Tag Archive for: Losing Weight Stress

Wonderfully Fit

Eating What You Want To Lose More Weight

This may seem ridiculous, but the fact of the matter is that you shouldn’t ban yourself from eating the foods that you want to eat if you are attempting to lose weight. Sure, you can ultimately work toward seeking out healthier alternatives, but banning these foods entirely is very dangerous.

When we put these stressful limitations on ourselves, a lot of the time it is far more than our psyche can handle and we end up not only craving these foods, but binge on them, which is far more unhealthy than allowing yourself a moderate portion of the food you are craving in a safe and controlled environment!


Instead of torturing yourself by eating things you don’t want when you know very well that what you are craving is something else, you should find a compromise that you can live with, for example, if you have an addiction to fast food, rather than eating it every single day a week, perhaps you can cut down your fast food intake to once per week rather than trying to cut it out entirely. That way you are still getting what you want without going overboard in a way that is far more unhealthy and detrimental to your health.

It is highly recommended that you begin to actively seek out healthier alternatives to unhealthy foods, but sometimes nothing will ever really beat the thing that you are craving. There are times when it is okay to eat an unhealthy food in moderation. It is still your life; you should be allowed to do what makes you the most happy. As long as you are being responsible and only doing so in a way that is not going to take back all the progress you are trying to make, you shouldn’t put too many restrictions and limitations on yourself.

Your body will punish you for it and you may end up doing something even more unhealthy than you would should you have just given in to a craving. That being said, always make sure that what you are eating is done in moderation. If you are drinking enough water throughout the day, you will probably find that your appetite is not quite as voracious as it used to be. Drinking water is a good appetite suppressant, and it can help you in your efforts at portion control and staving away cravings for foods that you know to be unhealthy for you.

If you are going to break the rules, do it right by making a new rule. Eat whatever you want! Just do it in moderation. Make smart and healthy choices. Don’t do things that you will ultimately regret, and have little bites of things you know will be bad for you. Provided you are not physically suffering, say, a diabetic eating a big slice of cake that is laden with sugar, then you shouldn’t put too many restrictions on yourself and your diet. The best way to create a foolproof diet plan is to make sure you are accounting for everything; including your happiness!

Motivation Series

It Takes Too Long And I’m Tired

You’re completely right. It is a long and tiring journey. The question you have to be asking yourself is, “Why did I think it was going to be quick and easy?”

To be fair, this is not your fault.


If you look at any fitness magazine, weight loss advertisement or even articles on Facebook, you’ll see titles such as, “Get a Beach Body in 2 Weeks Flat!” or “Drop 12 pounds in 2 Weeks with FatsBeGone Pills”.

It all seems so easy and effortless. So why is it taking so long for you?

The answer is that you have been lied to through and through and through. If you truly stopped to think about it, you didn’t become overweight overnight or even in a month. It would have taken you a long term to become overweight to the point that you know you require to do something about the excess fats. So, if it took you quite a while to gain weight, why would you expect to lose it all fast?
Because you have been lied to. The difficult truth is that weight loss is a slow, tiring process. You will require to watch what you consume and exercise. You’ll require to maintain a caloric deficit for as long as it takes till your body burns off the excess fat.

Now that the truth has been unmasked, it’s time for a reality verify. usually, people may lose a pound of fat per week. Forget what you have seen on those weight loss reality shows. Most have been edited to make it look like the contestants lost weight in a short time. The fact of the matter is that initially the weight you lose could be about 4 to even 6 pounds in a week. anyhow, your body will adapt and in a matter of time, you can only expect to see about 1 pound of fat loss per week. occasionally, it might only be half a pound.

Imagine if you were 30 pounds overweight, it might take you 30 weeks. You can’t get a beach body in 2 weeks. That’s unreasonable.

You’re seeking at 30 weeks! That’s about 7 months. Does that shock you? Now you comprehend why you have the feeling of it’s taking forever. Your yardstick was an illusion. You were basing your expectations on hype and unrealistic declares by people and companies hoping to make cash. The health industry is a billion dollar industry and they will do anything it takes to make your pockets lighter and make you heavier. It’s good for repeat business. Now that you’re aware that it takes that long, will you prevail committed? You should. perhaps you’re just into your second month and you expected to lose the 30 pounds but you only lost ten pounds.

You feel such as a failure but you’re not. You have produced good progress. If you prevail the course, in another 4 to 5 months you would have pulled off your ambition. You’re on the proper track. All you require to do is keep going. This is a personal journey and you have no rivals. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to lose weight or construct a body that is muscular and toned. It all takes time.

If you’re tired, it’s mostly because you feel that you’re not seeing results or not seeing them quick enough. Now that you are aware of it takes time, the “not quick enough” is not an issue. If you see no results, there is either something wrong with your training or diet. You will require to explore them nearly. Count your calories but don’t obsess through them. Have a common idea of what range you’re in. Trying to lose weight? You require to be in a caloric deficit. verify it.

Keep examining your training pattern, diet and other reasons and make changes as you see fit. Nothing is set in stone. Do anything it takes to accomplish your ambition and never lose hope.

It is within your reach.