Tag Archive for: Motivation Exercise

Motivational Articles by Wonderfully Fit PT

Why Motivation Is So Important

Most people tend to take motivation for granted. They don’t even think about it as they get on with their daily lives. But the reality is that we need different types of motivation to really get the most out of life and be happy and content.

Motivation is all about purpose and desire. Without it, we would never do anything and the world would be vastly different from what it is today. If Steve Jobs didn’t have the motivation to create the iPhone would smartphones exist today? Maybe if someone else had the motivation to design and create them. Read more

Tips on hiring a personal trainer

Need Motivation to Workout?

Finding the motivation to go to the gym, or to workout at home, can be challenging at times. So, what do you do when you find yourself skipping workouts, or just not giving 100 percent of your effort?

There are several things you can try when you are lacking the motivation to workout.

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Wonderfully Fit Personal Training

5 Tips to Stay Motivated and Keep It

Losing weight and becoming more fit is a couple of the most common New Year’s resolutions. New Years resolutions are talked about a lot. They are a great if you can stick to them. The key is sticking to them. Most people make them but don’t stick to them.

On average about 80% of New Years resolutions are not met. Why? For a couple of reasons. Being overambitious, not making a plan and going on willpower alone. The old statement is true, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”


Plan to succeed with these 5 tips to help you stay motivated and meet your New Years resolution goals.

1) Show yourself some mercy

When attempting to make positive changes in your life you will at some point have a setback. When you have setbacks don’t get down on yourself. Don’t let a setback cause you to stop you from meeting your goals. Use the setback as motivation to push even harder than before.

2) Stop Making Excuses

Humans can be very resilient creatures. Look at the great shape professional athletes are in when they push themselves. The more you push yourself, the better results you will get. But a lot of people love to make excuses for why they can’t workout.

The most common excuse is “I don’t have time” or “I’m too busy”. Really? You don’t have 10 minutes? You can construct a quality workout that lasts 10 to 20 minutes around your schedule. The key is to get your heart rate up to burn calories and get your metabolism going.

3) Find Inspiration

Visit and talk to individuals that have already achieved success. You can learn a lot from people that have done what you are trying to do.

4) Keep an Eye on your Progress

Checking your progress is very important. You need to check your progress to see where you are doing good and also more importantly see what you need to improve on. You will only get better if you do this.

5) Keep Yourself Accountable

This is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your success when working on a New Years resolution. When you have an accountability partner to keep you accountable, you have someone to call you on your excuses and challenge you to do better.

An accountability partner will push you on days when you don’t want to work out. They will help you become a better person. A good kick in the rear from your accountability partner will definitely help you stay motivated. Having an accountability partner will help you get over the temptation to try to go on willpower. Doing that will get you in trouble, ten times out of ten.

If you are wanting to start the New Year healthier make a realistic New Years resolution. Use the tips mentioned to help keep your New Year’s resolutions and stay motivated. Get out and do what is necessary to meet your goals.

Motivation Series

I’m Killing Myself But Have Yet To See Results

If you have ever found out yourself mumbling or thinking this to yourself, you’re not alone. This is the main factor that most people surrender on their fat loss goals on their journey to get a lean and fit physique. A lack of results can throw an icy cold towel on even the most enthusiastic spirit.

Yet, there are 3 crucial questions that you require to inquire yourself before throwing in the cold, wet towel.


  • How long have I been at it?
  • Am I doing what I’m supposed to do correctly?
  • Did I give it my all?

These are the 3 most crucial questions that you directly MUST inquire yourself. Your respond to not seeing results lie within these 3 questions.

We live in a world where everybody wants results rapid. They expect to lose ten pounds in a week. They wish to see their abs after a month of sit-ups. They expect a month or two of going to the gym to result in them achieving a body that would make Stallone cry.


The answer is basic. fake advertising. Most often the people aren’t to blame. The fitness magazines, infomercials, weight loss vitamins and the myriad of weight loss products that hype their products and make declares so bold they idiot the majority into thinking that the process is rapid and easy.
It is NOT. Weight loss and a lean, toned body take time. The magazines and products can’t give two hoots about the average person. These are cash making companies with only one ambition – PROFITS!

The system is broken and serves to benefit no one but those pocketing the money. If you expect rapid results, you’re in for disappointment. You can’t get a beach body in 3 weeks if you look such as a beached whale. You can’t lose ten pounds in a week by swallowing a few thermo-genic fat burners down with a bottle of root beer.

The truth is that weight loss and fitness need sacrifice, patience, sweat equity and TIME. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Give yourself time. Assuming you lose 1 pound a week, it’ll take you 20 weeks to lose 20 pounds. That’s 5 months. NOT 5 days. Do you have what it takes to adhere it out for 5 months?

You do? Excellent. Then you will see results and your hard job will pay dividends.

Next up, you have to inquire yourself if you know what you’re doing. if your goal is to see your abs and do a thousand sit-ups a day but have a body fat percentage of 35%, all you’re doing is wearing out your floor. To see your abs, you require to bring your weight down to about 9% to 11% body fat. This is fitness know-how that is so vital to meeting your goals. Do you have the knowledge? If you don’t, no worries. The internet is full of information.

Do your exploration and do what requires to be completed. don’t come up with your own ideas and train based on guess work.

Lastly, how difficult are you working out? Most people mention that they are killing themselves, but barely train at 70% of their potential. Do you surrender the moment you pant a little? Do you train till your clothes are soaking with perspiration? Or do you call it a day after one drop of sweat rolls down your forehead?

The navy seals have a saying, “Nobody ever drowned in sweat”. be sure you give it your absolute. anything you may think, you can still do that small bit more. There is yet some fuel in the tank. Once you take off training like your life depended on it, the results will come rapid and furious. You will have a feeling of satisfaction and look forward to your next training session with determination, expectation and a bit of fear. That’s ok. It just signifies you’re training difficult.

To conclude, train difficult, train properly and most importantly, give your body time to adapt and change. It took you years to crawl then walk and on balance run. If you had given up early, you would still be crawling.

Have faith and patience. You will get there. Have no doubts about it. Ever.