoing excess muscle damages and to put a stop to an imminent boredom.

Three of the most commonly used activities whenever a person decides to engage into cross training are swimming, running, and cycling.

In cross training, distance is one way to extend your activity as your condition improves. For this reason, you need to traverse a measured distance.

If possible, swim the course and measure the distance. If you will be using a running track, such courses usually are a quarter-mile per lap for a complete circuit.

Cross training offers a variety of benefits for fitness and fatloss. It builds up the strength and endurance of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. It has also some tranquilizing effect on the nerves, and it burns up calories as much as it makes your “losing weight” more bearable.

Cross training has three basic components:

  1. Endurance exercises to condition the heart, lungs, and blood vessels and to induce relaxation. These begin with a careful planned walking and jogging regimen, depending on fitness level.

  2. Exercises to strengthen the muscles, particularly those important to good posture. These include some activities that are selected to encourage some people who are already burnt out with a particular routine.

  3. Exercises to improve joint mobility and prevent or relieve aches and pains. These consist of a series of static stretching positions that are safe and effective for most of the people who wish to try to lose some fat.

Indeed, cross training is a great way to modify the concept of exercising and losing fat without having to endure monotonous activities. In fact, the idea of exercising is to like what you are doing, hence, if you engage into cross training, you will be aware of it that you have already achieve your desired weight.

Boiled down, cross training is, certainly, one way of having fun.


Workout Programs

Exercise Programs and Training for Weight Loss

Weight loss and getting into shape can be a continuous battle for a lot of people. Dieting is not enough for most people, and implementing an exercise program is typically needed. The primary focus in a weight loss based exercise program should be to find a regimen you enjoy.

This makes it more likely that you would stick with the exercise program, instead of leaving it behind due to disdain. If you do not like to jog, why put your mind and body through it? By finding exercises that you enjoy, you will be more likely to stick with it.

exercise program

Before you start an exercise program, you should check with your primary care doctor to ensure you are healthy enough for the level of activity required. After you have established that you are healthy enough for the activities you plan to do, set your long-term goal and short-term goals. After determining your long-term goal, break it down into more manageable, smaller tasks. For example, if your overall goal is to lose thirty pounds, you can break the goal down further by saying you want to lose two pounds per week.

When you are involved in any weight loss based exercise program, it is important that you take the time to warm up properly before you begin exercising. Warming up before working out helps you avoid muscle and tendon injuries, and results in a lower risk of developing strains and sprains.
While you are exercising, make sure you have plenty of water. It is essential that you keep plenty of room temperature water on hand while you are exercising. This is because cold water can cause stomach cramps while you are working out, and your body is hot. Keeping yourself hydrated at all times will keep your muscles performing at their best, and prevent them from becoming extremely sore the day after your workout.

During your exercise routine, it is important that you switch between cardio exercises and weight training exercises. By switching up your exercise, your body will experience maximum results, and you will be able to burn more fat than if your body can predict what will happen next.

At any time, if you become tired during your exercise, take a break. When your body is tired, you are more likely to become injured. If your goal is to lose weight and get back into shape, the last thing you need is to put yourself in a situation where you can become injured.

Some people who have developed a weight loss exercise program have found that it is better to exercise in groups. If you are someone who is more likely to push themselves when you are in a group, joining a gym or exercise club may have great benefits. And when you are working out with other people, is possible that you will have more motivation, which will translate to more overall success.

If you are trying to lose weight, do not depend on diet alone. It is essential that you make a total lifestyle change for future success. Exercising to lose weight is one of the best methods to shed extra pounds. Not only will you feel better because of the exercise, you will be able to build lean muscle mass and look better too.

Stomach Workouts

The Stomach Exercise All-Star

There are plenty of stomach exercises out the for those who want to shape their core and strengthen their midsection. This may be both a blessing and a curse. It is easy to find plenty of exercises and routines that work the midsection, but how does one know which ones are any good?

Well, listed here are what appear to be some of the best around, according to recommendations by fitness experts. If you want to work on your stomach, but are not sure where to start, then this “all-star team” may be a good jumping off point. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.


Crunch-less Crunch

Regular crunches are great for working the rectus abdominus (the muscles at the front of your stomach), but they do very little for the transverse abdominal muscles deeper in the midsection, plus they tend to put strain on your back and neck. This first exercise corrects that, working the transverse muscles with no back or neck strain. Essentially, it involves trying to pull the belly button in towards the spine. This can be tricky, as it involves using muscles which you may not be used to activating.

To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominal to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If holding for ten seconds feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.

Hip Lift

Remain on your back for this stomach exercise. Put your arms at your sides with palms facing up to the ceiling. Put your legs straight up in the air so that the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling and your legs make about a ninety degree angle with your torso. Keep your knees unbent and as straight as possible. Now, contract your ab muscles so that it feels like your belly button is being pulled toward your spine, while at the same time gently lifting your hips off the floor. Raise your hips to height of a few inches, keeping your legs extended straight upward. Hold this position, then slowly lower your hips back to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.

Long Arm Crunch

For this stomach exercise, remain on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Lie back and extend your arms straight back on the floor as though you are reaching above your head. Contract your abs and slowly lift your arms, head and shoulders off the floor to about a thirty degree angle. Hold it, then slowly lower your shoulders back to the floor. Repeat for an entire set. Be careful not to lead with your arms, keeping them straight and alongside your head.

Some other honorable mentions include the vertical leg crunch, torso twists, and any Pilates routine that emphasizes the core. Feel free to research some of these exercises more once you have mastered the three above. Now that you are armed with some of the better stomach exercises, you are on your way to a trimmer tummy!

Wonderfully Fit Personal Training

What to Expect When Starting a Yoga Routine

Yoga. We’ve all heard the word and seen the mats everyone seems to carry around with them these days. But can yoga really help improve your health and fitness levels?

The answer is yes, definitely – provided that you start safely and sensibly and know what to expect.


Why Yoga?

Yoga can help you get fit quickly and safely because it uses the weight of your body to tone and trim. It is low impact, and good for people of all ages and body types who want to build their strength and stay fix and flexible.

You’re Never too Old for Yoga

Yoga is ideal even for seniors because it can improve range of motion, balance and stability. It also relieves stiffness. The long lean muscle built through yoga can protect bones and aging joints in order to keep you mobile and injury-free. Those muscles can also help boost your metabolism so you will burn more calories, which is ideal if you wish to lose weight.

Thousands of Years of Proof That It Works

Yoga has been used for thousands of years for health, healing and fitness. It may seem weird or “New Age” to us in the West, but the truth is that Hatha yoga has been practiced for thousands of years in the Far East.

The health benefits of a regular yoga practice include increased:

* Concentration
* Strength
* Flexibility
* Long, lean muscle
* Stamina

Yoga will decrease:

* Anxiety
* Stress
* Tension
* Blood pressure
* Stiffness

Safety First

Before you start to twist yourself into a pretzel, it is important to put safety first. If you have any underlying health issues, check with your doctor before starting yoga. Choose a yoga that is low impact, such as Hatha, Kundalini or Vinyasa, compared to the more demanding forms such as Bikram (hot yoga) or Ashtanga.

Be aware of any old or recent injuries and protect your back and knees. Start with yoga poses that can work your core muscles, such as Mountain, Tree, and the Warrior series of poses, and Plank pose. A good set of abdominal and back muscles will give your practice stability and help keep you safe.

Don’t believe the myth of “no pain, no gain” in reference to yoga. That is the surest way to sideline yourself with a potentially serious injury. After a workout, it is natural to feel a little sore the next day, but if this persists, rest those muscles until the strain in healed.

Practice on a level surface and use a non-skid mat so you do not slip. It will cushion your joints as well when doing your poses. Warm up before and cool down after with some gentle stretching. Stay warm but not too hot. Cold muscles will tense can be injured more easily.

If you are using a DVD, work at your own pace. Pause it as needed. If you are confused, look up the poses online at a reliable site like Yoga Journal.

Enjoy your meditations. Think of them as a mini-break from your daily life even if some of them seem weird. Chanting mantras such as OM might also seem a bit odd, but you will soon notice your body, mind and spirit all becoming in tune with each other.

Don’t skip deep relaxation at the end. This is usually done lying down in Corpse pose and is a great way to de-stress.

Now that you know what to expect, start a daily yoga practice and see what a difference it can make to your health.

Motivation Series

Tired of Initiating And Quitting Over And Over

Every year millions of people come to the resolution to lose weight and get the body they have continually dreamed of. After a month or two, they surrender. the next year, they initiate all through again with the same resolution and they surrender again. This vicious cycle never ends.

What most people don’t realize is that they are no different on December 28th. They are the same person on January 1st. The date has transformed but the person is the same. Their behaviors and mindset are the same. As a result they keep quitting on themselves and starting through and through.

Enough is enough! It’s time to stop being sick and tired of being sick and tired. It doesn’t matter if today is April 26th. Do you need the body you’ve continually dreamed of? Then you initiate today. The date entirely does not matter.

Next up, the mindset requires to be transformed. You entirely must be aware that you are in for one of the toughest journeys in your life. To get fit, healthy, slim, washboard abs, etc. is not something easy.

It will need effort, sacrifice, patience, sweat equity, self-discipline and it’s going to be a roller coaster emotional ride. The key here is to celebrate your little successes and adhere it out even when you don’t see results apart from your efforts. from time to time your body reaches a plateau.

The body is taking time to adapt and change.

So multiple people quit throughout this phase for the reason that they have the feeling of their efforts aren’t bearing fruit. You have to wait. It takes time for the seed to grow into a tree and bear fruit. You must keep going. You won’t have to start through if you don’t surrender. Always check that this is not something easy. If it was, everybody would be walking around with bodies like the models from Abercrombie and Fitch. You must go by ways of the difficult yards.

If you need something you’ve never had, then you must do something you’ve never done. In this case, it is to keep going. Like Winston Churchill told, “If you’re passing through hell, keep going”.

The fitness journey is hell. It truly is. Forget the hype and glam that the magazines portray. It’s not something easy. It will take time. Depending on your present physical situation, it may take a long-standing. If you’re 40 pounds overweight, it may take you almost a year to lose everything that excess flab.But guess what? Once you’re done, you’re done.

It’s the transformation that is so tiring. Maintaining a fit body is much easier. This is the place you need to be at. You’re getting there. You just have to keep going.

Will you adhere it out till you get there? Or will you surrender and wait for the following New Year’s Day to make another resolution?

Enough is adequate. You can do it but you entirely must remain positive and keep going. One step at a time. There will be times when apart from your absolute efforts, the results are abysmal. It’s at times like these that you look back at how far you have come. That is why you should continually take photos every week or so. Have a fitness journal to track your progress. On days when you’re emotionally drained, look back at your progress. That will inspire you to keep going. If you have come this far, you can go additionally.

You may not continually get what you want for but you will continually get precisely what you train for. Train difficult, be positive and carry on keeping on. That’s what winning is related to.

Motivation Series

I’m Killing Myself But Have Yet To See Results

If you have ever found out yourself mumbling or thinking this to yourself, you’re not alone. This is the main factor that most people surrender on their fat loss goals on their journey to get a lean and fit physique. A lack of results can throw an icy cold towel on even the most enthusiastic spirit.

Yet, there are 3 crucial questions that you require to inquire yourself before throwing in the cold, wet towel.


  • How long have I been at it?
  • Am I doing what I’m supposed to do correctly?
  • Did I give it my all?

These are the 3 most crucial questions that you directly MUST inquire yourself. Your respond to not seeing results lie within these 3 questions.

We live in a world where everybody wants results rapid. They expect to lose ten pounds in a week. They wish to see their abs after a month of sit-ups. They expect a month or two of going to the gym to result in them achieving a body that would make Stallone cry.


The answer is basic. fake advertising. Most often the people aren’t to blame. The fitness magazines, infomercials, weight loss vitamins and the myriad of weight loss products that hype their products and make declares so bold they idiot the majority into thinking that the process is rapid and easy.
It is NOT. Weight loss and a lean, toned body take time. The magazines and products can’t give two hoots about the average person. These are cash making companies with only one ambition – PROFITS!

The system is broken and serves to benefit no one but those pocketing the money. If you expect rapid results, you’re in for disappointment. You can’t get a beach body in 3 weeks if you look such as a beached whale. You can’t lose ten pounds in a week by swallowing a few thermo-genic fat burners down with a bottle of root beer.

The truth is that weight loss and fitness need sacrifice, patience, sweat equity and TIME. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Give yourself time. Assuming you lose 1 pound a week, it’ll take you 20 weeks to lose 20 pounds. That’s 5 months. NOT 5 days. Do you have what it takes to adhere it out for 5 months?

You do? Excellent. Then you will see results and your hard job will pay dividends.

Next up, you have to inquire yourself if you know what you’re doing. if your goal is to see your abs and do a thousand sit-ups a day but have a body fat percentage of 35%, all you’re doing is wearing out your floor. To see your abs, you require to bring your weight down to about 9% to 11% body fat. This is fitness know-how that is so vital to meeting your goals. Do you have the knowledge? If you don’t, no worries. The internet is full of information.

Do your exploration and do what requires to be completed. don’t come up with your own ideas and train based on guess work.

Lastly, how difficult are you working out? Most people mention that they are killing themselves, but barely train at 70% of their potential. Do you surrender the moment you pant a little? Do you train till your clothes are soaking with perspiration? Or do you call it a day after one drop of sweat rolls down your forehead?

The navy seals have a saying, “Nobody ever drowned in sweat”. be sure you give it your absolute. anything you may think, you can still do that small bit more. There is yet some fuel in the tank. Once you take off training like your life depended on it, the results will come rapid and furious. You will have a feeling of satisfaction and look forward to your next training session with determination, expectation and a bit of fear. That’s ok. It just signifies you’re training difficult.

To conclude, train difficult, train properly and most importantly, give your body time to adapt and change. It took you years to crawl then walk and on balance run. If you had given up early, you would still be crawling.

Have faith and patience. You will get there. Have no doubts about it. Ever.

Wonderfully Fit Personal Training

Which Type of Yoga Is Right for You?

There are quite a number of types of yoga these days that try to differentiate themselves from one another and emphasize certain aspects of the entire practice of yoga. Traditionally, yoga works on the body, mind and spirit, though most Western yogas tend to focus on the body.

If you live in a moderately large city, you should be able to find several different kinds of studios and teachers, including:


* Hatha
* Iyengar
* Vinyasa
* Kundalini
* Bikram
* Ashtanga



Hatha yoga is the most traditional of all the forms of yoga, and dates back thousands of years. The name means willful or forceful, and the word is a combination of hat (sun) and ha (moon) representing power and balance.

Hatha works with the energy centers of the body, the chakras, as well as the muscles, flesh and bone, for a holistic workout. The main focus is on surrendering to and perfecting the many poses in this form of yoga. There are levels of practitioners who can do increasingly difficult poses for flexibility. They also improve their focus and concentration through meditation.


Iyengar yoga was founded by B. K. S. Iyengar in the 1970s in India and is a form of Hatha yoga. Iyengar’s focus was on detail, precision and perfect alignment for the asanas (poses) he studied and taught, in order to develop strength, mobility and stability. Before his death at the age of 95, Iyengar was said to have perfected approximately 200 Hatha yoga asanas.


Vinyasa yoga is also known as flow yoga. It uses the same asanas as Hatha yoga, but they are put into sequences that move easily from one pose to the next. The word vinyasa means “breath-synchronized movement,” which refers to the movements being performed in conjunction with inhale and exhale patterns and for the asanas to be held for a certain number of breaths.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga emphasizes the balance of mind, body and spirit through the moving of energy in the body, specifically in relation to the chakras or energy centers. Kundalini yoga has several unique postures designed to move the chakra energy up the spine. It does not require a lot of flexibility or stamina and can be done by anyone at any age. There are no levels to the classes the way there are with other forms of yoga such as Hatha.


Bikram yoga, founded in the 1970s by Bikram Choudhry from Bengal, is also referred to as hot yoga. It is relatively simple in some ways because it uses only two breathing exercises and 26 Hatha yoga postures done in the same pattern every day for every lesson. However, the poses are demanding and the studio temperatures range from 80F to 110F, with a relative humidity of around 75%. This can also cause severe dehydration and pose a serious health risk to anyone with heart health issues.


Ashtanga yoga is a form of Vinyasa yoga designed to flow the movements together, but in a more rapid and demanding way. It was founded in the late 1940s by K. Pattabhi Jois from India. It has seven main series – a basic one, and increasingly advanced ones. All of them are vigorous and very few practitioners are known to have reached the highest levels.

The type of yoga you choose should be based on your overall physical health and stamina. If you are a beginner and/or senior, try Hatha or Kundalini if there is a studio near you. For something more lively but not too demanding, try Vinyasa. Then see what a difference yoga can make to your health and vitality.

Wonderfully Fit | Nutritional Consulting

Inexpensive Alternatives to Eat More Fruit and Veggies

Fruit and veggies are very nutritious. Not only that, they in addition provide your body with lots essential supplements and other nutrients. Unfortunately, it can be hard to make these things a regular part of our diet. the positive thing is that both fruit and veggies are notably versatile when we refer to their use in the kitchen.

Here are many great alternatives to incorporate fresh generate into every meal of the day.



Many fruits are previously considered to be a brilliant addition to a complete breakfast. Orange or grapefruit juice brings a wholesome way to coffee and sugary sports drinks. anyhow, check that some of these juices contain added sugars, so make sure you enjoy them in moderation.

Another alternative to serve fruits at breakfast is in the kind of a homemade fruit spread. Take fresh fruit and gradually boil it down to thicken. You can add honey for sweetness, though lots fruits will be candy enough without it. Depending on the fruit you use, you may require to add a small pectin to assist it thicken as it cools. This fresh fruit spread makes a brilliant topping for a bagel or a piece of toast.

Vegetables are consorted with breakfast less often. But, that does not mean there aren’t alternatives to appreciate them. You can try bell pepper or tomato slices with eggs to provide a little something additional to your omelets. Or, you could take a step toward a full English breakfast and include fried tomatoes in the meal.

If you value more highly a shake or a smoothie in the morning for breakfast, there are all forms of recipes for both fruit and veggie smoothies accessible on the internet. It only takes a fast search to find them.


Lunch is a meal that lots of us take for accepted. For lots people lunchtime is an highly busy period. This signifies that they often pick the fast-food option in preference to the healthy one. Vegetable soup is a good decision, which enables you to add in whatever generate you desire. If you change up what you mix together every time, you’ll be able to be pleased of a little multiplicity from batch to batch. Another possibility is easily to consume raw fruits or vegetables along with lunch or as a snack.


Adding fruit to your dinner is easier than you may think. Just about any fruit you can imagine may be cooked into a sauce or glaze for whatever from beef, chicken and pork, or even seafood. a few fruit in addition makes a brilliant topping for basic meals like hamburgers or pizza.

As far as veggies go, it’s probable that you previously eat them with your dinner on a regular basis. But, that does not mean there isn’t room for more in your diet. Try to plan meals that center around veggies as often as probable, such as soup or stir fry.

Also, do not forget about a yummy side salad and never pass up a brilliant opportunity to include veggies, fruit and nuts into your evening meal. Greens such as kale or lettuce are the perfect example of this. One of the main influences on fruit and vegetable prices is the season. These foods use to be much less pricey and easier to find throughout and in short after their harvest season. For example, pumpkins are widely accessible in the fall, while pineapples are simple to find in the spring. Making your fruit and vegetable decisions based on the season enables you to save cash as well as give your menu a fun-to-eat theme.