Tag Archive for: Pregnancy Weight Starting

5 Personal Fitness Tips to Follow After Delivery

Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding take a drastic toll on your body. After childbirth, a woman’s routine becomes much hectic because of the newborn baby! A mother may at times, feel blessed to have even a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Nevertheless, personal training experts say that a proper fitness program and nutritious diet can help you get in shape quickly.


Be cautioned though. A mother of two and a personal training expert says that transformation does not happen overnight. However, with regular exercises she eventually had a body, which was better than she ever could have at her age! So, if you are planning to undertake some post-pregnancy exercises, now is the chance to get a body that maybe you dreamed of having, all those years!

1. Develop realistic goals

We know the first few months after having a baby are very special. Your baby is dependent on you for everything and you can’t leave their side for long too! However, you have to take out time for yourself. Do not exercise to fatigue. Take it slow but do not ditch exercises completely. Exercise when your baby is asleep and go for walks with your baby.

2. Exercises to do

Start practicing Kegel Exercises whenever you have spare time at hand. Take a deep breath and while exhaling, imagine your vaginal opening getting pulled up toward the inside of your belly button. Relax when inhaling. Repeat this procedure 20 times.

Another exercise to do is Tommy Toner. Inhale while expanding your belly. Pull your belly button toward your spine as you exhale. Again, repeat this 20 times.

3. Use dumbbells

Weight training is one of the most effective ways to have a better-shaped body. Even 2 or 3 sessions in a week, each of 20-30 minutes can bring some noticeable difference.

With weight training, you will have more lean muscles and less of body fats so not only do you lose weight but you also become stronger.

4. Don’t eat snacks or fast foods

With less time at hand and more tasks to do, some women may grab processed snacks and fast food without thinking about the damage they are doing to their fitness program!

If you are busy, have shakes instead. Eat healthy and more natural snacks such as nuts, fruits or a cup of low-fat yogurt. You could go to a nutritionist for some great snack ideas.

5. Hydrate yourself

Drink plenty of water, before, during and after your fitness training exercise. Lactating mother should have at least 8 ounces of water before and after their exercises. If your urine is clear or pale yellow in color, it means you are drinking enough water.

Stomach Workouts

The Post-Partum Tummy Routine

Having a baby is a beautiful and exciting thing. What is less beautiful and exciting, however, is the extra weight that hangs around the midsection after the baby has been born. The best way to go about shedding this baby belly is proper diet and an exercise routine, which may not always be easy to do for a new stay-at-home mom still reeling from a pregnancy.

The good news is that working out and eliminating the extra belly fat will give you more energy, so you can spend more quality time playing with and caring for your new rugrat. Here are a few simple exercises to set your on your way toward baby belly freedom. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.


Progressive Crunchless Crunch

This stomach exercise works your abdominal as well as a crunch does, but without the strain to your neck and back. Begin by sitting in a chair, placing one hand above and below your belly button in order to feel the contraction of your abdominal. Take one big deep breath, so your midsection expands completely. Then let the breath out as you pull your belly in, imagining your belly button being pulled inward toward your spine. Finally, briefly contract your abs five times. Do a full set of repetitions of all three parts. You can also try this exercise lying on your back. Try both to see which one helps you feel the contractions of your abdominal muscles better.


This exercise starts off very much the same way as the last one, but involves quicker steps and more repetitions. Begin by sitting in the same position as in the progressive crunch-less crunch, and taking the same deep breath. This time, instead of bringing your belly all the way back, exhale and bring it just about halfway. Then pull your belly button back toward your spine. Contract and hold for a count of one. Repeat from the half-exhalation point. Do the whole thing one hundred times.

Crunch-less Crunch

As you can tell from the name, this stomach exercise is very similar to the first. Instead of making a few stops as you exhale a deep breath, however, this exercise consists of just one move. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominal to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds.

If holding for ten seconds feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.

If you start doing these stomach exercises at home in your spare few (very few) minutes, you can lose your baby belly and be fit and trim and just a few months– just in time to start chasing after Junior once he learns to crawl!