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Workout Routines

5 Tips for Finding the Right Fitness and Weight Loss Program

Finding the right workout program for you is tough. You see ads on TV, on the internet, hear about them on the radio and see them in magazines. You see articles all over the place telling you their weight loss program is the best program to use.

Or maybe you go to the gym and play around on the exercise machines coming up with your own workout program only to find you’re not losing weight like you want, hitting a plateau, get frustrated with lack of progress or just get fed up with the gym routine all together because you don’t have time.


So what do you do? How do you choose?

Make a Commitment to Yourself

First you have to make a commitment to lose the weight and fat you want to lose. You have to set a goal and you have to commit to that goal. It’s all about the mindset that you take on. Make the goal realistic. If you set the goal too high you’ll get frustrated with the lack of progress. In a very short time you’ll be coming up with excuses as to why you can’t go to the gym or workout at home. So be realistic.

Find The Right Program

This is probably the hardest thing you’ll have to do. Finding the program that fits your needs, your abilities and your goals can be tough. There are a lot of weight loss and exercise programs out there for you to choose from. Of all the programs I’ve looked at and things

Nutritional Changes

The biggest part of losing weight is the nutritional aspect. You have to change your mindset about food and portion sizes. Cut out or cut down on the carbohydrates, increase the amount of protein you take in and reduce the amount of fat you take it. Sounds daunting doesn’t it? Makes you think you need to hire a nutritionist? Not really.

What Can You Expect

Losing weight is not easy. It goes on much easier than it comes off. From experience of going through the P90X program it’s well worth the work that you have to put into it. The first few weeks of any exercise program is the toughest. You’re going to be sore and tired. Your body isn’t used to that kind of workout. But trust me it’s worth it. You’ll feel more alive and full of energy and you’ll be seeing less of you.

Make a Choice

So make a choice for yourself. Do you want to live a happier and healthier life or do you just want to be a couch potato? Being healthy is a choice. Losing weight is a choice. Finding a program is a choice you have to make.

Why Should You Choose a Fitness Program

When choosing a fitness program, one should consider the effectiveness of it, their ability to maintain the program, their ability also to stick to a strict regimen and the type of program to choose. Many persons choose a fitness program which can cater to their specific needs; there are persons who need to lose weight in different parts of their bodies as each body has a different shape, or body type. Fat deposits are no respecters of persons and will be on any part of the body which is not being exercised.

There are some who choose programs which will cater to losing fat in their legs, thighs, arms, a vast majority choose to lose weight on their abdomen. Persons have realized that it is almost impossible to stick to a fitness program which incorporates diet and exercise, without the strictest of discipline.

fitness program

Assessing your body mass index or BMI is something persons need to do before choosing a fitness program, or they can get a program which is able to asses it for them. Your BMI gives an indication of where you are with your body weight and where you should be. There is a chart on the internet which tells you the correct weight for your height. Armed with this information your search for a fitness program should be easier. A doctor should also be consulted before undertaking any fitness program.

Even though weight loss in not the only reason persons should require a fitness program, but to live a healthy life, many persons opt to visit a gym or to find a fitness expert to cater to their weight loss needs. They are of the opinion that a fitness expert will more likely get them to stick to their fitness regimen. Persons who opt to go through the internet to find a program are more liable to “fall off the weight loss wagon” than those who have actual persons around them helping them and encouraging them.

Weight loss is largely dependent on the fitness level of each person. Going to a gym can produce results, but not if the diet is the same as before the gym. Weight gain is almost inevitable if a strict diet is not followed along with the exercise needed to gain or maintain the desired body weight.

Bodybuilding is also a form of workout which targets the muscles, the abdomen and the thighs and included in this program is also the recommendation of a strict diet. Fitness programs can be found on the internet and covers many aspects of fitness such as, work out, exercise, weight gain, bodybuilding, weight training, workout routines weight loss and how to get the best out of your gym.

Weight loss is one of the key areas which are catered to by a fitness program; persons are now more concerned about their weight and trying to lose some. Being obese is not a good thing and this can lead to many illnesses and complications for the persons who are.

Fitness programs should be introduced as a way of life, many person are not knowledgeable as to how to live a healthy life, how to incorporate diet and exercise into a fitness program. Routine exercise is also a good way to lose weight as the more you exercise, the more weight you will lose if you stick to a diet low in fat and which is also fiber rich.

The trick to successful weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume on a daily basis. Running, walking, swimming, jogging and aerobic exercise are also introduced into the fitness routine along with a proper diet, which is important in achieving your goal of being fit and healthy, or weight loss, whichever is your aim.

Top 3 Fitness Program Mistakes

Prior to beginning a fitness program you should have the greatest intention of succeeding beyond your wildest dreams. The challenges arise when most exercise program participants, unfortunately, fail to see progress, and do not reach their goals.

Most often fitness training program participants get easily frustrated, and eventually give up on their quest towards reaching their wellness goals. Patience dwindle, and hope quickly fades away. The heartbreak generally occurs as a result of three core fitness program mistakes. If these mistakes are avoided, then workout program success probability increases dramatically.


Avoid these 3 most common workout program mistakes.

1. Not devising, and following a clear cut plan.

If you fail to intelligently plan your workout program prior to starting a routine, then you are more likely to not succeed. It is very important to devise a custom fitness program that is tailored toward your specific needs, and desires.

When I say create a workout plan it involves writing out your specific goals, and scheduling your gym time on your calendar. You will ultimately know exactly when your workouts will occur, what specifically you will do, and for how long you will workout. These variables are fully planned out prior to beginning your health fitness program.

Success is all about recognizing what you want to accomplish, why you want to accomplish it, and taking action as dictated in your exercise plan.

The bottom line is don’t start a workout program unless you have a focused plan in place.

2. Not incorporating the necessary fitness components.

Unfortunately, most people who do not have an exercise routine in place, prior to entering the gym, fail to incorporate all the necessary components for success to occur.

People who wish to lose body fat tend to focus only on cardiovascular exercise, and fail to compliment it with strength training. The result is a short circuit in progress. Why not use the best possible formula to accomplish your specific goals? Yes, it ultimately comes back to your fitness exercise program planning.

Strength training, cardiovascular, and flexibility exercises are the three main components of any fitness program. Depending upon your specific goals, it is necessary to place emphasis on each of these components differently. Remember, workout goals vary from person to person, just as some people wish to lose fat, others desire to increase muscle.

Make sure your fitness plan has accounted for these three variables.

3. Not working hard enough.

Getting excellent exercise program results takes work! If you don’t push yourself, then the results witnessed will be slim to none. I always recommend for my fitness training clients to work up a sweat during a workout session. The sweat factor is a good gauge of exercise intensity. Of course, a smart exercise program participant will progressively increase intensity over time.

Along with not working out hard enough, consistency is a mandatory variable in order to reach your fitness program goals. Once again, it all goes back to your initial plan. You will know exactly when you are working out, each week, because the exercise time will be scheduled on your calendar. Planning ahead is everything.

My intention in writing this article is to help you succeed on your workout plan. Doing so is just a matter of avoiding these top 3 fitness program pitfalls. You can succeed!